Best Races and Subraces Tier List - Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)
Here is a Tier List covering how I think Races and Subraces are ranked. This is subjective and based on my criteria:
S | Wood Half-Elf![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
A | High Elf![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
B | Human![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
C | Black Dragonborn![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Here is my explanation with reasonings:
Wood Half-Elf
Features from race:
Civil Militia
Fey Ancestry
Features from subrace:
- Fleet of Foot - your movement speed is increased by 1.5 meters.
- Mask of the Wild - you gain proficiency in stealth.
Any martial build will benefit greatly from the increased movement speed. Moreover, Civil Militia makes being a spellcaster much easier. You can equip a shield to get that +2 armor class early in the game. With other bonuses, you have more survivability than a fighter or paladin.
Drow Half-Elf
Features from race:
Civil Militia
Fey Ancestry
Features from subrace:
Dancing Lights
Faerie Fire
This choice is great as you get shield proficiency, making this subrace great for spellcasters. However, its main highlight is the Darkness spell at level 5. This is a very powerful spell and if you plan on playing Warlock or Shadow Monk this allows for some extremely strong combat approaches.
High Half-Elf
Features from race:
Civil Militia
Fey Ancestry
Features from subrace:
- Can choose one cantrip from the Wizard spell list.
Similar to other Half-elves they get shield proficiency. However, the main highlight is the choice of a cantrip. The problem is that these use Intelligence as a spellcasting modifier. However, you can take utility cantrips like Friends which help immensely in dialogues and skipping various combat situations.
Features from race:
Martial Prodigy
Astral Knowledge
Mage Hand
Enhance Leap
Misty Step
I think race is lacking in the "beauty" department, but it makes up for it with bonus features. The main highlight is Martial Prodigy which allows you to wear Medium Armor. This is extremely useful in some cases like casters who may have low Armour Class early in the game and no access to good robes.
Astral Knowledge is another amazing action that gives proficiencies and allows passing those ability rolls.
Misty Step is perfect for combat situations where you want to reach an enemy instantly with a cost of bonus action.
Overall, this race is a powerhouse.
Duergar Dwarf
Features from race:
Dwarven Combat Training
Dwarven Resilience
Features from subrace:
Superior Darkvision
Duergar Resilience
I think this is a very powerful choice. You get Invisibility that can be cast at will,
Enlarge tat gives bonus damage without and concentration cost, you get better dark vision. Overall, this is the perfect choice for Assassin-themed builds, that do not have any equals.
High Elf
Features from race:
Elven Weapon Training
Fey Ancestry
Features from subrace:
- Can choose one cantrip from the Wizard spell list.
The additional cantrip is a great bonus for utility choices. I would not recommend any offensive ones unless you are a wizard, as they use an Intelligence spellcasting modifier.
Besides that, compared to Half-elves the proficiency in longbows does not make up for shield proficiency in my opinion, especially, as you can still use other ranged weapons (albeit not as strong ones)
Wood Elf
Features from race:
Elven Weapon Training
Fey Ancestry
Features from subrace:
- Fleet of Foot - your movement speed is increased by 1.5 meters.
- Mask of the Wild - you gain proficiency in stealth.
Similar to Wood Half-Elf, this subrace is a solid choice, especially for melee builds. However, it does not provide Shield proficiency which is a bummer if you plan on using this on a caster, especially early game.
Lolth-Sworn Drow
Features from race:
Drow Weapon Training
Superior Darkvision
Fey Ancestry
- Keen Senses - you gain proficiency in the Perception skill.
Dancing Lights
Faerie Fire
Features from subrace:
Drows are especially good in Act 1 due to the multiple dialogue options here. They also get bonus spells. The most prominent one is Darkness, which can be useful for builds or classes like Warlock, which can utilize them in combat.
Superior Darkvision is also good, but I don't think it is something that is a huge game-changer. Still, it is useful for ranged builds.
Why I am not putting it at S-Tier? Well, my main gripe is that the biggest features the Race provides are somewhat limited to use cases.
Seladrine Drow
Features from race:
Drow Weapon Training
Superior Darkvision
Fey Ancestry
- Keen Senses - you gain proficiency in the Perception skill.
Dancing Lights
Faerie Fire
Features from subrace:
Drows are especially good in Act 1 due to the multiple dialogue options here. They also get bonus spells. The most prominent one is Darkness, which can be useful for builds or classes like Warlock, which can utilize them in combat.
Superior Darkvision is also good, but I don't think it is something that is a huge game-changer. Still, it is useful for ranged builds.
Why I am not putting it at S-Tier? Well, my main gripe is that the biggest features the Race provides are somewhat limited to use cases.
Asmodeus Tiefling
Features from race:
Hellish Resistance
Features from subrace:
Produce Flame
Hellish Rebuke
The subrace is a solid choice and is somewhat similar to Drows. Fire resistance is extremely good, as this is the most prominent element throughout the game. Hellish Rebuke is a good reaction spell, that saves an action and a spell slot.
Darkness is a great addition if you are a Warlock or anyone in the party can utilize this to their advantage.
However, I still think they could have Superior Darkvision or better proficiencies to get to that S-Tier.
