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Amulet of Branding
Amulet of Branding

Brand the WeakLevel 1 Transmutation Spell

Location - Amulet of Branding
It is looted from A'jak'nir Jeera in Creche Y'llek, Rosymon Monastery. This area is the last part of Act 1. You will need to go to Rosymorn Monastery Trail and reach the Creche through there.
You will have to kill Githyanki Vendor - A'jak'nir Jeera. She will be found in the Warehouse part of the Monastery.
Brand the Weak is a level 1 transmutation spell. This spell imposes vulnerability on an enemy to Bludgeoning, Slashing, or Piercing damage.
Expose the weak points of an enemy. They become Vulnerable to Bludgeoning, Slashing, or Piercing damage.
This effect lasts 3 turns, or until the target takes damage.