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M-179E Achilles

M-179E Achilles

achilles cyberpunk 2077
Weapon Group Precision Rifle
Rarity Multiple
Type Tech - Can be charged to release a powerful shot.
Attacks per Second 10.34
Clip Size 12
Headshot Damage Multiplier 150%
Mod Slots 1-4
Mod Types Empty Scope Slot
Empty Mod Slot

M-179E Achilles is a Precision Rifle found in Cyberpunk 2077. They provide a balance of range, power, and capacity between sniper and assault rifles

M-179E Achilles - Overview

Your enemies never stood a chance.

M-179E Achilles - How to obtain

Purchase Weapon

The item may not be present every time. Leave the shop, wait one day, and then enter it again

Vendor Rarity
Gun Vendor (Corpo Plaza) Uncommon
Gun Vendor (Corpo Plaza) Legendary

Crafting Spec

The spec may not always appear. Leave the shop, wait one day, and then enter it again

Vendor Rarity
Gun Vendor (Corpo Plaza) Legendary

M-179E Achilles - Notes

This weapon has an iconic version Widow Maker which is one of the most powerful weapons in the game.
