Oath of Devotion Paladin Build

Oath of Devotion Paladin Build - Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

By zanuffas
Last updated:
In this post, I will go through the Oath of Devotion Paladin Build. These are true shining knights who stand for the ideal of goodness. Devotion Paladins hold the highest standards trying to reach the level of Angels. This gives them spells to support and protect others in time of need

Oath of Devotion Paladin Build

The Devotion subclass is the true roleplay of "Superman" You are the protector of good and always stand up to the weak. You could say this is the highest standard of Shining Knight in the Forgotten Realms. They never lie, cheat, steal, or trick people as this goes against their Oath.

This, of course, comes with its own caveats. The subclass excels in protecting and healing others. It makes them the weakest option in terms of damage compared to other Paladin Oaths. They are also similar to clerics and have innate healing support like Beacon of Hope.

paladin oath of devotion combat baldurs gate 3

Devotion Paladin is best played with Two-Handed Weapons. The subclass provides a unique action - Sacred Weapon. This gives bonus attack rolls based on the Charisma modifier. This is perfect to minimize Great Weapon Master's negative effect and get a higher chance of landing a hit

So if you are ready to embark as a Beacon of Hope in these dark times let's continue!

Short overview

This is a short overview and progression of the build. Use it to get a quick glance if you want to pick the best options without going deep into the explanations. A more detailed description with texts, suggestions, and improvements can be found in the next sections.

Oath of Devotion Paladin Leveling Overview Expand
Level Category Choice
1 Abilities Str 16(15+1), Dex 10, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16 (14+2)
  Class paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin 1
  Subclass paladin_devotion Baldur's Gate 3Oath of Devotion
  Skills Athletics, Acrobatics, Intimidation, Persuasion
2 Class paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin 2
  Fighting Style PassiveFeature_FightingStyle_GreatWeaponFighting Baldur's Gate 3Great Weapon Fighting
3 Class paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin 3
4 Class paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin 4
  Feat PassiveFeature_GreatWeaponMaster_BonusAttack Baldur's Gate 3Great Weapon Master
5 Class paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin 5
6 Class paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin 6
7 Class paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin 7
8 Class paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin 8
  Feat Polearm or Ability Improvement - Strength+2
9 Class paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin 9
10 Class paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin 10
11 Class paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin 11
12 Class paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin 12
  Feat PassiveFeature_SavageAttacker Baldur's Gate 3Savage Attacker

Starting the Game

We start with the early game. I would go into what are the best Races, Abilities, and Skills for Paladins. Some of these choices are impactful as you cannot respec them.


Picking a race provides various benefits - abilities, dialogue options, looks, etc. Because Paladin gets Heavy Armor proficiency you have many more options on what to choose.

If you are having difficulties making a choice, pick whatever you prefer in terms of looks or roleplay. "The perfect race pick" is important if you are min-maxing or doing a Tactician run.
Race Features Description
Tiefling Baldur's Gate 3Zariel Tiefling
  • Darkvision - Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 12m.
  • Hellish Resistance - Your blood protects you from flame, abyssal or otherwise. You have resistance to Fire and take only half damage from it.
  • Thaumaturgy - gain Advantage on Intimidation and Performance Checks.
Probably the most Paladinish option as it comes with additional Smites - Fire. Of course, they are not as good but may have their uses. Also, they have good fire resistance
Tiefling Baldur's Gate 3Asmodeus Tiefling
  • Darkvision - Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 12m.
  • Hellish Resistance - Your blood protects you from flame, abyssal or otherwise. You have resistance to Fire and take only half damage from it.
  • Produce Flame - a flickering flame appears in your hand. It sheds bright light in a 9m radius and deals 1d8 Fire damage when thrown
This is another good option. At level 5 they come with a Darkness spell that can trivialize some fights against non-Darkvision enemies.
Half-Orc Baldur's Gate 3Half-Orc
  • Darkvision - Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 12m.
  • Relentless Endurance - when you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
  • Savage Attacks - when you land a Critical Hit with a melee weapon attack, your damage dice are tripled instead of doubled
Half-Orcs really shine as Paladins. They can resurrect in case they die and get an additional die roll on a critical hit. This gives a big damage boost if you are using something like Polearm or Greataxe.
Drow Baldur's Gate 3Drow
  • Drow Weapon Training - you have proficiency with the Rapier, Shortsword, and Hand Crossbow.
  • Superior Drakvision - this creature can see in the dark within 24m.
  • Fey Ancestry - The Fey wild casts a veil over your mind. You have Advantage on saving throws against being Charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.
Get elven-like bonuses of Fey Ancestry. But we are also interested in the Darkness spell that gives an advantage against enemies without Dakrvision.
Half-Elf Baldur's Gate 3Wood Half-Elf
  • Fleet of Foot - your base walking speed is 10.5 meters.
  • Darkvision - Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 12m.
  • Civil Militia - you have weapon proficiency with Spears, Pikes, Halberds, and Glaives, and Armour Proficiency with Light Armour and Shield
  • Fey Ancestry - The Fey wild casts a veil over your mind. You have Advantage on saving throws against being Charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.
What makes these special is their increased moving distance. I think this is valuable as once you start taking out enemies one by one with Smites, this will prove advantageous. Overall the same applies to Wood Elf.


paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin
Action_Paladin_LayOnHands_BigHeal Baldur's Gate 3Lay on Hands Use your blessed touch to heal a creature or cure it of all diseases and poisons. 
Action_Paladin_DivineSense Baldur's Gate 3Divine Sense Gain Advantage on Attack Rolls against celestials, fiends, and undead.
ico_classRes_channelOath Baldur's Gate 3Channel Oath Charges You gain the ability to channel the power contained in your Paladin Oath, which you can use to fuel certain actions.


paladin_devotion Baldur's Gate 3Oath of Devotion
holy rebuke bg3Holy Rebuke Grant an ally a vengeful aura that deals 1d4 Radiant damage to anyone who hits them with a melee attack.
Action_DivineIntervention_Weapon Baldur's Gate 3Oath of Devotion Tenets Oath of Devotion paladins abide by the following tenets:
Courage. Stride dauntlessly into action.
Compassion. Show clemency when prudent, and lend your arm to those in need.
Duty. Tend your responsibilities, obey just laws, and support those entrusted to your care.


Now let's take a look at the abilities of the Devotion Paladin build. Correct allocation will allow us to maximize the early gameplay and get good modifier bonuses.

Ability Value Description
strengthproficient_ability Baldur's Gate 3Strength 16 (15+1) The main melee weapon damage ability. So we should not skip it
dexterityDexterity 10 When using Heavy Armor, Dexterity plays a lesser role as it does not give bonus Armour Class. Of course, it still increases initiative and helps with Saving Throws. For this reason, we leave it at 10.
constitution bg3Constitution 14 (13 +1) Important stat for any build gives bonus HP and improves the success of Constitution Saving Throws, which ensures your Concentration spells don't break.
intelligenceIntelligence 8 Not really important stat for us
wisdomWisdom 10 We get 10, to not get any negative modifier for Wisdom Saving Throws, as there are many of them.
charismaCharisma 16 (14+2) The main spellcasting ability of the Paladin. It also affects the power of Auras.

Skills and Expertise

Overall, the skills should be impacted by your roleplaying and background decisions. However, you would still want those that will give you the best benefits. My recommendations are to pick those at which you have a high ability modifier:

  • Athletics
  • Persuasion
  • Intimidation

Detailed Leveling Progression

Here is the detailed progression for the build to get you started. You can use it as a guideline because early games can be daunting and overwhelming. Later on, once you get the feel for the class you can start picking your own options

Level 2

At Level 2 Paladin gets the most famous action - Divine Smite. Moreover, we obtain 2 level 1 spell slots.

Actions Description
Action_Paladin_DivineSmite Baldur's Gate 3Divine Smite This Paladin-specific feature gives +2d8 Radiant Damage and an additional 1d8 against undead and fiends. it expends a spell slot if hits. Using higher-level spell slots deals more damage. Note, its damage does not depend on Charisma but spell level

Fighting Style

For Oath of Devotion Paladin, my recommendation is getting Great Weapon Fighting.

Style Description
PassiveFeature_FightingStyle_GreatWeaponFighting Baldur's Gate 3Great Weapon Fighting When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack with a two-handed melee weapon, that die is rerolled once. It is a mandatory pick if you equip a two-handed weapon.

