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Greatest Hits

Greatest Hits is a Sword found in Dragon Age: Inquisition. These items can be obtained through quests, found in chests, looted from monsters, etc. They provide bonus stats for the main character and some of the companions

Greatest Hits - How to obtain

Requires Trespasser DLC.

First, you will have to meet these requirements:

  • Finished Here Lies the Abyss - story quest where you attack Warden Fortress
  • Finished Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts - a story quest where you participate in a ball
  • Speak with Minstrel Maryden in the Tavern of Skyhold once the above quests are finished

Then an operation for the War Table should appear: Stop the Rumors. Completing it will rewarded with the sword

Greatest Hits - Notes

One of the most powerful weapons for a tank warrior. It enables casting party-wide defensive buffs:

  1. A Little Knight Music - adds bonus armor to your allies.
  2. Fast Beat - improves movement speed.
  3. Bolstering Ballad - improves elemental and spell resistance



What exactly is this "defensive buff" you get for getting a hit with the greatest hits sword? And is there a cooldown or a time limit to it's effect?

just included them. Overall its increased armor, better spell resistance or increased movement speed.