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The Lifebringer
The Lifebringer
Lifecharger: When the wearer gains Lightning Charges, they also gain 3 temporary hit points.
The temporary hit points disappear if the wearer runs out of Lightning Charges.
The temporary hit points disappear if the wearer runs out of Lightning Charges.

Location - The Lifebringer
Can be purchased from Blurg in Mycnoid Colony - Underdark. This is the Act 1 location.
There are three main ways to get into Underdark:
- Go through Zhentarim's Base near the Waukeen's Rest. There is a lift behind the illusionary wall at the far end of the tunnel, near the wolves.
- Enter through the Defiled Temple in Shattered Sanctum, Goblin Camp.
- Enter through Teahouse, where you fight Ethel. You have to wear her special mask to see the illusion of the wall.
Gale can absorb the Magic from this Item. If Gale consumes it, it vanishes forever. That is irreversible and unavoidable.
(There is better food for Gale: Ring of Color Spray, Frayed Drow Hood, Sunwalkers Gift, Everseeing Eye Necklace, Exterminators Axe; Hunting Shortbow, Kormira's Locket, Spiderstep Boots.)