Prepared Spells

Paladin level 1 spells are okay. They do not provide any crazy bonuses but can work in some situations. Here are my recommendations for what is good to have in your arsenal

Spell Description
Spell_Evocation_ThunderousSmite Baldur's Gate 3Thunderous Smite A smite alternative that deals Thunder damage and can make enemy prone. I would use it in case you have a free bonus action that you do not plan on using. Otherwise, use Divine Smite.
Spell_Abjuration_ShieldOfFaith Baldur's Gate 3Shield of Faith It gives a +2 Armour Class as long as you can maintain concentration. Lasts until a long rest.
Spell_Enchantment_CommandHalt Baldur's Gate 3Command Can command the creature to drop a weapon, run away, come close, etc. Can be useful in some encounters, especially against low Wisdom enemies.
Spell_Evocation_CureWounds Baldur's Gate 3Cure Wounds Even though you have Lay on Hands, this spell will heal more. Having it as an option is a good choice.

For other slots pick what you want.

Level 3

Level 3 Paladin gains a lot of new things - new actions, class, subclass features, and spells.

Feature Description
PassiveFeature_DivineHealth Baldur's Gate 3Divine Health Prevents diseases from affecting the Paladin.

We also gain subclass-specific actions. These use Channel Oath Charge, which means that your spell slots will not be expended when used.

Action Description
Action_Paladin_SacredWeapon Baldur's Gate 3Sacred Weapon This is a good action especially if you manage to cast it before combat. Sacred Weapon provides a bonus to attack rolls based on the Charisma modifier. This means your hits have a higher chance of landing. It is a perfect pair with feat - Great Weapon Master, which we will get later. Sacred Weapon action costs one action point, but does not take Concentration allowing you to also have other spells active.
Action_Paladin_TurnTheUnholy Baldur's Gate 3Turn the Unholy Allows Turning fey and fiends in a 9-meter radius. This forces them to move away and they cannot take any actions. Overall, I did not find this useful, as it does not deal damage, and enemies can still use ranged attacks.

In addition, we get subclass-specific spells:

Spells Description
Spell_Abjuration_ProtectionFromEvilAndGood Baldur's Gate 3Protection from Evil and Good Give target resistances to Frighten, Charm, and Possess. Also, feys, undead, and fiends who attack them gain a disadvantage. The spell uses up the Concentration slot and action point. I did not find it as good in combat, the only use case is to cast it before combat as it lasts until Long Rest.
Spell_Abjuration_Sanctuary Baldur's Gate 3Sanctuary This can be a very useful spell in any of the game encounters. The target cannot be attacked until they make an aggressive action against another creature. The good thing is that it only costs Bonus action, so you can cast it to save a party member who may die. Moreover, there are multiple area-of-effect spells that can be still used by the target and not break the spell.

Level 4

We finally unlock our first Feat which will greatly improve the overall performance of the Oath of Devotion Paladin. Moreover, another Lay on Hands Charge is added, for more healing actions.


Feat Description
PassiveFeature_GreatWeaponMaster_BonusAttack Baldur's Gate 3Great Weapon Master This is the strongest feat if you are using two-handed weapons. First, it gives a bonus attack using a bonus action if you kill an enemy or land a critical hit. Second, it gives a big 10 damage boost, that comes with a -5 penalty to attack rolls. This is problematic in the early game but can be overcome in various ways. I recommend checking my guide on Attack Roll Increase, to get ideas on how to mitigate it.

Level 5

Finally, level 2 spells are unlocked, new Oath spells and we get the Paladin class feature - Extra Attack.

