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Thorn of the Dead Gods

Thorn of the Dead Gods is a Dagger found in Dragon Age: Origins. These items can be obtained through quests, found in chests, etc. They provide bonus stats for the main character and some companions

Thorn of the Dead Gods - How to obtain

The item has multiple Tiers. Due to this different tiers can be obtained in different locations:

  1. Tier 2 - is obtained in Lothering. Buy it in the Tavern from Barlin. The price is 2 Gold 41 Silver
  2. Tier 3 - they can be stolen from Lord Anwer Dace. You will encounter him in Aeducan Thaig and in Diamond Quarter
  3. Tier 6 - The Drifter's Cache. The cache appears in Caridin's Cross in the deep roads after you examine four rubble piles

Thorn of the Dead Gods - Notes

  • The weapon has distinct tiers that cannot be upgraded
  • Tier 2 - dagger is extremely good early in the game and with and has a low price.
