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Pushy is an unarmed weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. Read further to learn about the weapon - damage, requirements, and stats. We also include the variations and how to obtain it

Pushy - General Info

pushy fallout new vegas
Type Unarmed Weapon
Skill Unarmed 100
Strength Req. 2
Damage 60
DPS 88.4
AP Cost 28
Attack Rate 1.5
Effect Knockback effect on a successful hit
Weight 6
Value 4200
Form ID 00155E6D
Pushy is a unique version of the displacer glove. Instead of the usual silver plating, the forearm unit and knuckle plate emitter are dark gray, and the glove is a tan color instead of red


Pushy - Variations

  • Displacer Glove - the common variant

Pushy - Locations

Looted in Ruby Hill Mine from a dead Jackal Gang Member. You will find it in the second room close to the underground lake. The area is full of Lakelurks and could be difficult for lower levels. However, you can run past the creatures and pray

Pushy - Notes

  • Each hit creates a small black hole animation
  • Has a very good DPS before you can get to the DLC weapons
