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Mercenary's Grenade Rifle

Mercenary's Grenade Rifle is a projectile explosive in Fallout: New Vegas. Read further to learn about the weapon - damage, requirements, and stats. We also include the variations and how to obtain it

Mercenary's Grenade Rifle - General Info

mercenarys grenade rifle fallout new vegas
Type Projectile Explosives
Skill Explosives 0
Strength Req. 3
Damage 2 + 100 Explosive
DPS 218.6
AP Cost 35
Ammo type 40mm grenade
Ammo per shot 1
Clip Size 1
Weight 5.5
Value 300
Form ID 001735E4
Very similar to other 40mm grenade rifles in the Mojave Wasteland; the only differences are the darker tone of both the wood and metal, lighter weight, and no requirement of 25 in Explosives skill


Grenade rifle long barrel - Doubles projectile velocity and effective range. Can be purchased from Vendortron in Gun Runners

gun runners location fallout new vegas

Mercenary's Grenade Rifle - Variations

  • Grenade Rifle - common variant
  • Thump-Thump - unique variant
  • Great Bear Grenade Rifle - unique variant
  • Red Victory Grenade Rifle - unique variant

Mercenary's Grenade Rifle - Locations

Automatically received when starting the game with Mercenary Pack DLC.

Mercenary's Grenade Rifle - Notes

  • A very useful early weapon that allows one to take out some difficult enemies like rad scorpions
  • Does not require any explosive skill to use fully
