Varric - Best Builds

Varric - Best Builds - Dragon Age 2 (DA2)

By zanuffas
Last updated:

In this post, I will go through the best Varric build in Dragon Age 2. He is a dwarf companion that joins Hawke in Kirkwall. He is from the merchant guild full of banter and interesting stories.

The question is what you can expect from him in combat with the builds?

Varric will use Bianca his one and only weapon to deal with enemies from a ranged distance. Due to the relevant abilities, he will buff the party and deal strong single target damage.

Varric Ranged Disorienting Build

This build starts to shine at about level 10. At that time you gain most of Bianca's ability tree skills. You also can start applying a DISORIENTED effect that allows for large damage combos.

Varric will also have crazy attack speed that ensures his fast stamina regeneration for maximum ability usage.

So let's start


Varric support build attributes

There are two ways Varric can be used in your group and the role he plays

Varric is the only rogue in the group:

  • Cunning 40 – your first priority, this ensures that you can open all the chests in the game.

Once you have this covered allocate points like this:

  • Dexterity 35- you need to make sure that Varric can successfully hit enemies with auto attacks and also have sufficient critical chance
  • Cunning - put the rest of the points here.

There are other rogues

  • Dexterity 35 - to ensure that Varric has a high critical chance and does not miss any attacks
  • Cunning - the rest of the points for maximum critical damage


Regarding abilities, once you have enough gold, be sure to buy Maker's Sigh to fully select the correct abilities.

varric disorient build abilities dragon age 2

I recommend following this build from Level 7

Order Skill Description
1 miasmic flask iconMiasmic Flask We mainly take it for progression
2 Speed Increases attack speed by 10%. This will allow Varric to restore stamina much faster
3 pinning shot iconPinning Shot Good early CC ability that pins the enemy to the ground making him immobile.
4 Rush Although we take this for progression Rush will allow Varric to avoid groups of enemies if he is surrounded
5 Bursting Arrow We mainly take this for progression, but it can be quite effective for AOE ability early in the game.
6 pinning shot iconRapid Pinning Shot Improves Rapid Shot by decreasing its cooldown.
7 Evade This ability allows Varric to escape nearby attackers
8 Chameleon's Breath This ability allows Varric to throw a flask that obscures allies from enemy attacks. This results in missed attacks.
9 bianca's song iconBianca's Song A very strong sustained ability that increases Varric's attack speed
10 blindside iconBlindside The mandatory ability for any rogue build. It increases damage by 120% if the enemy is targeting an ally. be sure that enemy attention is drawn away.
11 pinning shot iconDisorienting Shot Upgrade for Pinning Shot that applies 100% DISORIENT status on enemy. This can be used for a combo
12 Charge Upgrades Rush and make it knock down enemies.
13 Rhyming Triplet We mainly take this for progression, but it can deal a decent amount of damage
14 Fatiguing Fog The main ability to weaken enemies. It slows down their movement and attack speed, very effective against bosses or groups of enemies.
15 Impenetrable Fog Obscures allies that enter the smoke field
16 Overpowering Fog Fatiguing fog now applies DISOTIRENT status on enemies with a 100% chance
17 Well oiled iconWell Oiled Increases Varric attack speed by 20%
18 Chameleon's Cloud Upgrade for Chameleon's Breath. Provides larger Radius and longer duration
19 Embellishment This ability will boost Varric's most important offensive stats, greatly improving his DPS.
20 Precision We mainly take this for progression
21 Power We mainly take this for progression
22 Harmony Provides passive bonuses for Specialist ability tree
23 Lightning Speed Increases Varric attack speed further while Speed is active
24 Energizing Speed Reduces the cooldown speed of all abilities.

You are free to do with other ability points what you want. But this covers the core of the build


For this build to work you need companions to have abilities or spells that utilize the DISORIENTED effect.

Here is the list of these abilities:

  • Scatter + Disperse - Weapon and Shield tree
  • Assault + Battery - Weapon and Shield tree
  • Devour + Insatiable - Reaver tree
  • Spirit Bolt + Spirit Strike - Spirit tree
  • Walking Bomb - Corrosive Walking Bomb/Virulent Walking Bomb - Spirit Tree
  • Stonefist + Golem's Fist - Primal tree

With these, you can make sure that your group will deal the maximum amount of damage and Varric the most effective.

Here is my Tactics window for Varric

Varric disorient support build tactics dragon age 2

This is endgame tactics and it relies on having Party members that can utilize the DISORIENTED status for combos.

Varric Damage Dealer build

This build is different from the previous one as it relies on making combos to deal the maximum amount of damage.

For this Varric build to work it is appropriate to have companions who can create the necessary status effects.


There are two ways Varric can be used in your group and the role he plays

Varric is the only rogue in the group:

  • Cunning 40 – your first priority, this ensures that you can open all the chests in the game.

Once you have this covered allocate points like this:

  • Dexterity 35 - you need to make sure that Varric can successfully hit enemies with auto attacks and also have sufficient critical chance
  • Cunning - put the rest of the points here.

