Thundersnow Herald - Druid Build

Thundersnow Herald - Druid Build - Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

By zanuffas
Last updated:
The Druid build for Baldur's Gate 3 - Thundersnow Herald. You are a Druid who uses your Lightning and Cold spells to create a rare sight - Thundersnow. This nature's weather is a rare sight that you will be able to manipulate with your fingers.

Druid Build - Thundersnow Herald

The idea of this build is to embrace the Lightning spells that Druid gets - Call Lightning icon action bg3Call Lightning​ and Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt. This allows you to create a caster that with Cleric multiclass can deal large amounts of damage. Moreover, as a Druid, you have plenty of control spells if the situation requires.

So what is the story here? The idea is that as a Land Druid, you find joy in using nature's gifts - lightning, and cold, which seem to regulate the world order with Blizzard and Thunderstorms. However, with looming dangers, you decide that you need to expand your horizons.

You learn that taking a Cleric's mantle and worshipping Talos, will give you that power that you need. Now you can protect the balance of nature and have the required power in your hands. Becoming a Tempest Cleric gives you Destructive Wrath icon passive feature bg3Destructive Wrath, allowing you to use the inner Cleric power to unleash all destroying Lightning spells.

As you increase your knowledge and obtain better gear, you will also fully learn to control Cold magic and spells like Ice Storm icon action bg3Ice Storm​ or Cone of Cold icon action bg3Cone of Cold​ will cover whole areas in chilling freeze. The end goal is to be able to create a special thunderstorm - Thundersnow, a rare sight seen in nature, where Lightning and Snow intertwine.

The build idea is from Jevin the Paladin, Druid multiclass guide -

Class Contribution

The build gets access to 2 feats, which can be limiting. However, generally, this should be enough, especially if you will have another full caster in the group. Here is what each class bring to the table:

9-10 Level Land Druid

You can go either 9 or 10 Druid depending on your needs. The main difference is that level 10 gives Improved Wild Strike icon passive feature bg3Improved Wild Strike​ and Nature's Ward icon passive feature bg3Nature's Ward, which can be situationally useful, but otherwise are not relevant for the build.

  • Control spells - Druid comes with plenty of control spells - Sleet Storm icon action bg3Sleet Storm, Plant Growth icon action bg3Plant Growth, Confusion icon action bg3Confusion, Web icon action bg3Web, etc. These are excellent options to be used to weaken foes and unlock the full potential of the party for Advantage on attack rolls.
  • Summons like Conjure Woodland Being icon action bg3Conjure Woodland Being, offer additional free Spike Growth icon action bg3Spike Growth, that damages enemies and slows them down. You can also get Conjure Elemental icon action bg3Conjure Elemental, which unlocks Water Myrmidon - the most powerful option for Lightning spell casters.
  • Wild Shape icon action bg3Wild Shape​ - the iconic action of Druids allowing them to change into different animals. This is useful in the early to mid-game but loses its value as you become a full spell caster.
  • The main highlights are spells - Call Lightning icon action bg3Call Lightning​ and Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt, which will be your bread and butter as damage-dealing spells. Later you will also unlock Ice Storm icon action bg3Ice Storm​ and Cone of Cold icon action bg3Cone of Cold, to cover areas in Ice.
  • Gives Create Water icon action bg3Create Water, that can be used together with Lightning spells for double damage.

2-3 Level Tempest Cleric

Feel free to choose whether you need 2 levels or 3 if you require access to level 2 spells. I will go with 3 levels.

  • The main highlight is Tempest Cleric's Destructive Wrath icon passive feature bg3Destructive Wrath​ passive, allowing you to maximize the lightning damage of your spells. This is what will make you a destructive menace with Call Lightning icon action bg3Call Lightning​ and Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt.
  • Access to various useful spells - Command icon action bg3Command, Sanctuary icon action bg3Sanctuary, etc. Moreover, if you decide to go with 3 Clerics, you will also obtain a Spiritual Weapon icon action bg3Spiritual Weapon, Warding Bond icon action bg3Warding Bond, etc.
  • Wrath of the Storm icon passive feature bg3Wrath of the Storm​ is an excellent way to weaponize your reactions, especially if enemies are wet for double damage.

Leveling Overview

Here is a concise table with all the main picks during your leveling progression. For more detailed reasoning, I go further in the article. Also, do not forget to check the recommended gear as it is crucial.

