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Bonespike Boots
Bonespike Boots
Very Rare
Evasive Instinct: You have a +1 bonus to Armour Class and Saving Throws as long as you are not wearing armour or holding a shield.
Refined Vaulting: Jump distance is increased by 1.5m.

Brutal LeapClass Actions

Location - Bonespike Boots
The boots can be obtained in the Rivington area, Act 3. You will need to reach the far end of the map, close to the beach.
There you will encounter two groups of enemies and based on your choices you can fight or join one of them.
After that, look for a Passageway, which will take you to the area, where you can loot the Bonespike boots from one of the chests inside.
These boots are a very good option for some builds that don't use shields and armor. These are usually casters, without shield proficiency.
I would avoid wearing it on Monk, as they get very powerful boots for Act 3.