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Vital Conduit Boots

Vital Conduit Boots
Vital Conduit: When the wearer casts a spell that requires Concentration, they gain GainTemporaryHitPoints(8).

Athletics +1

Tenser's notes on arcane displacement were not only read by wizards - other avid readers included enterprising smiths eager to break into the magic items market.
Medium Armour

Location - Vital Conduit Boots

It is purchased from A'jak'nir Jeera in Creche Y'llek, Rosymon Monastery. This area is the last part of Act 1. You will need to go to Rosymorn Monastery Trail and reach the Creche through there. Enter the Monastery peacefully and avoid any combat. Otherwise, the trader that you need can become aggressive.

creche yllek location baldurs gate 3

The item is sold by the Githyanki Vendor - A'jak'nir Jeera. She will be found in the Warehouse part of the Monastery.

ajaknir jeera githyanki vendor in creche y'llek bg3

