Radiating Armored Monk - Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)
5 Cleric/1 Storm Sorcerer/6 Monk - Spirit Guardians, Monk Flurries, Radiant Damage, Tempestuous Flight, Debuffs

Builds, Guides, News and other related information regarding - Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)
5 Cleric/1 Storm Sorcerer/6 Monk - Spirit Guardians, Monk Flurries, Radiant Damage, Tempestuous Flight, Debuffs
6 Trickery Cleric/6 Shadow Monk - Shadowheart lore-friendly build that uses Trickery Domain and recreates a Shar's Dark Justiciar
12 Shadow Monk - stack Psychic damage with Resonance stone for ultimate psychic killer
9 Shadow Monk/3 Thief - the invisibility master, able to glide on the field and use both fists and weapons depending on the combat situation.
9 Monk/3 Thief - a Monk build able to control various elements using Ki energy.
9 Monk/3 Thief - one of the strongest martial builds in the game, able to consistently deal large amounts of damage and stun foes.