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Heat Converter

Heat Converter

heat converter image cyberpunk 2077
Type Integumentary System Cyberware
Slot Integumentary System
Effect When affected by Burn, instead of receiving damage from it, you deal 10% more damage.
Required Attribute To equip the item you need Cool:
Epic - 14
Price per Tier Epic: 25000

Heat Converter is an Integumentary System Cyberware found in Cyberpunk 2077. It is an implant that players can purchase and equip with the help of ripperdoc. Integumentary System Cyberware can provide various stat bonuses and open up new gameplay options

Cyberware comes in different rarities which affect its stats

Heat Converter - Overview

A temperature regulation system for your body and cyberware.

Heat Converter - How to obtain

Clinic Rarity
Dr. Chrome Epic