Level Class Selection
1 Druid 1 STR - 8, DEX - 16, CON - 15, INT - 8, WIS - 17, CHA - 8
Skills: Perception, Medicine
Cantrips: Shillelagh icon action bg3Shillelagh, Guidance icon action bg3Guidance​ or Resistance icon action bg3Resistance
Recommended Prepared Spells: Healing Word icon action bg3Healing Word, Create or Destroy Water icon action bg3Create or Destroy Water, Ice Knife icon action bg3Ice Knife, Faerie Fire icon action bg3Faerie Fire.
2 Druid 2 Subclass: Circle of the Land
Cantrips: Produce Flame icon action bg3Produce Flame
3 Druid 3 Circle of Land: Underdark icon passive feature bg3Underdark
Recommended Prepared Spells: Moonbeam icon action bg3Moonbeam, Spike Growth icon action bg3Spike Growth, Heat Metal icon action bg3Heat Metal, Enhance Ability icon action bg3Enhance Ability.
Scribe Spells: Cloud of Daggers icon action bg3Cloud of Daggers
4 Druid 4 Cantrips: Thorn Whip icon action bg3Thorn Whip
Feat: Ability Improvement +2 Wisdom or +1 Wisdom and +1 Constitution
5 Druid 5
Circle of Land: Mountain icon passive feature bg3Mountain
Recommended Prepared Spells: Sleet Storm icon action bg3Sleet Storm, Call Lightning icon action bg3Call Lightning, Plant Growth icon action bg3Plant Growth
6 Cleric 1 Cantrips: Sacred Flame icon action bg3Sacred Flame, Light icon action bg3Light, Thaumaturgy icon action bg3Thaumaturgy
Subclass: Tempest Domain
Deity: Talos
Prepare Spells: Shield of Faith icon action bg3Shield of Faith, Command icon action bg3Command​, Sanctuary icon action bg3Sanctuary
7 Cleric 2 -
8 Druid 6 -
9 Druid 7 Circle of Land: Underdark icon passive feature bg3Underdark​​
Recommended Prepared Spells: Conjure Woodland Being icon action bg3Conjure Woodland Being, Grasping Vine icon action bg3Grasping Vine, Confusion icon action bg3Confusion, Ice Storm icon action bg3Ice Storm
10 Druid 8 Feat: Dual Wielder icon passive feature bg3Dual Wielder, Alert icon passive feature bg3Alert​ or Ability Improvement +2 Wisdom
11 Druid 9 Circle of Land: Arctic icon passive feature bg3Arctic
Recommended Prepared Spells: Conjure Elemental icon action bg3Conjure Elemental, Insect Plague icon action bg3Insect Plague.
12 Cleric 3 Prepare Spells: Aid icon action bg3Aid, Warding Bond icon action bg3Warding Bond​, Spiritual Weapon icon action bg3Spiritual Weapon

Starting the Game - Level 1

This section covers the creation screen and what would go into the best Races, Abilities, and Skills for the Druid build. Some of these choices are impactful as you cannot respec them.


Picking a race provides various benefits - abilities, dialogue options, looks, etc. Also, keep in mind whether your picked race has Shield proficiency as this can improve survivability, especially in the early game.

If you are having difficulties making a choice, pick whatever you prefer in terms of looks or roleplay. "The perfect race pick" is important if you are into extreme min-maxing.
Race Features Description
halfling bg3Halfling One of the best races for casters giving dice rerolls and reducing chances of spell concentration failing.
gnome bg3Gnome
  • Gnome Cunning icon passive feature bg3Gnome Cunning
Gives advantages to spellcasting abilities, making you resistant to the most deadly control spells.
elf bg3High Elf
  • Elven Weapon Training icon passive feature bg3Elven Weapon Training
  • Darkvision icon passive feature bg3Darkvision
  • Fey Ancestry icon passive feature bg3Fey Ancestry
Access to bonus cantrip, Friends icon action bg3Friends​ can be useful if you are the main character.
drow bg3Drow
  • Drow Weapon Training icon passive feature bg3Drow Weapon Training
  • Superior Darkvision icon passive feature bg3Superior Darkvision
  • Fey Ancestry icon passive feature bg3Fey Ancestry
Gives access to Hand Corssbows, which can be used to weaponize your bonus action for a little additional damage.


druid bg3Druid
Druids channel the elemental forces of nature and share a deep kinship with animals. Mastery of Wild Shape allows them to transform into beasts from all over the Realms.
ico_mini_spellSlot Baldur's Gate 3Spell Slots These can be used to cast spells and are restored each long rest.


You can choose two options for the 1st level. You will be able to pick more later on.

Cantrip Description
Guidance icon action bg3Guidance Pick this if you do not have a cleric in the group. This is the most useful cantrip in the game that helps with almost all ability roll checks.
Shillelagh icon action bg3Shillelagh It is a good early-game damage cantrip, but it requires you to enter melee range.
Resistance icon action bg3Resistance It can be used in a situation where you do not have a way to effectively attack. Use this to buff yourself or a party member. Be careful as it will cancel any other spell concentration.

Prepare Spells

I will cover my recommended prepared spells to include for each Spell level. Pick the ones that are interesting or fit your playstyle.

Spell Description
Healing Word icon action bg3Healing Word Excellent spell for the early game, where you might need an instant recovery of an ally. However, it loses value on Druid as you progress.
Create or Destroy Water icon action bg3Create or Destroy Water One of the S-Tier spells, that is good to have in your arsenal. You can use it to weaken enemies for Ice and Lightning spells.
Ice Knife icon action bg3Ice Knife Excellent spell early in the game, that can deal decent damage and apply Ice surfaces for enemies to slip.
Faerie Fire icon action bg3Faerie Fire Excellent early game spell, where getting Advantage for your party members might be difficult. Use this to improve their hit chances. In the mid-game, I would remove this.
Longstrider icon action bg3Longstrider If you do not have another buffer in the group, having this spell is a great way to improve your and allies' movement speed.


Backgrounds are mostly for role-playing and you can pick whatever you prefer. If you want to optimize, then it would be good to pick backgrounds that are based on your ability points of Wisdom.

Background Skills Description
Guild Artisan Insight
A great choice, especially as you also get persuasion for better dialogue outcomes.
Folk Hero Animal Handling
Useful choice, that gives two wisdom-related skill proficiencies.
Acolyte Insight
A somewhat mixed bag. Insight is good, for some game situations, but religion is not related to many impactful things.


Now let's take a look at the abilities of the Thundersnow Druid build. Correct allocation will allow you to maximize the early gameplay and get good modifier bonuses.

Ability Value Description
strengthStrength 8 Not relevant for the build.
dexterityproficient_ability Baldur's Gate 3Dexterity 16 (15+1) Very important ability. It will give a higher Armour Class and improve initiative, allowing you to go earlier in combat.
constitution bg3Constitution 15 If you get Hag's Hair, then I would set this at 14, as you will use the Ability Improvement feat for +2 Wisdom. However, without it, you can then allocate +1 to Wisdom and +1 to Con.
intelligenceIntelligence 8 Least important stat for the build.
wisdomWisdom 17 (15+2) The main spellcasting ability of Druid, which will determine spell success.
charismaCharisma 8 If you will leave Constitution at 14, put the 2 points here. Otherwise, leave it at 8.