Feature Description
PassiveFeature_ExtraAttack Baldur's Gate 3Extra Attack Can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack. This will make you much more powerful in combat

Oath of Devotion bonus spells are very good for Level 5:

Spell Description
Spell_Abjuration_LesserRestoration Baldur's Gate 3Lesser Restoration Can cure various diseases, paralysis, poison, etc. Unfortunately, we already get this as a prepared spell with any Paladin, so it is nothing special
Spell_Illusion_Silence Baldur's Gate 3Silence Create a space that silences enemies. They cannot cast any spells. This sounds cool, but in reality, enemies can generally leave it easily and it also takes a spell concentration slot. The good thing is that it is a ritual spell, meaning you can use it without expending the spell slot if cast outside of combat

Prepared Spells

As level 2 spells are unlocked. Unfortunately, I do not find them particularly useful. Something like Branding Smite looks cool, but when you think about it it costs action and bonus action points, just to brand an invisible enemy. This will not happen often. So the only one I recommend to Devotion Paladin:

Spell Description
Spell_Transmutation_MagicWeapon Baldur's Gate 3Magic Weapon This spell can empower your weapons with bonus damage rolls and attack rolls. The higher the spell slot you use the bigger the bonus. Another thing is that the bonus may seem low, but it will greatly boost your success on hitting while having Great Weapon Master active.

Level 6

For a Paladin, this is an important level. It unlocks their first aura - Aura of Protection. Why are they special? Auras are always active and there are no cons to using them

Action Description
Action_Paladin_AuraOfProtection Baldur's Gate 3Aura of Protection You and nearby allies gain a bonus to Saving Throws equal to your Charisma modifier

Level 7

This is another milestone for the subclass where you unlock a subclass feature and one level 2 spell slot.

Feature Description
Action_Paladin_AuraOfDevotion Baldur's Gate 3Aura of Devotion Devotion Paladin aura. Thankfully it does not cost anything to use, as just resistance to being Charmed is pretty limiting

Level 8

We get our second feat that will further improve the build. Here are the options:

Feat Description
PassiveFeature_PolearmMaster_AttackOfOpportunity Baldur's Gate 3Polearm Master Only with two-handed spear-type weapons. First, it gives an Opportunity Attack when an enemy comes within range of your melee attack. Second, you gain additional action that allows you to hit a second time using the polearm's butt. This can be useful as you could land additional smite for a good damage boost using only bonus action.
ico_features Baldur's Gate 3Ability Improvement Another option is going for +2 Strength. This will give higher weapon damage and higher attack rolls.

Level 9

This is an important level as it finally gives level 3 spells. We also unlock the last spells from the subclass. These are great additions to the Paladin build

Oath Spells Description
Spell_Abjuration_BeaconOfHope Baldur's Gate 3Beacon of Hope A support spell that is average at best. It is good because Healing spells heal for the maximum possible amount and allies gain an advantage on Wisdom Saving Throws. But this costs a concentration slot and a level 3 spell. If you think of opportunity costs, you could kill a normal enemy using a Smite using the same action.
Spell_Abjuration_RemoveCurse Baldur's Gate 3Remove Curse The spell is nothing special, it has a few uses in the game or when removing a Curse from yourself.

Prepared Spells

Here are my recommendations for level 3 spells. I do not think these spells are very powerful. They do not change the Paladin gameplay much but can provide some situational bonuses. It is still the best use case to use your Divine Smites.

Spells Description
Spell_Transmutation_ElementalWeapon Baldur's Gate 3Elemental Weapon Similar to Magic Weapons, this imbues your weapon with elemental powers and gives a bonus attack roll. The bonus is 1d4 damage which is decent. If the enemy is vulnerable to it this is doubled. Moreover, the spell lasts until a long rest if you can maintain the concentration
Spell_Evocation_BlindingSmite Baldur's Gate 3Blinding Smite Another smite in your arsenal. It is not as good as Divine Smite in terms of damage. However, it can be used to apply blind on the target
Spell_Evocation_AuraOfVitality Baldur's Gate 3Warden of Vitality The spell is best cast before combat. It allows you to use a healing spell with bonus action. This is a good choice to use in difficult encounters and to help your Cleric. But otherwise, has no real purpose in general easy fights. I personally would use it in case I died in some boss encounter and felt that additional heals would help.
Spell_Evocation_CrusadersMantle Baldur's Gate 3Crusader's Mantle An alternative to an Elemental Weapon spell, but instead you give 1d4 radiant damage to your group members. It also lasts only for 10 turns

Level 10

We get two Paladin class-related boons - additional Lay on Hands charge and bonus Aura

Spells Description
Action_Paladin_AuraOfCourage Baldur's Gate 3Aura of Courage You and your cannot be Frightened. The effect can be deadly so becoming invulnerable to it is welcome

Level 11

We get an additional level 3 spell slot and an improvement to all Smites

Spells Description
PassiveFeature_ImprovedDivineSmite Baldur's Gate 3Improved Divine Smite Melee attacks deal an additional 1d8 damage radiant damage. This is a welcome upgrade making the iconic spell even more powerful. This upgrade works on all smites - thunderous, searing, etc.

