Squad builds

Squad builds - Mass Effect: Andromeda (MEA)

By zanuffas
Last updated:

In this post, I would like to cover how you should build your squad companions in Mass Effect Andromeda. Generally, there are no builds per see as you can maximize their skills by reaching a high enough level. However, you can still prioritize certain skills to utilize them the best

General Considerations for Companions

  • You cannot change their gear
  • Companions will not replace a good Ryder build
  • I do not prioritize detonator abilities, as I like to usually control this with Ryder's skills
  • As the game progresses, the companions become more of the aggro targets or combo primer sources, not damage dealers
  • I prioritize abilities that stun, knock down, or disable enemies.
  • I avoid upgrades that activate after the companion kills an enemy because mostly you will be doing the killing. Their damage is lowered compared to Ryder's
  • I prioritize upgrades that give max shields and hp rather than regeneration speed

Cora - human biotic

One of the first companions you get in the game. She is extremely versatile and probably the best companion that you can use throughout the game. She comes with a wide array of abilities and can even restore Ryder's HP beyond 50%

cora skills mass effect andromeda

Order Skill Description
1 charge mass effect andromedaCharge Lv 3 We first obtain active abilities as this will allow the companion to have a wide arsenal of options when in combat.
2 nova mass effect andromedaNova Lv 3
3 shield boost mass effect andromedaShield Boost Lv 3
4 asari commando mass effect andromedaAsari Commando Lv 3
5 defensive training mass effect andromedaDefensive Training Lv 3

Now, as we obtained the abilities, we can start maximizing them

Level 6 of abilities are unlocked after you do the loyalty mission. If you now have done it yet, leave the skill at level 5 and come back to it later
Order Skill Description
6 shield boost mass effect andromedaShield Boost Lv 6 Get Radius, Extended Duration, and Regeneration upgrades.
7 charge mass effect andromedaCharge Lv 6 Get Damage & Force, Weapons & Melee, and Bastion upgrades.
8 asari commando mass effect andromedaAsari Commando Lv 6 Get Devastating Melee, Weapon Training, and Cryo Ammo upgrades.
9 nova mass effect andromedaNova Lv 6 Get Damage & Force, Anti-Shield, and Seisimic Nova upgrades.
10 defensive training mass effect andromedaDefensive Training Lv 6 Get Physical Training, Hold the Line, and Barrier Projetion upgrades.

Drack - krogan Warrior

A Krogan warrior that is extremely effective at melee range and is the most sturdy companion. I personally think he is the most effective when close to the enemies and has high survivability. This way he can take a lot of damage and draw away the enemies.

drack skills mass effect andromeda

Order Skill Description
1 blood rage mass effect andromedaBlood Rage Lv 3 We first obtain active abilities as this will allow the companion to have a wide arsenal of options when in combat.

Blood Rage is very valuable as it improves Drack's melee combat capabilities. Incinerate allows priming enemies for Fire Combo.
2 incinerate mass effect andromedaIncinerate Lv 3
3 flak cannon mass effect andromedaFlak Cannon Lv 3
4 grizzled veteran mass effect andromedaGrizzled Veteran Lv 3
5 krogan warrior mass effect andromedaKrogan Warrior Lv 3

Now, as we obtained the abilities, we can start maximizing them

Level 6 of abilities are unlocked after you do the loyalty mission. If you now have done it yet, leave the skill at level 5 and come back to it later
Order Skill Description
6 incinerate mass effect andromedaIncinerate Lv 6 Get Impact, Anti-Armor, and Double Incinerate upgrades.
7 krogan warrior mass effect andromedaKrogan Warrior Lv 6 Get Tempered, Engineer, and Incendiary Ammo upgrades.
8 blood rage mass effect andromedaBlood Rage Lv 6 Get Regeneration, Brutality, and Triggered Rage upgrades.
9 grizzled veteran mass effect andromedaGrizzled Veteran Lv 6 Get Endurance, Damage Reduction, and Defiance upgrades.
10 flak cannon mass effect andromedaFlak Cannon Lv 6 Get Damage & Force, Stunning, and Heavy Flak upgrades.

Liam - human infiltrator

He is a former police officer that has joined Andromeda Initiative. His skills allow him to be effective at both long-range and melee combat. He has two abilities that can stun enemies - Havoc Strike and Overload, the latter can also prime enemies for Tech combos (albeit this happens for a few seconds)

liam skills mass effect andromeda

Order Skill Description
1 havoc strike mass effect andromedaHavoc Strike Lv 3 We first obtain active abilities as this will allow the companion to have a wide arsenal of options when in combat.
2 overload mass effect andromedaOverload Lv 3
3 Frage Grenade Lv 3
4 military training mass effect andromedaMilitary Training Lv 3
5 defense mass effect andromedaDefense Lv 3

Now, as we obtained the abilities, we can start maximizing them

Level 6 of abilities are unlocked after you do the loyalty mission. If you now have done it yet, leave the skill at level 5 and come back to it later
Order Skill Description
6 overload mass effect andromedaOverload Lv 6 Get Recharge Speed, Anti-Shield, and Neural Shock upgrades.
7 havoc strike mass effect andromedaHavoc Strike Lv 6 Get Radius, Weapon & Melee Synergy, and Stunning Strike upgrades.
8 Frage Grenade Lv 6 Get Damage, Concussion, and Anti-Shield upgrades.
9 military training mass effect andromedaMilitary Training Lv 6 Get Piercing Strike, Anti-Shield, and Weapon Focus upgrades.
10 defense mass effect andromedaDefense Lv 6 Get Durability, Defensive Positioning, and Momentum upgrades.