Skills and Expertise

Overall, the skills should be impacted by your roleplaying and background decisions. However, you would still want those that will give you the best benefits. My recommendations are to pick those at which you have a high ability modifier and these are Wisdom-related.

  • Perception
  • Insight
  • Medicine
  • Survival
  • Animal Handling

Leveling Progression - Levels 2-12

Here is the detailed progression for the Lightning Druid to get you started. You can use it as a guideline because early games can be daunting and overwhelming. Later on, once you get a feel for the class you can start picking your options

It will take a few levels before you can start using those powerful Lightning spells that I mentioned.

Level 2

This is where you will have left the tutorial area, and will start exploring the world. 


Now you are ready to pick the subclass. As you can expect:

circle of the land bg3Circle of the Land
wild shape charge bg3Wild Shape Charge Allows transforming into a beast using Wild Shape icon action bg3Wild Shape.
Wild Shape icon action bg3Wild Shape Take the form of an animal. As you progress to higher levels, new options are unlocked.
Natural Recovery icon action bg3Natural Recovery Excellent way to restore spell slots, to extend the combat capabilities for the next encounter.


Spell Description
Produce Flame icon action bg3Produce Flame Excellent cantrip can be used to deal damage and light up dark areas.

Level 3

First level 2 spells become available

Circle of the Land

This is a unique feature to land druids giving additional spell access besides the one in the prepared list. Generally, I recommend taking those picks that have spells that you cannot prepare.

Options Description
Underdark icon passive feature bg3Underdark Accessing both Web icon action bg3Web​ and Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ are excellent spell options. The latter gives much-needed mobility while not in wild shape form.

Prepare Spells

As second-level spells are unlocked here are a few recommendations that I recommend to keep on your list:

Spell Description
Moonbeam icon action bg3Moonbeam Excellent spells can be reused multiple times during a fight, saving spell slots.
Spike Growth icon action bg3Spike Growth  This can be used to make enemies slow down and get damage. After you obtain Conjure Woodland Being icon action bg3Conjure Woodland Being, this becomes somewhat redundant as Dryad can cast it for free.
Heat Metal icon action bg3Heat Metal Very useful control spell, for the early game. You can use it to make targets drop their weapons, disabling some very strong early-game opponents.
Enhance Ability icon action bg3Enhance Ability Usually, I reserve this spell for Bard. However, if you do not have it, Enhance Ability icon action bg3Enhance Ability​ can be a lifesaver in important ability checks.

Level 4

Now, you get some other great picks - the first feat is unlocked.


Spell Description
Thorn Whip icon action bg3Thorn Whip Did not use it much, but could be useful in some situations where you could pull enemies closer to your group.


Feat Description
Ability Improvement If you will get Auntie Ethel's Hair, go for Wisdom +2. If without the hair, set Wisdom +1 and Constitution +1.

Level 5

Level 5, is a big step for any caster and especially Druid. Not only do you unlock level 3 spells, but get improvements to the Wild Shape icon action bg3Wild Shape​ forms.

Feature Description
Wild Strike icon passive feature bg3Wild Strike Allows making a second attack with Wild Shape transformation.

Circle of the Land

Because we are going for the Lightning build setup, here is my recommendation:

Options Description
Mountain icon passive feature bg3Mountain Both of the spells here are not accessible to Druid. However, Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt​ is an excellent pick especially if you are using Create or Destroy Water icon action bg3Create or Destroy Water. Or you want just a strong blasting spell that does not use Concentration.

Prepare Spells

As third-level spells are unlocked here are a few recommendations that I recommend to keep on your list:

Spell Description
Sleet Storm icon action bg3Sleet Storm This spell is a sleeper and is overlooked by many people. It is ridiculously strong, allowing you to make enemies skip their turns as they fall. Follow up with attacks with allies for Advantage. Use it together with Hunger of Hadar icon action bg3Hunger of Hadar​ to create the ultimate trap for your foes.
Call Lightning icon action bg3Call Lightning If you need a blaster spell, this is a great option, however, it will require Concentration, so be careful not to cancel other spell effects. Also, Call Lightning icon action bg3Call Lightning​ deals double damage on wet enemies. It works similarly to Moonbeam icon action bg3Moonbeam, which could be replaced once you get it.
Plant Growth icon action bg3Plant Growth This spell does not use any concentration spell and can slow down enemies to a stop. It can also work well in Hunger of Hadar icon action bg3Hunger of Hadar, making foes just barely move.

Level 6 - Cleric Lv 1

So to fit the theme and gain access to some powerful empowerments for Lightning Druid, multiclass into Cleric:

mutliclass button bg3


cleric bg3Cleric
Clerics are representatives of the gods they worship, wielding potent divine magic for good or ill.
ico_mini_spellSlot Baldur's Gate 3Spell Slots These can be used to cast spells and are restored each long rest.
Domain Spells icon passive feature bg3Domain Spells Unique spell list accessible based on your cleric subclass.


Cantrip Description
Sacred Flame icon action bg3Sacred Flame Although this cantrip is notorious for failing, with high Spell Save DC, you will have an option for some radiant damage, which is especially useful in Act 2.
Light icon action bg3Light You can illuminate yourself or your allies.
Thaumaturgy icon action bg3Thaumaturgy Advantage source when doing Intimidation dialogue checks.


tempest domain bg3Tempest Domain
Wrath of the Storm icon passive feature bg3Wrath of the Storm Unique reaction that can deal lightning or thunder damage to the targets attacking you.
Thunderwave icon action bg3Thunderwave It can be used to push back enemies from ledges.
Fog Cloud icon action bg3Fog Cloud Create an obscured area, that can be used to pickpocket or blind enemies.


