Thundersnow Herald - Druid Build - Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)
9 Land Druid/3 Tempest Cleric - druid build able to control cold and lightning elements for maximum damage.

Builds, Guides, News and other related information regarding - Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)
9 Land Druid/3 Tempest Cleric - druid build able to control cold and lightning elements for maximum damage.
1 Sorcerer/11 Spore Druid - use The Symbiotic Entity and an army of summons to control the battlefield.
10 Moon Druid/1 Fighter/1 War Cleric - access to the ultimate wild shaper able to transform into animals like Owlbear and elementals.
11 Land Druid/1 Sorcerer - the ultimate Druid controller, can access various Control and offensive spells, summons, and wild shape forms