Jaal - Angaran Infiltrator

He joins your group once you find Aya planet, to follow your actions for the Resistance. He has skills that allow him to get behind enemies and deal large damage. Moreover, he can restore his shields and prime nemesis for Tech combos.

jaal skills mass effect andromeda

Order Skill Description
1 energy drain mass effect andromedaEnergy Drain Lv 3 We first obtain active abilities as this will allow the companion to have a wide arsenal of options when in combat.
2 sticky grenade mass effect andromedaSticky Grenade Lv 3
3 avenger strike mass effect andromedaAvenger Strike Lv 3
4 rebel soldier mass effect andromedaRebel Soldier Lv 3
5 resilience mass effect andromedaResilience Lv 3

Now, as we obtained the abilities, we can start maximizing them

Level 6 of abilities are unlocked after you do the loyalty mission. If you now have done it yet, leave the skill at level 5 and come back to it later
Order Skill Description
6 avenger strike mass effect andromedaAvenger Strike Lv 6 Get Recharge Speed, Damage, and Disrupting Strike upgrades.
7 energy drain mass effect andromedaEnergy Drain Lv 6 Get Recharge Speed, Persistent Drain, and Damage upgrades.
8 sticky grenade mass effect andromedaSticky Grenade Lv 6 Get Damage, Concussion, and Anti-Shield upgrades.
9 rebel soldier mass effect andromedaRebel Soldier Lv 6 Get Shredding Rounds, Precision, and Destabilization upgrades.
10 resilience mass effect andromedaResilience Lv 6 Get Strong Defense, Deflection, and Obscuration upgrades.

Peebee - Asari Biotic

She is a young Asari (100 years old) who is trying to unravel the Remnant secrets. Her abilities make her proficient with Biotic skills and allow her to prime biotic combos.

peebee skills mass effect andromeda

Order Skill Description
1 pull mass effect andromedaPull Lv 3 We first obtain active abilities as this will allow the companion to have a wide arsenal of options when in combat.
2 shockwave mass effect andromedaShockwave Lv 3
3 invasion mass effect andromedaInvasion Lv 3
4 duelist mass effect andromedaDuelist Lv 3
5 survivalist mass effect andromedaSurvivalist Lv 3

Now, as we obtained the abilities, we can start maximizing them

Level 6 of abilities are unlocked after you do the loyalty mission. If you now have done it yet, leave the skill at level 5 and come back to it later
Order Skill Description
6 pull mass effect andromedaPull Lv 6 Get Duration, Expose, and Anti-Shields upgrades.
7 shockwave mass effect andromedaShockwave Lv 6 Get Damage & Force, Recharge Speed, and Lifting Shockwave upgrades.
8 invasion mass effect andromedaInvasion Lv 6 Get Outbreak, Weaken, and Virulence upgrades.
9 duelist mass effect andromedaDuelist Lv 6 Get Efficiency, Advanced Amplitude, and Biotic Synergy upgrades.
10 survivalist mass effect andromedaSurvivalist Lv 6 Get Resilience, Barrier Detonation, and Advanced Resilience upgrades.

Vetra - soldier sentinel

She is a Turian broker that would make various cargo deals with various groups in Nexus. She has good soldier-like skills, making her an effective weapon user. Unfortunately, she can only prime enemies with level 6 Turian Smuggler skill for Tech combos. It becomes available once you do her loyalty mission.

Vetra skills mass effect andromeda

Order Skill Description
1 concussive shot mass effect andromedaConcussive Shot Lv 3 We first obtain active abilities as this will allow the companion to have a wide arsenal of options when in combat.
2 turbocharge mass effect andromedaTurbocharge Lv 3
3 power armor mass effect andromedaPower Armor Lv 3
4 turian smuggler mass effect andromedaTurian Smuggler Lv 3
5 defensive expert mass effect andromedaDefensive Expert Lv 3

Now, as we obtained the abilities, we can start maximizing them

Level 6 of abilities are unlocked after you do the loyalty mission. If you now have done it yet, leave the skill at level 5 and come back to it later
Order Skill Description
6 concussive shot mass effect andromedaConcussive Shot Lv 6 Get Damage & Force, Target-Marking, and Anti-Shield upgrades.
7 turian smuggler mass effect andromedaTurian Smuggler Lv 6 Get Efficiency, Advanced Weapon Training, and Disruptor Ammo upgrades.
8 turbocharge mass effect andromedaTurbocharge Lv 6 Get Duration, Damage & Force, and Supercharge upgrades.
9 power armor mass effect andromedaPower Armor Lv 6 Get Hardened Shields, Reinforced Shields, and Turbo Armor upgrades.
10 defensive expert mass effect andromedaDefensive Expert Lv 6 Get Defensive Systems, Defensive Positioning, and Emergency Power upgrades.


If you have read this much, I will be honest about the Mass Effect Andromeda Squad builds. Overall, I used whatever companion I felt like using for most of the game. They do not change much, and all the builds I recommend are mostly self-sufficient on Insanity.

Of course, early in the game, they are invaluable, but as you reach level 25+, their importance goes down.


Post author zanuffas avatar zanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!