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Loviatar's Scourge

Loviatar's Scourge
Willing Whip: Grants resistance to Necrotic damage. Deals an additional DealDamage(1d6,Necrotic) to nearby targets, including the wielder.

Grants Resistance to Necrotic damage

Proficiency with this weapon type unlocks:
More club than scourge, this weapon has a serrated edge made for drawing long, shallow cuts.

Location - Loviatar's Scourge



Found in the Shattered Sanctum, near Abdirac: X 340; Y-22

Gale can absorb the Magic from this Item. If Gale consumes it, it vanishes forever. That is irreversible and unavoidable.

(There is better food for Gale: Ring of Color Spray, Frayed Drow Hood, Sunwalkers Gift, Everseeing Eye Necklace, Exterminators Axe; Hunting Shortbow, Kormira's Locket, Spiderstep Boots.)