Fastest way to level Breach Protocol - Cyberpunk 2077

By zanuffas
Last updated:

With Cyberpunk 2077 update 1.2, Breach Protocol leveling has been nerfed. previously you were able to get XP by activating "Distract Enemies" on vending machines. However, currently, this does not work.

However, there are still ways how you can maximize earned XP for Breach Protocol

Breach Protocol Mini game

The main way to level Breach Protocol is to play the mini-game fair and square:

breach protocol mini game

The idea is that you try to make a sequence of numbers to match the Daemon requirements. In this case, it is Icepick Daemon.

Ways to increase XP gained

Here are ways that allow you to get a little bit more XP for leveling Breach Protocol

Get additional Daemons

If you get more Daemons, each one activated in the sequence will allow you to get larger amounts of XP. For example, in this situation, I was activating Breach Protocol on a camera:

I have Camera Shutdown and Mass Vulnerability unlocked. So in this case, if I correctly activate the sequence for all Daemons I will triple my XP gained.

Always use Breach Protocol

Due to how Breach Protol levels you will need to play the mini game. Due to this reason, activate Breach Protocol on every encounter that you have with an enemy: mission, thugs on a street, NCPD request, cameras, etc.

This way you will not lose on any XP and fights will become easier.

Datamine Access Points

These points have a small red icon on your minimap. There are two main types of them:

Small access points

Large access points

They look like antennas and usually are on the roofs.

These access points not only provide Breac Protocol XP but also credits and components for quickhacks crafting

Cyberdeck Buffer Size

As you can see activating two or more Daemons at the same time can be challenging. Due to this, I recommend getting a Cyberdeck with a large Buffer Size. For example, here is Stephenson Epic Cyberdeck:

Stephenson Mk 3

As you can see it provides 7 slots for activating the buffers. With 7 chances I can easily activate 3 Daemons even if I miss one.

Get perks that boost Breach Protocols

Here is a list of perks that I recommend getting. First Daemons:

  • Big Sleep - first Daemon that you can get to disable cameras
  • Turret Shutdown - allows disabling turrets in the network
  • Mass Vulnerability - enables activating Mass Vulnerability daemon
  • Turret Tamer Daemon - turrets will become friendly for a period of time

And here are the ones that make the mini-game easier:

  • Compression - reduces the length of sequences for Breach Protocol
  • Almost In! - increases breach time for Breach Protocols.
  • Head Start - The first Daemon will be uploaded by default. I recommend this perk because you will always get at least some XP for Breach Protocol


Post author zanuffas avatarzanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!