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Robe of Supreme Defences
Robe of Supreme Defences
Very Rare Clothing

Exquisite Focus: While concentrating, you add your Spellcasting Ability Modifier to your Saving Throws and gain a +1 bonus to Armour Class.

Location - Robe of Supreme Defences
Item is purchasable from Ferg Drogher in Rivington - Act 3. Whether you can access his stock depends on a few actions you have taken.
He will not share his items and trade screen if Shadowheart has rejected Shar in Gauntlet of Shar, Act 2 and she is present with you.
Otherwise, either you do not bring Shadowheart and purchase everything you need, or she needs to have embraced Shar in Act 2.
The item is part of his special stock, where you must pass a persuasion check.