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Tigrex - Combat Info, Weakness, Drops and Details

Tigrex - Combat Info, Weakness, Drops and Details


Tigrex icon
Species Flying Wyverns
Elements (based on terrain)
mhr water iconWater
mhr ice iconIce
Ailments (based on terrain)
mhr stun iconStun
mhr water iconWaterblight
mhr ice iconIceblight
Resistances FireFire
mhr ice iconIce
Ailments Weakness Blast ⭐⭐
Thunderblight ⭐⭐
Water ⭐
Elemental weaknesses mhr thunder iconThunder ⭐⭐⭐
mhr dragon iconDragon ⭐⭐
Parts weaknesses Cut damage type icon - Head, Foreleg, Tail
mosnter hunter blunt icon - Head, Foreleg
Monster hunter ammo icon- Head
Threat ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Locations Sandy Plains
Frost Islands
Lava Caverns

Tigrex - a Large Monster that you will encounter in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR). These types of monsters are usually the main targets for hunt quests. They reward with crafting materials for armors and weapons.

This page is a detailed guide on Tigrex. It covers all the needed details to be prepared for the fight with it.

Tigrex - Characteristics

  • Quests: Thundering Voice, Beastly Chaos
  • Base HP: 4 500
  • Solo High Rank HP: 16 200

Tigrex - Combat Guide

Recommended equipment and loadout

  • Pitfall trap and Shock Trap
  • A weapon with a shield to easily hold out with guard
  • Elemental resistances as not mandatory as he only deals elemental ailments on specific terrains


  • Tigrex easily tires out due to constant attacks
  • His Roar before enraging also deals damage if you stand in front of it

Tigrex - Weaknesses

This section covers the monster's weaknesses. To better understand the details about weaknesses, hitzones, broken parts and ailments check out this guide.

Ailments vulnerabilities

This table explains what status effects the monster is weak to. Zero stars - monster is immune, three stars - monster is very weak to it.

Poison Sleep Paralysis Blast Stun
Exhaust Fireblight Waterblight Thunderblight Iceblight

Breakable parts

These are the parts that you can break from the monster resulting in weakening his attacks and dropping additional materials

  • Head
  • Claws

Physical hitzone values

This section explains what type of weapon you should use and what monster parts to attack to deal the most damage. The higher the value the weaker the part is to the respective weapon.

Monster Part Cut damage type icon mosnter hunter blunt icon Monster hunter ammo icon
Head 65 70 55
Foreleg 50 45 35
Abdomen 30 30 20
Back 25 25 20
Hind Leg 30 30 25
Tail Base 40 35 30
Tail 45 35 30

Elemental hitzone values

These are elemental hitzone values for different monster parts. The higher the value the weaker it is to the said element

Monster Part Fire icon water icon thunder icon Ice icon dragon icon
Head 0 10 25 5 15
Foreleg 0 15 20 10 5
Abdomen 10 10 15 5 15
back 0 5 15 5 15
Hind Leg 0 5 15 0 10
Tail Base 0 5 10 0 5
Tail 0 5 0 0 15

Tigrex - Carves and Rewards

To better understand how rewards for hunts, quests, and carves work in Monster Hunter Rise check this guide. It will explain in detail what each number and column says in the tables below

Low Rank

Check the table below for the percentage chance of rewards and items that can be obtained from Tigrex Low Rank variation.

Material Target Rewards Capture Rewards Broken Part Rewards Carves Dropped Materials
Tigrex Shell 15% 37% 28% - Head 20% - Body 30%
Tigrex Scale 33% 18% 20% - Claw 45% - Body, 20% - Tail 40%(x1), 50%(x1)
Tigrex Claw 21% - 80%(x2) - Claw 32% - Body 10%(x1), 20%(x1)
Tigrex Fang 17% 28% 60%(x2) - Head - -
Tigrex Tail 9% 12% - 80% - Tail -
Tigrex Scalp 5% 5% 12% - Head 3% - Body -
Wyvern Tear - - - - 50%

High Rank

Check the table below for the percentage chance of rewards and items that can be obtained from the Tigrex High Rank variation. 

Material Target Rewards Capture Rewards Broken Part Rewards Carves Dropped Materials
Tigrex Carapace 15% 34% 17% - Head 18% - Body 30%
Tigrex Scale+ 32% 16%(x2) 20% - Claw 42% - Part 39%(x1), 50%(x1)
Tigrex Claw+ 21% - 80%(x2) (Claw) 30% - Body 10%(x1), 20%(x1)
Tigrex Fang+ 17% 27% 60%(x2) - Head - -
Tigrex Scalp 8% 8% 15% - Head 7% - Body -
Tigrex Maw 4% 5% 8% - Head 3% -
Wyvern Gem 3% - - 5% - Tail 1%
Tigrex Tail - 10% - 80% - Tail -
Wyvern Tear - - - - 10%
Large Wyvern Tear - - - - 40%

Tigrex - Craftable Gear

A list of weapons and armor that are related to Large Monster Tigrex


  • Barbaroi Blade II
  • Tiger Jawblade I
  • Tiger Jawblade II
  • Tigrex Great Sword
  • Tigrine Edge I 
  • Tigrine Edge II 
  • Rex Talon I
  • Rex Talon II 
  • Rex Slicers I 
  • Rex Slicers II
  • Tiger Stinger I 
  • Tiger Stinger II 


  •  Tigrex Helm 
  •  Tigrex Mail 
  •  Tigrex Braces 
  •  Tigrex Coil 
  •  Tigrex Greaves 
  •  Tigrex Helm S
  •  Tigrex Mail S
  •  Tigrex Braces S
  •  Tigrex Coil S
  •  Tigrex Greaves S