So generally you can pick whatever. However, as the build revolves around being a master of Lightning and Talos' icon is Lightning, I think it is a perfect pick. So choose Talos.

Prepare Spells

Spell Description
Shield of Faith icon action bg3Shield of Faith It can improve the armor class but uses a Concentration slot.
Command icon action bg3Command One of the more powerful control spells, that does not use Concentration. It can also make enemies do various actions - flee, grovel, or drop their weapons.
Sanctuary icon action bg3Sanctuary Excellent defensive spell, that makes it impossible for enemies to attack you. You can use it together with Moonbeam icon action bg3Moonbeam​ as it is bugged and works while Sanctuary icon action bg3Sanctuary​ is active.

Level 7 - Cleric 2

The second cleric level is the most important for this build. This unlocks a crucial feature to make Lightning Damage hit for those big numbers:

Feature Description
Destructive Wrath icon passive feature bg3Destructive Wrath Allows to maximize lightning spell damage. Use Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt​ on wet enemies; you will see 100+ damage per hit.
Turn Undead icon action bg3Turn Undead Make undead run away from you.

Level 8 - Druid Lv 6

This is a major step for Druid. You unlock a few class features, that will pair well with terrain control spells:

Feature Description
Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain icon passive feature bg3Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain You can now easily move on that difficult terrain that you can summon

New Wild Shape icon action bg3Wild Shape​ options are unlocked:

Action Description
Wild Shape: Panther icon action bg3Wild Shape: Panther It can become invisible and attack with bonus damage.
Wild Shape: Owlbear icon action bg3Wild Shape: Owlbear​​ The most powerful wild shape in my opinion. Owl Bear has a decent attack with bonus action, and tons of HP and can be used to crush enemies.

Level 9 - Druid Lv 7

Level 4 spells are unlocked and some of them give unique Druid aspects.

Circle of the Land

To be fair, I would pick any of the choices here. Check the next section on recommended spells. Druid can prepare all of them except one:

Options Description
Underdark icon passive feature bg3Underdark Greater Invisibility icon action bg3Greater Invisibility​ can be situationally useful. If you have a character that has high stealth rolls, this can be used to make them kill enemies without ever being detected. If not, just take any other option.

Prepare Spells

Level 4 spells are plentiful and all of them bring something unique, here are my picks:

Spell Description
Ice Storm icon action bg3Ice Storm
Deals decent damage, but most importantly create Ice surfaces that will leave enemies Prone.
Conjure Woodland Being icon action bg3Conjure Woodland Being This spell is almost a mandatory pick. The Dryad can cast Spike Growth icon action bg3Spike Growth​ for free. It can also summon a special beast, that can Entangle icon action bg3Entangle​ and act as a decoy.
Grasping Vine icon action bg3Grasping Vine Although it may not seem special, the spell only costs bonus action and has no Concentration requirement. It's a perfect control addition to an already strong arsenal of Land Druid.
Confusion icon action bg3Confusion One of the most powerful control spells, that can outright win encounters for you.
Wall of Fire icon action bg3Wall of Fire A very strong spell, that if placed correctly can destroy foes. It does hit them multiple times - at your and your enemy's turn.
Blight icon action bg3Blight This spell can be used for free with the special effect of Staff of Cherished Necromancy icon bg3Staff of Cherished Necromancy.

Level 10 - Druid Lv 8

The main highlight of this level is the feat.


Now you have plenty of choices here that you can pick based on your preferences.

Feat Description
Alert icon passive feature bg3Alert I think having one caster in a party who can always go first is important, especially on Honour Mode.
Dual Wielder icon passive feature bg3Dual Wielder Generally, this is mandatory on any caster as there are really good spellcasting weapons. However, if you are wildshaping often, the bonus Spell Save DC may become redundant. I would also skip this if you have another caster like Sorcerer in the group.
Ability Improvement If you have started with 16 Wisdom, because you have no access to Auntie Ethel's Hair, then a second +2 Wisdom is a good boost.

Level 11 - Druid Lv 9

Now you get access to level 5 spells.

Circle of the Land

Options Description
Arctic icon passive feature bg3Arctic Cone of Cold icon action bg3Cone of Cold​ is an excellent spell that allows dealing substantial damage on wet enemies. Druid cannot access it otherwise. This also fits the build theme very well.

Prepare Spells

Compared to previous levels, there are fewer spells to pick and even fewer that I think are useful. However, they are still worthy of consideration.

Spell Description
Conjure Elemental icon action bg3Conjure Elemental With level 5 spell slots, this spell is okay. But it starts shining once you get access to Level 6 spell slots. You can then summon Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon icon action bg3Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon​ which can cover the whole area in water. You know what comes next? You or your party members can use Cold or Lightning spells to shred everyone to pieces.
Insect Plague icon action bg3Insect Plague If you did not obtain this one from the Circle of Land picks, it is a perfect choice. These locusts deal a good amount of damage, and can also work together with other control spells like Spike Growth icon action bg3Spike Growth​ or Plant Growth icon action bg3Plant Growth.
Greater Restoration icon action bg3Greater Restoration Nothing spectacular, however, there are a few situations where removing curses can help.

Level 12 - Pick your last class level

So the last level can either be Cleric or Druid. This depends on your needs. Generally, as a Caster, I would go with Cleric, as it will give some additional spells. Level 10 Druid does not offer much to expand the playstyle we are going for here.

