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M-23 Katana

M-23 Katana

m23 katana me3
Type Shotgun
Fire Mode Semi-Automatic
Clip Size 5
Clip Reserve 15
Weight 57/100
Capacity 12/100
Fire Rate 5/100
Damage 50/100
Accuracy 8/100

M-23 Katana is a Shotgun in Mass Effect 3. These weapons are very effective at short range and deal high damage. Unfortunately, they have low accuracy.

M-23 Katana - Description

Manufactured by Ariake Technologies, the Katana is a common mercenary weapon, and is also popular on colonies with varren infestations. It's deadly at short range, but ineffective at long range.

M-23 Katana - Can be used by

  • Aria
  • James
  • Tali
  • Wrex

M-23 Katana - How to obtain

  • Automatically given at the start of the game for Vanguards, Soldiers, and Sentinels
  • Found on the Cerberus soldier during story mission Priority: Mars.

M-23 Katana - Notes

  • Has a large clip, however, it is held back by its slow rate of fire.
  • Another drawback is that it is heavier compared to other shotguns. This makes it problematic for power heavy classes
