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Frayed Drow Hood

Location - Frayed Drow Hood



Gale can and should absorb the Magic from this Artefact. I highly recommend this Item, because you already found better headpieces. (If Gale consumes it, it vanishes forever. That is irreversible and unavoidable.)

(Want another food for Gale? Look for: Ring of Color Spray, Sunwalkers Gift, Everseeing Eye Necklace, Exterminators Axe; Hunting Shortbow, Kormira's Locket, Spiderstep Boots.)

You can reach this without fighting:

Enter the goblin Camp (ie. disguised as charismatic drow), enter the Shattered Sanctum, keep left, into Pristess Gutt's room, enter Defiled Tempel, keep left and enter Selunite Outpost, turn left again to find an open window, sneak carefully the way down, find a stone humanoid.

Not one step further!

Cast Magic Hand carefully next to the Backpack in front of you, click and drop it, step by step, until its in your reach. Open it for this most useless thing - but best food for Gale's arcane hunger.