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Void's Hammer

Void's Hammer

void's hammer icon da2
Type Maul
Stats +6% critical chance
+5% attack speed
+3 physical damage across 2m
Damage 28 physical damage
(46 per second)
Runes 1
Requires Two-Handed
33 strength
Price 27 Gold 3 Silver
Location The Wounded Coast - Magnus's Wares
Act 2

Void's Hammer is a Maul found in Dragon Age 2. These items can be obtained through quests, found in chests, looted from enemies, etc. They provide bonus stats for the main character and some of the companions

Void's Hammer - How to obtain

The hammer can be purchased from Magnus's Wares at Wounded Coast. The price is 27 Gold 3 Silver

It is only available during Act 2

Void's Hammer - Notes

  • This is a very good option for a two-handed weapon in early Act 2.
