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Militech Berserk Mk.5

Militech Berserk Mk.5

Militech Berserk Mk.5 cyberpunk 2077
Type Operating System
Subtype Berserk
Rarity Legendary/Iconic
  • Hold to activate Berserk. Berserk significantly boosts your strength and resilience.
  • It reduces weapon recoil by 15%, weapon sway by 15%, increases melee damage by 15%, and increases Armor and Resistances by 10%. Duration: 60 sec. Cooldown: 60 sec.
  • Defeating enemies restores 5% max Health when Berserk is active.
  • Gain 40% more Health when Berserk is active.
  • Increases max Stamina by 40% when Berserk is active.
Mod Slots 3
Mod Types Cyberware Mod
Required Attribute Body - 18
Price 35000

Militech Berserk Mk.5 is an Operating System found in Cyberpunk 2077. It is an implant that players can purchase and equip with the help of ripperdoc. The operating system provides unique game mechanics and various stat buffs.

Cyberware comes in different rarities which affect its stats

Militech Berserk Mk.5 - Overview

The only official Berserk implant from Militech available on the market, but an exceptionally fine one at that. Its genius lies in being nanopowered, making it highly suitable for regenerative purposes.

Militech Berserk Mk.5 - How to obtain

Clinic Rarity
Kraviz's Clinic Legendary