So I will go with Cleric Lv 3:

Spell Description
Shatter icon action bg3Shatter An okay spell that has its uses against constructs, however, it will not play a major role in the last part of the game.
Gust of Wind icon action bg3Gust of Wind Can push enemies 5 meters and force them to become off-balance.

Prepare Spells

Level 2 spells for Cleric can be situationally useful:

Spell Description
Aid icon action bg3Aid It can be used to improve your summons' and allies' HP.
Warding Bond icon action bg3Warding Bond Excellent spell that can be used to improve the survivability of your party members, by increasing their resistances. The cost is that you will also receive the same amount of damage.
Spiritual Weapon icon action bg3Spiritual Weapon Although these weapons are not some powerful destroyers, they can be summoned using bonus action and distract enemies in the middle of the fight.

Maximizing Ability Scores

Now, as the build progression is covered there are a few aspects and important decisions you will have to make throughout the game. These will decide your final score for abilities.

  1. Act 1 - Auntie Ethel Hair - you will want to get +1 Wisdom if you pick this choice.
  2. Feat - Ability Improvement - +2 Wisdom
  3. Act 3 - Mirror of Loss - pick +2 Wisdom.

This will allow you to reach 22 natural Wisdom.

Potions, Elixirs and Consumables

Let's take a look at what consumables you can use to further empower the build.


These are general consumables, and most of them are activated for a few turns. Potions are separate from Elixirs and can be active together.

Consumable Description
potion of speed bg3Potion of Speed In case you or your other casters have a Concentration spell slot taken and cannot cast Haste, use this potion. It acts similarly, but the effect is just for 3 turns.
potion of animal speaking bg3Potion of Animal Speaking Although not something powerful, it is worth stocking up and saving a spell slot.
potion of invisibility bg3Potion of Invisibility Can be used to get a perfect position before the encounter starts.


Unfortunately, only one Elixir can be active at a time. However, the good thing is that they last until a long rest, making them very useful and economical.

Be sure to activate them before combat as otherwise, you will need to use Bonus Action.

Remember to activate one elixir after each Long Rest. These are found plentiful throughout the game, so don't save them too much.
Consumable Description
elixir of bloodlust bg3Elixir of Bloodlust Very effective elixir that gives another action point if you kill an enemy. I would say this is the best one to use to maximize your output through the turn.
elixir of battlemage's power bg3Elixir of Battlemage's Power Gain 3 stacks of Arcane Acuity. I would say this should be the most used elixir for higher spell success.
elixir of peerless focus bg3Elixir of Peerless Focus Another good choice that allows to better maintain spell Concentration.
superior elixir of arcane cultivation bg3Superior Elixir of Arcane Cultivation Grant's a single level 3 spell slot. Could be useful in case you are preparing for a longer encounter.
supreme elixir of arcane cultivation bg3Supreme Elixir of Arcane Cultivation Grant's a single level 4 spell slot. Could be useful in case you are preparing for a longer encounter.
elixir of vigilance bg3Elixir of Vigilance For some encounters, you will want to go first. This elixir will ensure that it overcomes even surprise mechanics. However, if you have Alert icon passive feature bg3Alert​ this becomes redundant.

Illithid Powers

This special mechanic in Baldur's Gate 3 allows you to consume tadpoles and unlock special Illithid Powers.

At first, you can only use the base powers. As you move to Act 3, you will be able to unlock the outer ring powers.

Illithid Power Type Description
Favourable Beginnings icon passive feature bg3Favourable Beginnings Base Beneficial power to take as it does not have any costs, and provides only benefits on the first hits.
Psionic Backlash icon action bg3Psionic Backlash Base A decent use for reaction to deal some bonus psychic damage.
Ability Drain icon passive feature bg3Ability Drain Base This power works in Wild Shape icon action bg3Wild Shape, making it excellent for weakening enemies.
Cull the Weak icon passive feature bg3Cull the Weak Base Can help to kill an enemy faster if it is left with a few HP.
Illithid Expertise icon passive feature bg3Illithid Expertise Elite As you are not a charisma-based character, these proficiencies help with dialogue checks.
Black Hole icon action bg3Black Hole Elite One of the most powerful illithid powers works well with Druid's area control spells.
Mind Sanctuary icon action bg3Mind Sanctuary Elite Extremely strong action that can be used by your allies.
Freecast icon passive feature bg3Freecast Elite Remove the cost of spell slots or charges.

Equipment Recommendations

Now I would like to go through some gear recommendations to maximize the Land Druid Build. Items are especially important as they take the build to the next level thanks to their unique effects.

I recommend checking the Item Checklists this will help you plan your run and assign items so that they do not overlap.

The main aspect of Druid is that they can wear both Light and Medium Armor. Generally, I would recommend robes with Spell Save DC. If you cannot use those, then take something sturdier.

