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Two-Step Goodbye (GRA)

Two-Step Goodbye (GRA) is an unarmed weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. Read further to learn about the weapon - damage, requirements, and stats. We also include the variations and how to obtain it

Two-Step Goodbye (GRA) - General Info

Two-Step Goodbye fallout new vegas
Type Unarmed Weapon
Skill Unarmed 100
Strength Req. 9
Damage 70
DPS 76
AP Cost 28
Attack Rate 1.1
Effect Bonus Critical Chance, Reduced Critical Damage, Critical Kill = Boom!
Explodes on critical kill
Weight 6
Value 20000
Form ID xx000809
The Two-Step Goodbye is a unique variant of the ballistic fist, with only a single barrel mounted on the forearm. Sections of this ballistic fist are colored yellow, as opposed to the standard variant's monotone color scheme. An explosives warning symbol is printed on the side. 


Two-Step Goodbye (GRA) - Variations

  • Ballistic Fist - the common variant

Two-Step Goodbye (GRA) - Locations

Sold by Vendortron at Gun Runners

Two-Step Goodbye (GRA) - Notes

  • The hits knockback enemies a few feet
  • The explosion only happens on killed enemies and they start beeping
  • The explosion can also damage other NPCs so be careful when using it.
