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Fist of Rawr

Fist of Rawr is an unarmed weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. Read further to learn about the weapon - damage, requirements, and stats. We also include the variations and how to obtain it

Fist of Rawr - General Info

Fist of Rawr fallout new vegas
Type Unarmed Weapon
Skill Unarmed 100
Strength Req. 6
Damage 50
DPS 97.8
AP Cost 24
Attack Rate 2
Effect Bonus critical chance
Bonus critical damage
Bonus limb damage x2
Weight 10
Value 6200
Form ID xx00CA89
The Fist of Rawr is a unique craftable Unarmed weapon. It is the only deathclaw gauntlet available in the game. 


Fist of Rawr - Variations

With Wild Wasteland trait you will get Fist of the North Rawr instead. It has the same stats

Fist of Rawr - Crafting

Rawr's Talon - boss-type deathclaw that you encounter in the Loansome Road DLC close to the Boxwood Hotel Roof. You will have to find a cave behind an overflowing pipe and a pool

boxwood hotel roof fallout new vegas

  • Unarmed level 75
  • Workbench
  • Loansome Road DLC

Fist of Rawr - Locations

Obtain Rawr's Talon in the Divide on Loansome Road DLC and then use the workbench to craft it

Rawr's Talon - boss-type deathclaw that you encounter in the Loansome Road DLC close to the Boxwood Hotel Roof. You will have to find a cave behind an overflowing pipe and a pool

boxwood hotel roof fallout new vegas

Fist of Rawr - Notes

  • A very effective weapon choice for critical chance build