Act 1

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (One-Handed) Mourning Frost icon bg3Mourning Frost Although this staff does not give improved Spell Save DC, it gives unique effects with cold spells like Ice Knife icon action bg3Ice Knife. Moreover, the staff comes with a Ray of Frost icon action bg3Ray of Frost​ cantrip.
Melf's First Staff icon bg3Melf's First Staff The best staff for caster in Act 1 as it gives bonus Spell Save DC, improving spell success.
The Spellsparkler icon bg3The Spellsparkler If this is free, you could use it to get some bonuses from The Protecty Sparkswall icon bg3The Protecty Sparkswall armor.
Torch icon bg3Torch Do you think I am joking? Fortunately, no. With Shillelagh icon action bg3Shillelagh​ spell this becomes one of the strongest early-game weapons able to surpass in damage all two-handed weapons. You can even dual-wield these, to have strong killers for most of Act 1.
ranged slot bg3Ranged Bow of Awareness icon bg3Bow of Awareness Gives bonus initiative, allowing one to go earlier in combat. I recommend this for the early games, as you will have low dexterity.
Hand Crossbow +1 icon bg3Hand Crossbow +1 Equip two of these so that you can attack with your bonus action. This is a great way to get some bonus damage, especially if you cannot reach the target. Only works if you are a Drow.
helmet slot bg3Head The Shadespell Circlet icon bg3The Shadespell Circlet The only truly relevant headwear for Act 1. There are other options but they are just side bonuses.
cloak slot bg3Cloak - Nothing really of note here.
armor slot bg3Armor The Protecty Sparkswall icon bg3The Protecty Sparkswall The best caster armor in Act 1.
Githyanki Half Plate icon bg3Githyanki Half Plate The most relevant early-game armor, that you can take from Lae'zel
gloves slot bg3Gloves Bracers of Defence icon bg3Bracers of Defence The +2 Armour class is a big boost especially if you do not have a shield proficiency.
Winter's Clutches icon bg3Winter's Clutches These gloves can be useful when using spells like Ice Knife icon action bg3Ice Knife​ and later Ice Storm icon action bg3Ice Storm. I would keep them.
boots slot bg3Boots Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers One of the best boots, giving a total advantage for movement on difficult surfaces. It also gives Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ to increase that mobility.
Boots of Striding icon bg3Boots of Striding Excellent shoes, as you will be casting Concentration spells left and right. This will reduce your chance of getting the spell canceled.
Boots of Speed icon bg3Boots of Speed Excellent boots, although I would leave them for a frontline character if their slots are free. Can be used to avoid getting hit while running away.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Pearl of Power Amulet icon bg3Pearl of Power Amulet Can be used to restore spell slots
Amulet of Misty Step icon bg3Amulet of Misty Step Gives mobility improvement thanks to the Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ spell.
ring slot bg3Rings Ring of Protection icon bg3Ring of Protection The best option for Act 1. The bonus Armour Class is a great boost for survivability.
The Whispering Promise icon bg3The Whispering Promise I would say there is a niche use of this early in the game when you can cast Healing Word icon action bg3Healing Word​ with bonus action to buff your allies.
Crusher's Ring icon bg3Crusher's Ring The ring can be useful if you are running with a dual-wield Torch icon bg3Torch in the early game.

Act 2 - mid-game

You will get access to some better caster items, but overall no major changes to the build setup.

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (Two-Handed) - Use the ones from Act 1.
ranged slot bg3Ranged Darkfire Shortbow icon bg3Darkfire Shortbow Amazing bow that allows to precast Haste icon action bg3Haste​ before combat. This may not seem big as you can use Potion of Speed, but sometimes its short duration is not enough. Otherwise, stay with bows from the previous act.
Ne'er Misser icon bg3Ne'er Misser These hand crossbows are excellent if you need to weaponize your bonus action.
helmet slot bg3Head Fistbreaker Helm icon bg3Fistbreaker Helm The best caster headwear in Act 2.
Coldbrim Hat icon bg3Coldbrim Hat Although this works only once per turn, it works well with spells that target Dexterity like Sleet Storm icon action bg3Sleet Storm.
cloak slot bg3Cloak Cloak of Protection icon bg3Cloak of Protection Improves survivability and Saving Throw success. You want to equip this cloak to maintain that good Armour Class.
Fleshmelter Cloak icon bg3Fleshmelter Cloak Deal additional damage to the attackers.
armor slot bg3Armor Yuan-ti Scale Mail icon bg3Yuan-ti Scale Mail If you need a higher Armour Class and The Protecty Sparkswall icon bg3The Protecty Sparkswall is taken, this is a perfect alternative.
Robe of Exquisite Focus icon bg3Robe of Exquisite Focus You can wear this if The Protecty Sparkswall icon bg3The Protecty Sparkswall is taken.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Gloves of Belligerent Skies icon bg3Gloves of Belligerent Skies You have access to Lightning and Thunder damage sources. Moreover, you can easily get Radiant damage via Callous Glow Ring icon bg3Callous Glow Ring. I would only recommend these if they are not used by another character like Cleric.
boots slot bg3Boots Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers One of the best boots, giving a total advantage for movement on difficult surfaces. It also gives Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ to increase that mobility.
Evasive Shoes icon bg3Evasive Shoes Optional boots if you need a little bit more Armour Class.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Strange Tendril Amulet icon bg3Strange Tendril Amulet I like Evard's Black Tentacles icon action bg3Evard's Black Tentacles​ spell, as it is a very strong crowd-control option.
Amulet of the Harpers icon bg3Amulet of the Harpers Allows casting a Shield icon action bg3Shield​ spell, and can be a lifesaver if attacked heavily for one turn. This is useful before you obtain the Sorcerer dip.
ring slot bg3Rings Eversight Ring icon bg3Eversight Ring If you have a Darkness icon action bg3Darkness​ party, or members who use this spell, being able to see inside, can make you extremely sturdy.
Ring of Mental Inhibition icon bg3Ring of Mental Inhibition Excellent ring, that you can activate its effects with your control spells.
Callous Glow Ring icon bg3Callous Glow Ring A good ring that can apply additional radiant damage per target.

Act 3 - Final Build setup

This is the last act of the game, where you will get access to the most powerful items. To get them as early as possible you will need some planning, but overall, it should not be a problem.

