Insect Glaive build if you haven't beaten Fatalis

Insect Glaive build if you haven't beaten Fatalis - Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

By zanuffas
Last updated:

I would like to share two Insect Glaive builds created by Vandelous (his discord: Vandelous#3141). They are aimed specifically for Fatalis and should help you immensely in the fight

The first one is concentrated more for support:

Anti Fatalis Insect Glaive support build

At the start of the hunt put on the Ghilie Mantle to get on the canons and fill them with cannon balls. The maintenance Jewels will allow the mantle to reset faster. When the cannons are ready put on Rocksteady and fire them away. Rinse and repeat this during the fight.

After you manage to proc Paralysis on Fatalis, you should move to the next build. Moreover, you should get 1 mount by using Jumping Slash. Do not forget to take a farcaster.

Ant Fatalis Insect Glaive build

After changing to this build, your aim should be maximising your DPS and if possible getting an additional mounting

Hope this will help you in taking out Fatalis!


Post author zanuffas avatar zanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!