Deep Gnome
Features from race:
Gnome Cunning
Features from subrace:
Superior Darkvision
Stone Camouflage
Gnomes are okay as a race, as they are effective when resisting spells, especially those targeting Wisdom (and there are plenty of those).
However, the subrace gives Stone Camouflage, which allows it to be one of the most prominent stealth options. Just apply
Greater Invisibility and you can free-kill, multiple enemies before being detected.
However, the limited subclass feature usage is not enough for higher ranking in my opinion.
Lightfoot Halfling
Features from race:
Halfling Luck
Features from subrace:
Naturally Stealthy
Halflings are a very popular choice, specifically, for their Halfling Luck feature. This trait gets better and better as the game progresses and it greatly diminishes chances of you rolling 1. This is important as natural 1 roll means failure, doesn't matter what your bonuses are.
So sometimes you could have +11 from various bonuses and would pass difficulty 10, however, that roll of 1, fails everything.
Even though Lightfoot subrace is better with stealth builds due to stealth advantage, it still works with almost anything.
Strongheart Halfling
Features from race:
Halfling Luck
Features from subrace:
Strongheart Resilience
Halflings are a very popular choice, specifically, for their Halfling Luck feature. This trait gets better and better as the game progresses and it greatly diminishes chances of you rolling 1. This is important as natural 1 roll means failure, doesn't matter what your bonuses are.
So sometimes you could have +11 from various bonuses and would pass difficulty 10, however, that roll of 1, fails everything.
Strongheart subrace does not bring much to the table in my opinion, however, it still pulled this high by Halfling Luck trait.
Features from race:
Relentless Endurance
Savage Attacks
Half-Orcs are a very strong option for melee builds. Of course, they are also good for ranged builds, but their Relentless Endurance is more aimed toward close combat in my opinion.
They also get Savage Attacks that could trick you into thinking it is better than what it is. The main reason is that it mostly shines with weapons that have high-range rolls - 1d10, 1d12.
However, something like a Greatsword, would not get as big of a benefit as their rolls are 2d6, and one of the strongest weapons in the game Balduran's Giantslayer is a greatsword.
Features from race:
Civil Militia
Human Versatility
Humans do not get any special features that would make them stand out. However, they are still a solid choice especially if you need two things:
- Shield proficiency - very useful for casters early in the game and up until Act 2-3
- If you want more proficiencies to better handle a variety of ability check rolls.
Besides these, there is nothing else, that makes them stand out.
Gold Dwarf
Features from race:
Dwarven Combat Training
Dwarven Resilience
Features from subrace:
Dwarven Armour Training
I wanted to move this subrace to the lowest tier, however, medium armor proficiency can be useful for some builds, especially early on. It would still work throughout the game, giving some competitive advantage to the Armour Class.
Sadly, there are no other major bonuses besides Darkvision.
Mephistopheles Tiefling
Features from race:
Hellish Resistance
Features from subrace:
Mage Hand
Burning Hands
Flame Blade
The subrace gets some cool features, however, their use cases are very limited or work only on specific builds. Another downside is that the offensive ones use the Charisma modifier, and not something like the Class modifier, which can be problematic and almost useless for some builds.
Forest Gnome
Features from race:
Gnome Cunning
Features from subrace:
Speak with Animals
The subrace feature allowing to speak with animals is almost useless. It saves some potions, but that's it... Otherwise Gnome Cunning is a solid feature.
Rock Gnome
Features from race:
Gnome Cunning
Features from subrace:
Artificer's Lore
The subrace is somewhat disappointing. Artificer's Lore is okay as a freebie, but that's it, more or less. The race has lower movement speed and the only thing keeping it in B-Tier is
Gnome Cunning to resist various spells.
Zariel Tiefling
Features from race:
Hellish Resistance
Features from subrace:
Searing Smite
Branding Smite
On the first days of my game, I thought this was one of the most awesome subraces. However, as I tried Paladin, I understood that their Divine Smite is much better and doesn't cost bonus action. Of course, this is not an equal comparison.
The problem with these smites is that they are useful in the early game, and later on, as you find better uses for bonus actions like Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack, Dual-wield offhand attack, etc. These bonus smites lose their appeal as you have ways of dealing more damage.
Of course, as a Tiefling, you still get fire resistance and Darkvision, which is helpful.
Gold Dwarf
Features from race:
Dwarven Combat Training
Dwarven Resilience
Features from subrace:
- Dwarven Toughness - hit point maximum increases by 1, and further 1 on each level up.
Overall, compared to their counterpart Druegars, the subrace pales in comparison. The bonus HP is a good addition, for front liners, but low movement speed and no other good bonuses make it subpar.
All Dragonborn subraces
Features from race:
- Related Element Breath.
- Related Element Resistance.
This race is the coolest looking, and probably the reason why it was so under-tuned for Baldur's Gate 3. They have in theory a good action - Breaths. However, their scaling is disappointing and the steep cost of Action Point makes it problematic as the game progresses. In late Act 2 and Act 3, this is useless.
You could argue, that the resistances are good, but the only one worthwhile in my opinion is fire. Still, I have a hard time putting it into a higher tier, for now. Maybe, later they will get some buffs.
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