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (One-Handed) Markoheshkir icon bg3Markoheshkir The most powerful stave in the game. If it is free, feel free to use it and activate relevant Kereska's Favour based on the spells you use. My favorite picks are Frost of Dark Winter and Bolts of Doom.
Staff of Spell Power icon bg3Staff of Spell Power Very powerful stave that also gives access to Arcane Battery icon passive feature bg3Arcane Battery, giving a free (including level 6) spell cast.
Woe icon bg3Woe Gives additional effects like healing.
ranged slot bg3Ranged Hellrider Longbow icon bg3Hellrider Longbow The bonus initiative is an excellent boost to go early in combat. If it is not a surprise round, it is almost guaranteed.
Hand Crossbow +2 icon bg3Hand Crossbow +2 A solid hand crossbow that you can obtain in Act 3.
helmet slot bg3Head Hood of the Weave icon bg3Hood of the Weave The best caster headwear, that gives +2 Spell Save DC.
Helldusk Helmet icon bg3Helldusk Helmet The helmet can be used to be able to see in Darkness icon action bg3Darkness​ if your group utilizes this spell.
cloak slot bg3Cloak Cloak of The Weave icon bg3Cloak of The Weave The best cloak in the game for casters.
Cloak of Displacement icon bg3Cloak of Displacement Great way to avoid attacks and reduce the chance of enemy attacks landing.
armor slot bg3Armor Armour of Landfall icon bg3Armour of Landfall One of the best caster items in general, as it gives Constitution Saving Throw an advantage, resulting in less spell cancelation.  Moreover, it improves Spell Save DC.
Robe of the Weave icon bg3Robe of the Weave Gives bonus Armour Class and improves Spell Save DC.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Helldusk Gloves icon bg3Helldusk Gloves Gives bonuses to Spell Save DC, which will increase spell success chance.
Gauntlet of the Tyrant icon bg3Gauntlet of the Tyrant Gives +1 Spell Save DC.
Gloves of Belligerent Skies icon bg3Gloves of Belligerent Skies These gloves will be able to apply Reverbation via your Lightning spells. However, they will trigger only once, with Call Lightning icon action bg3Call Lightning, making it a bit underwhelming. These might also be used by Cleric, so I would prioritize there.
Quickspell Gloves icon bg3Quickspell Gloves Allows casting spells with bonus action once per short rest.
boots slot bg3Boots Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers One of the best boots, giving a total advantage for movement on difficult surfaces. It also gives Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ to increase that mobility.
Helldusk Boots icon bg3Helldusk Boots You can avoid failing a saving throw using a reaction. This might break your concentration and ruin the whole encounter.
Bonespike Boots icon bg3Bonespike Boots Gives bonus armor class and increased saving throw rolls.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Amulet of The Devout icon bg3Amulet of The Devout Although this is the best amulet of the caster, generally it is best in the slot for cleric builds. However, I would not skip this if you are playing this build as a main character.
Spellcrux Amulet icon bg3Spellcrux Amulet It allows restoring spell slots easily.
ring slot bg3Rings Ring of Feywild Sparks icon bg3Ring of Feywild Sparks The only ring that gives access to +1 Spell Save DC. This effect is not listed.
Ring of Mental Inhibition icon bg3Ring of Mental Inhibition Still a good ring from Act 1, that will work with some of your spells.
Snowburst Ring icon bg3Snowburst Ring Allows creating patches of Ice, with spells like Cone of Cold icon action bg3Cone of Cold.
Ring of Evasion icon bg3Ring of Evasion Allows avoiding the fail of Dexterity saving throw. These usually are wide-area spells.

Build Mechanics

In this section, I would like to dive deep into how to play the Druid. This will help you utilize it to the fullest and correctly use various actions and spells throughout the game.

Important Mechanics and Combos

Let's go through key mechanics and tips on how to effectively use the build.


So one of the unique druid cantrips is Shillelagh icon action bg3Shillelagh. It is very effective in the early game, where you can make a weapon like Torch icon bg3Torch one of the strongest weapons. Symbiotic Entity icon action bg3Symbiotic Entity​ also helps by giving additional necrotic damage rider, giving a decent damage boost.

You may use this cantrip with other late-game weapons like Markoheshkir icon bg3Markoheshkir, Staff of Spell Power icon bg3Staff of Spell Power, etc. However, it does start to fall off, especially as Druid does not get access to Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Extra Attack. Moreover, you have access to very strong control spells, using the same action resource. So I do recommend this mechanic in the early game, but it does fall off later on.

Using different area Control spells

The interesting part of Druid class is that it has access to plenty of area-of-effect spells. For example, you can use two types of controls, one for the air and another for the ground. So for example - Plant Growth icon action bg3Plant Growth​ and Insect Plague icon action bg3Insect Plague, making the area inaccessible and enemies getting destroyed.

The strongest combo in my opinion would be Sleet Storm icon action bg3Sleet Storm​ together with Hunger of Hadar icon action bg3Hunger of Hadar​ (that you need Bard or Warlock to cast). This outright makes enemies skip their turn and get damaged by the killing of dark clouds.

So the main two categories:

  • Ground - Sleet Storm icon action bg3Sleet Storm, Spike Growth icon action bg3Spike Growth, Plant Growth icon action bg3Plant Growth, Ice Storm icon action bg3Ice Storm, Grasping Vine icon action bg3Grasping Vine​ (be careful as it can get damaged by air effects), and so on
  • Air - Insect Plague icon action bg3Insect Plague, Cloudkill icon action bg3Cloudkill, Hunger of Hadar icon action bg3Hunger of Hadar​ (obtained from other class)

Sanctuary + Moonbeam

Although this applies if you were multiclass into cleric, I still wanted to mention this combo. It allows you to cheese most of the fights while you stay safely under the Sanctuary icon action bg3Sanctuary​ effect. Then use Moonbeam icon action bg3Moonbeam​ to move it around and damage enemies.

