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Cowl of the Pure

Cowl of the Pure

cowl of the pure icon
Type Helmet
Rarity Unique
Stats +9 Magic
+9% Magic Defense
+9 Willpower
Item Level 26
Armor 47-48
Requires Dwarf, Elf, Human
Location Deep Roads - Bastion of the Pure

Cowl of the Pure is a Helmet found in Dragon Age: Inquisition. These items can be obtained through quests, found in chests, looted from monsters, etc. They provide bonus stats for the main character and some of the companions

Cowl of the Pure - How to obtain

The Descent DLC

You will need to get to Bastion of the Pure in the Deep Roads. This is the latter part of The Descent DLC once you get deeper into the dungeon.

To get it you will need to defeat Arcane Horror and loot the nearby chest

Cowl of the pure location
