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Caitiff Staff

Caitiff Staff
1d6+2 Bludgeoning
Arcane Enchantment: You gain a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and spell attack rolls.

Weapon Enchantment +2

Caitiff's RestorationClass Actions
Proficiency with this weapon type unlocks:
The texture of magic granted by a warlock's patron is largely dependent upon the patron themselves - for example, your standard eldritch patron's probably going to work some eyeball-mottled tentacles in there somewhere.
Quarterstaffs Versatile

Location - Caitiff Staff

Obtained in Act 3. You can purchase the item from Helsik in the Devil's Fee shop. You will have to unlock her special stock. This can be done in a few ways:

  • Notice the rare items in the shop and pass the Arcana checks.
  • Unlock via dialogue options.

helsik devils fee location bg3