Wild Shapes forms

This build can effectively use Wild Shape icon action bg3Wild Shape​ till about level 10, after that, because you will not get Improved Wild Strike icon passive feature bg3Improved Wild Strike​ it falls off. Moreover, the build's idea is being a caster, so turning into a beast form, defeats its purpose.

Maximizing Companion amount

Druid can summon plenty of minions that result in its small army. This can become tedious to manage, but they do offer plenty of bonuses and distractions for enemies.

  1. Conjure Minor Elemental icon action bg3Conjure Minor Elemental​ - either Mud or Ice Mephits, although I do not use these as they are very weak.
  2. Conjure Woodland Being icon action bg3Conjure Woodland Being​ - summons a Dryad, that has free Spike Growth icon action bg3Spike Growth.
  3. Drayd's special action Fallen Lover icon action bg3Fallen Lover, summons a Wood Woad to fight by your side.
  4. Conjure Elemental icon action bg3Conjure Elemental​ - the goal is to access the level 6 spell slot so that you can use Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon icon action bg3Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon. This will be a huge helper in combat and can instantly cover the area with water and apply wet status.

This can drain plenty of spell slots, so I do recommend having Potion of Angelic Slumber, to restore those spell slots.

Applying Wet Status

The core of the build relies on Wet status, which will double the damage of Lightning and Cold spells. As a Druid and Cleric, you will have access to Create or Destroy Water icon action bg3Create or Destroy Water, allowing you to create rain at will.

However, this will cost a full action, and you will either have to get yourself Haste icon action bg3Haste​ or have an ally create it. For example, a Water Bottle is an easy option that any companion can throw and weaken foes.

After you get level 6 spell slots at level 11, Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon icon action bg3Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon​ can do this job perfectly, and replace any need for other sources.

Maximum Lightning Damage

So, the main build highlight is Lightning damage. To get huge numbers you will need a few things:

  1. Apply Wet status, which was mentioned above.
  2. Use Lightning spells like Call Lightning icon action bg3Call Lightning, Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt,​ or Chain Lightning icon action bg3Chain Lightning​ (accessible via scrolls or Markoheshkir icon bg3Markoheshkir).
  3. Once casting a spell activate Destructive Wrath icon passive feature bg3Destructive Wrath​ for maximum rolls. This will most likely kill any normal enemies and inflict heavy damage on bosses.

Destructive Wrath icon passive feature bg3Destructive Wrath​ is the highlight of the build, however, it is limited as it uses Channel Divinity Charge, which is restored each short rest.

Early Game Combat

Let's cover how you should progress combat levels 1-6.

  • You can use a simple Torch icon bg3Torch with Shillelagh icon action bg3Shillelagh​ to deal more damage than all of the early-game weapons. This is useful until you get a weapon that can give Spell Save DC.
  • Use Hand Crossbow +1 icon bg3Hand Crossbow +1 offhand attack, to deal additional damage from range.
  • Early in the game, you can use Healing Word icon action bg3Healing Word​ together with The Whispering Promise icon bg3The Whispering Promise ring, to buff up your allies using bonus action.
  • Cast control or Concentration spells like Faerie Fire icon action bg3Faerie Fire, Spike Growth icon action bg3Spike Growth, Sleet Storm icon action bg3Sleet Storm,​ etc. These are excellent for the early game.
  • On the other hand, if an encounter is pretty easy, you can cast Moonbeam icon action bg3Moonbeam​ and use it to pick off weak foes each turn, saving spell slots.
  • Once your concentration slot is filled, you can use Plant Growth icon action bg3Plant Growth, and further slow down foes, to be picked down by your companions.
  • Be careful when moving onto a Sleet Storm icon action bg3Sleet Storm​ or Spike Growth icon action bg3Spike Growth. These have effects that might make you fall on ice or cancel your concentration.
  • Once you get access to Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt​ and Call Lightning icon action bg3Call Lightning, use these on wet enemies to double the damage.

Late Game Combat

Overall, nothing much changes from the early game, just that your beasts get buffed up.

  • Conjure Woodland Being icon action bg3Conjure Woodland Being​ - already mentioned, this is an amazing summon, that can cast Spike Growth icon action bg3Spike Growth​ for free. This saves you a spell slot, and you can follow up with something more deadly like Insect Plague icon action bg3Insect Plague.
  • Continue using area control spells like - Ice Storm icon action bg3Ice Storm, Plant Growth icon action bg3Plant Growth, Sleet Storm icon action bg3Sleet Storm,​ etc. These are excellent for breaking enemy positions.
  • The top dog is Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon icon action bg3Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon​ which is available once you have access to level 6 spell slots. This can cover the area in water, and apply wet status. This means that you can become a Myrmidon and have a summoned ally with the same effects.
  • Get Haste icon action bg3Haste​ or Potion of Speed, to be able to cast two spells per turn. For example, apply Create Water icon action bg3Create Water​ and follow up with Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt​ + Destructive Wrath icon passive feature bg3Destructive Wrath​ for an instant kill.
  • Play around with abilities - cover areas on snow, release lightning bolts, and freeze enemies in their tracks. Utilize all that the build has to offer and fight off any type of enemy.

Build Variations

There are a few variations that the build could be changed about. I think it is more for advanced players who are likely doing some deeper optimizations.

Setup Description
Nature's Guardian Build:
  • 11 Land Druid
  • 1 Sorcerer
A more versatile build that can also utilize Wild Shape icon action bg3Wild Shape​ to turn into various animals if the situation arises. Moreover, you get access to a Sorcerer dip which provides Constitution Saving Throw proficiency.


Thank you for reading the Thundersnow Herald - Druid build for Baldur's Gate 3. This is a new thing, I wanted to try, where I concentrate more on creating a backstory and creating a build around that. Moreover, this is a very powerful caster, that can easily destroy hordes of enemies with correct preparation.



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