Level 12

This is the last level for Paladin's Oath of Devotion builds. We get the last Feat that looks a bit underwhelming. Be sure to check the next section for the multiclass alternatives

Feat Description
PassiveFeature_SavageAttacker Baldur's Gate 3Savage Attacker A perfect feat to maximize damage by rolling two dice and taking the better one. It works only on weapon attacks. Moreover, this also affects Smites and any additional effects you do with melee weapons.

Multiclass Options

Paladin Fighter

You have an option of going 10 Paladin and 2 Fighter in the last two levels. This is a good option as you trade a Feat and higher tier Divine Smite for two more attacks. This comes from Action Surge which can be used for each short rest.

This looks like a good trade and you really do not lose anything else like spells or spell slots.


The multiclass between Paladin and Warlock build - Lockadin. This is a powerful combo as you can merge an extra attack from Paladin and a Depeened Pact bonus attack from Warlock. Another aspect is that you gain spell slots that are restored each short rest and do not need to Long Rest as often.

The downside is that you have only 2 Feats and lower-level spells.

General Tips

Now I would like to cover some general tips on how to play Oath of Devotion Build.

Having allies close

I think Paladin builds shine when there is another melee fighter nearby. It could be rogue, fighter, barbarian, etc. Paladins are able to have permanent auras which work in a 3-meter radius. If most of your party members are ranged ones, they will never get these benefits, which is a bummer.

This does not mean that to use this build you have to rework your composition, but be aware that when allies are close to the Paladin they will get even more benefits.

Managing Great Weapon Master

One of the more important feats of the build is Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In. It gives a flat damage boost at the cost of decreased attack rolls. Generally, it is best to take this later in the game at level 8+, when you have higher attack bonuses and better gear.

However, if you can effectively use it at level 4, you will be able to easily kill most of the enemies you encounter, especially as it is easy to die in Act 1. So if you are up for putting in additional effort the benefits are immense. Here are the main ways to increase your attack rolls:

  • Bless icon action bg3Bless​ from Cleric or Paladin, for a 1d4 bonus.
  • Spells like Faerie Fire icon action bg3Faerie Fire, and Blindness icon action bg3Blindness​ give an advantage to attackers.
  • Oil of Accuracy or Diluted Oil of Sharpness, for 1 and 2 attack roll bonus.
  • Gloves of the Growling Underdog icon bg3Gloves of the Growling Underdog - can be obtained in Goblin Camp, and gives an advantage for attack rolls.
  • Svartlebee's Woundseeker icon bg3Svartlebee's Woundseeker - early game greatsword that you can get before engaging in any of the major battles of Act 1.

Now, if you want more in-depth information, I have a guide covering how to increase attack rolls, which lists a lot of options and combinations. You can then pick the bonuses based on your party setup.

Smites Explained

This is the signature action of Paladin, that invokes Radiant damage. It looks cool and does a lot of damage. However, there are a few caveats that should be explained.

divine smite baldurs gate 3

First, the Paladin gets additional Smites - Thunderous Smite, Searing Smite, etc. They are cool and give additional effects. However, they are far weaker than Divine Smite. Why? Divine Smite only uses Action points and spell slots. Other ones take Action + bonus action. More or less you get more damage per action.

paladin smites combat baldurs gate 3

Of course, other Smites come with unique effects like Blind, Freighten, etc. They are also perfect when fighting enemies weak to specific elements - thunder, fire, etc. But if the enemy dies fast, there is no use for alternative smites. So they are best used against higher-health enemies.


Thank you for reading the Oath of Devotion Paladin build for Baldur's Gate 3. These are protectors of good and weak. If you prefer this kind of role-playing, then Devotion Paladin is what you need. Unfortunately, it lacks some more offensive options compared to other Oaths but gives a perfect groundwork for a righteous light warrior.



Post author zanuffas avatar zanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!