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Gloves of Power

Location - Gloves of Power

The gloves can be obtained in Act 1, early in the game before reaching Druid's Grove. There will be a combat encounter with a group of goblins near the gate to Druid's Enclave.

bg3 gloves of power location act 1

They drop from the Goblin Boss - Za'Krug.


These gloves are an amazing item early on. First, they debuff enemies making it harder for them to hit or avoid your spells. Second, it makes it easier to pickpocket in the first town, collect your War Chest, and purchase good items from the Sleight of Hand bonus.



Gale can absorb the Magic from this Item. If Gale consumes it, it vanishes forever. That is irreversible and unavoidable. But don't do it yet.

(There is better food for Gale: Ring of Color Spray, Frayed Drow Hood, Sunwalkers Gift, Everseeing Eye Necklace, Exterminators Axe; Hunting Shortbow, Kormira's Locket, Spiderstep Boots.)