Speedy Sparks: When the wearer Dashes or takes a similar action during combat, they gain 3 Lightning Charges.
Athletics +1
It is said the Speedy Lightfeet were the first of many lightning inventions made by Yrre the Sparkstruck. The boots' old, frayed edges zap and crackle with even the slightest movement.
Gale can absorb the Magic from this Item. If Gale consumes it, it vanishes forever. That is irreversible and unavoidable.
(Choose from this better foods for Gale: Ring of Color Spray, Frayed Drow Hood, Sunwalkers Gift, Everseeing Eye Necklace, Exterminators Axe; Hunting Shortbow, Kormira's Locket, Spiderstep Boots.)
Blighted Village X: -711 Y: -412: Inside a Heavy Chest in the cellar behind the windmill
Gale can absorb the Magic from this Item. If Gale consumes it, it vanishes forever. That is irreversible and unavoidable.
(Choose from this better foods for Gale: Ring of Color Spray, Frayed Drow Hood, Sunwalkers Gift, Everseeing Eye Necklace, Exterminators Axe; Hunting Shortbow, Kormira's Locket, Spiderstep Boots.)