Best DAO modlist

Best DAO modlist - Dragon Age: Origins (DAO)

By zanuffas
Last updated:

This post will cover the best mods for Dragon Age Origins. They are an important aspect of almost any game. Why would you use them?

  • They fix multiple bugs that may be left by developers
  • They enrich the game world with minor environmental changes
  • They add a breath of fresh air to the game if you play it multiple times
  • It adds quality of life improvements, where you can save lots of time

Dragon Age Origins - Core Mods

These are the mods that I recommend even for those who are playing for the first time. This addresses a lot of bugs, and inconsistencies and improves the game, without impacting the feel of it.

4GB Patch

This is the most important fix out of all to make the game enjoyable on modern hardware. Sadly without it, there will be constant crashes and other problems

Download the 4 GB patch

Dain's Fixes

One of the top priority mods, that fixes a lot of irrational bugs - slower attack speed with too high an attack speed boost, enemies buffing you, no damage reduction for strong buffs, etc. So here is what I activate:

  1. Everything from Core and Bug Fixes. These will make things work according to the description and most importantly address attack speed bugs, which are outright silly.
  2. For Quality of Life, I included some and removed others. One thing to note Lock bash will not work well with Autoloot, so I would choose one or another.

quality of life mods dain fixes dao

Download the Dain's Fixes

Lock Bash

If you did not pick Auto Loot from Dain's Fixes, I would recommend this one, especially if you do not have a Rogue as the starting character. You could risk running it with Auto Loot, but there might be problems with quest items or other stuff. Here is what the notes say:

fully compatible if you don't install autoloot containers or party skill lockpick QOLs (or the extra counterpart)

Download the Lock Bash Mod

FTG Quickbar and FTG UI Mods

These are two mods that I urge to use on modern screens QHD and UHD. These increase the size of menus making them much easier to read and reducing strain on the eyes:

Qwinn's Ultimate DAO Fixpack

This mod is separate from Dain's Fixes. The latter addresses skills and actions. Qwinn addresses various script dialogues, codex entries, etc. This in turn makes questing have fewer bugs.

Download the Qwinn's Ultimate DAO Fixpack

DLC in Awakening and Awakening Fixes

Some fixes to address the items moved into Awakening if you plan on playing the expansion.

Download the DLC in Awakening and Awakening Fixes 

Dragon Age origins - other mods

  1. Universal Dye Kit - allows to dye armor colors. This is a perfect mod to bring fresh air to the old armors that you may have seen many times.
  2. Forced Deathblows - This mod adds some spice to the combat by often providing death kills. I use the Lieutenant file. It does a slower combat pace in some cases, so if the animations are too much just disable it.
  3. Skip the Fade - this is an amazing mod. I do not enjoy this part of the game. Thanks to this mod you skip the tedious part of the game. Moreover, you get all the attribute points.
  4. Madd Gift Guide - I recommend this mod for a second playthrough. This highlights for which companion the gift is intended. When playing the first time it is fun to test and guess the perfect fit.
  5. No Helmet Hack - this mod is for those who would like to see the Grey Warden's hair instead of a helmet.
  6. Theta HD - some textures, to create some new looks.

  7. White Teeth - this mod fixes a particular problem. That is bloody teeth after fights. This looks unnatural and for some people irritating. I recommend trying it out.
  8. Improved Atmosphere - This one is tricky, I followed the manual to install only those parts that add new animations, companion dialog changes, scripts, and conversation improvements.

  9. Alley of Murders - give this one a shot. It gives some new side quest content. To start the mod you need to enter Denerim Market District or reenter it if you are already there

I would like to hear what is your suggested modlist for DAO, or what I could add to improve the game



Post author zanuffas avatar zanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!