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Meaty Hide - usage and where to find it


Meaty Hide is a material that is found in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR) game. These types of materials are acquired by doing quests, killing large and small monsters, or looting.

Meaty Hide - How to obtain

These are the sources and locations of where the material can be found:

Quest Reward

  • Hot Topic Hooligans (1★ Hub quest)

Monsters that drop and location

  • Zamite - carve their bodies for a chance of this material. You will find this small monster in Frost Islands (Low Rank)


Gathering Locations

Meaty Hide - Usage

Here is where this material can be used:

Weapon crafting

  • Great Bagpipe (x3)
  • Sharktooth Spear II (x3)

Armor crafting

  • Barioth Vambraces (x2)
  • Edel Roots (x2)
  • Goss Harag Mail (x2)
  • Lagombi Mail (x1)
  • Makluva Hood (x2)
  • Makluva Pants (x2)

Decoration Crafting