There are other rogues

  • Dexterity 35 - to ensure that Varric has a high critical chance and does not miss any attacks
  • Cunning - the rest of the points for maximum critical damage


Here is how I allocate abilities for this build:

Varric dps build abilities dragon age 2

I recommend starting to allocate the abilities from about level 7 as this is when most of the skills become available

Order Skill Description
1 Speed Increases attack speed by 10%. This will allow Varric to restore stamina much faster
2 Rush This is a good ability that will allow Varric to escape enemies if he is being attacked
3 pinning shot iconPinning Shot This ability will pin the enemy to the ground making him immobile for a few seconds.
4 Bursting Arrow AOE ability that deals fire damage. Be careful of friendly fire if you are playing on Nightmare
5 Rapid Pinning Shot Upgrades Pinning Shot, so that it could be used more often
6 blindside iconBlindside The mandatory ability for any rogue build. It increases damage by 120% if the enemy is targeting an ally. A good tank is necessary
7 bianca's song iconBianca's Song The sustained ability boosts Attack and Critical Chance stats
8 archer's lance iconArcher's Lance An extremely strong ability that deals large amounts of damage. Have in mind that Nightmare difficulty has friendly fire.
9 Charge Upgrade to Rush. Varric will now knock down enemies. This is a very powerful upgrade allowing Varric to better control enemies on the battlefield
10 pinning shot iconDisorienting Shot However, with this Varric can apply DISORIENT status on enemies.
11 Rhyming Triplet A decent ability that releases a volley of arrows
12 Kickback Although not as powerful as some other abilities this one can knock down enemies with the physical force it provides.
13 Well oiled iconWell Oiled Increases Varric attack speed by 20%
14 Shattering Arrow Enables Bursting Arrow to deal additional damage to enemies under the effect of BRITTLE that is applied by mage spells.
15 archer's lance iconPunishing Lance Enables Archer's Lance to deal bonus Physical force and damage to BRITTLE enemies.
16 Backlash Upgrade for Kickback, allowing it to deal more physical force to STAGGERED enemies. Moreover, the ability now deals more damage and has a lower cooldown.
17 Embellishment Bianca's Song now increases Attack Speed and Critical Damage
18 Precision We mainly take this for progression
19 Power We mainly take this for progression
20 Lightning Speed Further increases attack speed when using Speed sustained ability
21 Harmony Buffs all the abilities in the Sustained tree.
22 overtime iconOvertime Provides additional stamina regeneration making Varric much more effective
23 Evade This Subterfuge skill will allow Varric to avoid any enemies that attack him from melee
24 Tactical Withdrawal Evade will now stun nearby enemies.
25 Energizing Speed Decreases ability cooldowns by 10%


For this build to be the most effective you need a mage who can activate BRITTLE status. Here is the list of spells that can do that:

  • Winter's Grasp + Winter Blast - Elemental tree
  • Cone of Cold + Deep Freeze - Elemental tree
  • Elemental Mastery - Elemental tree
  • Petrify + Desiccate - Primal tree

For warriors, you need them to apply the STAGGER status effect. This can be achieved with these abilities:

  • Shield Bash + Pummel - Weapon and Shield tree
  • Sunder - Two-Handed tree
  • Pommel Strike + Pommel Blow - Warmonger tree
  • Tremor + Aftershock - Warmonger tree
  • Cleave + Claymore - Vanguard tree
  • Devour + Voracious - Reaver tree

If your companions have these talents ready the build will work perfectly. To make full use of Varric here is my recommended Tactics setup:

Varric dps build tactics dragon age 2

Equipment Recommendations

Varric is a special character compared to other companions. Why is that? He has the only weapon - Bianca. Due to this, there are fewer optimizations to be made on him compared to other characters.


Priority Item Description
1 Four-Fingered Eddie's Lucky Talisman da2Four-Fingered Eddie's Lucky Talisman A very powerful amulet, that gives all the stats Varric needs.
2 eye of the bearded dragon icon da2Eye of the Bearded Dragon This item comes with the DLC. It is a special amulet for Varric that can be equipped on him for most of the game
3 sacred heart icon da2The Sacred Heart This is a decent amulet that you can get for Varric to increase his physical damage and critical chance
4 Pewter Pendant of Wolves Howling at the Moon icon da2Pewter Pendant of Wolves Howling at the Moon Provides +2% critical chance and bonus attack


Priority Item Description
1 The Refined Gentleman's Sash da2The Refined Gentleman's Sash Belt specifically for Varric that provides bonus critical chance and critical damage. It also improves with level-ups
2 the belt of promise da2The Belt of Promise This is quite an expensive belt, however, it is the best thing that you can get without Rogue Pack DLC.
3 seven deadly cinch iconSeven Deadly Cinch This is quite a cheap belt that can be obtained in Act 3. It gives a good damage boost.
4 the antivan garrote da2The Antivan Garrote The belt comes as a DLC and it gives a good damage boost
5 Enchanted Silverite Chain Belt da2Enchanted Silverite Chain Belt The belt can be obtained in Act 1 and provides good stats early in the game.


Priority Item Description
1 Puzzle Ring of the Black Fox da2Puzzle Ring of the Black Fox This ring provides the largest bonuses to main rogue stats
2 the graven circle da2The Graven Circle Provides a big boost to critical damage
3 Turquoise Ring of the Archon da2Turquoise Ring of the Archon The ring can only be worn by Varric. It provides bonus dexterity and critical chance in addition to some other buffs.
4 carved ring of the vhenadahl da2Carved Ring of the Vhenadahl Similar ring to the one below, but at this point in time, critical chance is better in my opinion
5 ring of the archmage da2Ring of the Archmage A decent ring that can be obtained early. It provides bonus physical damage.


This post covers Best Varric builds for Dragon Age 2. He is a versatile character who can both play a support and damage dealer role. It is important to have a correct party composition to maximize the usefulness of the build

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