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Winter's Clutches

Winter's Clutches
Winter's Clutches: When the wearer deals cold damage, inflict 2 turns of Encrusted with Frost upon the target(s).
Likely these originated in Icewind Dale, where tempers run as hot as hearths, and frozen rivers trace the arm of the dale in a network of blue-white tributaries.

Location - Winter's Clutches

Obtained in late Act 1. Can be purchased from Lady Esther in Rosymorn Monastery Trial. This area can be accessed via Mountain Pass (GIthyanki Patrol) or Goblin Camp side. You should go here once you resolve the Goblin Camp and Druid's Grove quest as otherwise they will be done without you.

lady esther location bg3 act 1

She is in the starting area of the Trial, overlooking the Monastery.
