David Martinez Build - Complete Guide

David Martinez Build - Complete Guide - Cyberpunk 2077

By zanuffas
Last updated:
This post covers the David Martinez Build for Cyberpunk 2077. This is inspired by an anime character from Edgerunners anime, which also popularized the Sandevistan Operating System. It will be the key to this build together with a lot of chrome to boost the character's stats!

David Martinez Build

So remaking David Martinez's build is somewhat challenging. The main theme is Sandevistan of course, and this is easy to recreate - just go to any ripperdoc and have it installed. This will be the core of what makes this setup.

However, things get a bit dicey once recreating what equipment David uses. For example, the anime shows him using Pistols early in his life, later on, he is seen wielding Shotguns and using a Projectile Launch System. Also, he has Gorilla Arms equipped but doesn't look like he used it in any episodes.

So the build will try to incorporate all of these things and recreate David Martinez with the setup mentioned above. Of course, you can bend all of these things to your play style. For example, if not using shotguns, why then not put those points into better mobility or Gorilla Arms?

So if this sounds interesting, let's get into it

The build was created and tested on Very Hard difficulty.


First, let's go through attributes, they provide stat bonuses and unlock new perks. The more points you invest the better options you unlock to create the David Martinez build.

Starting Game

Here are the attributes you should take at the game's start. You can allocate a total of 7 points.

I recommend checking Cyberpunk 2077 beginner tips to avoid missing or misunderstanding important things early in the game.

Attribute Allocation Description
ico_refReflexes +1 Just taking one point to unlock the first perk tier.
ico_techTechnical Ability +2 Just 1 point to unlock the first tier perks.
ico_coolCool +2 As David has used pistols in the anime, this is the perfect allocation to represent that.
ico_bodyBody +2 Unlock first-tier perks and increases HP.

End Game Attributes

Here is how the end-game setup would look with the build once you have all the attributes sorted out:

Attribute Allocation Description
ico_refReflexes 15 This tree is relevant for the mobility perks that you can get. Generally, just 9 points would be enough, but an additional critical chance is a good passive to get.
ico_bodyBody 20 The Body tree gives access to Shotgun and Gorilla arms-related perks. Moreover, you will get Adrenaline Rush perk icon cyberpunk 2077Adrenaline Rush​ for a survivability boost.
ico_techTechnical Ability 20 The main attribute that allowed David to chrome up the full body with cyberware. You will be investing a lot of perk points here.
ico_coolCool 15 Cool represents David's proficiency with handguns and pistols which he used during the first part of the anime.
ico_intIntelligence 3 Skip this attribute as it is irrelevant to the build.
Need help with level-by-level attribute/perk progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer attribute picks on each level, for optimal progression.


Let's go through the perks of the David Build. You will need about 60~ perk points for the build, and the base game awards about 80 with skills progression and perk shards. So some should be left to adjust the build to your needs.

The build is demanding perk points. So I will be limiting what I take. However, I think this reflects David perfectly. He was not an omnipotent combatant and mostly relied on his cyberware in this case - Technical Ability.

Body Perks

The Body tree represents survivability but also gives access to the Shotgun and Blunt weapon perks. Through the anime, David is seen using these weapons.

body perks david martinez build cyberpunk 2077

David did not use Gorilla Arms in combat, however, there are parts of the anime where you can see him having it. I leave it up to you to decide whether you are interested more in Projectile Launch System or Gorilla Arms. If not, then don't take the right side perks of the tree

Level 4 Perks

These perks will ensure that you have sufficient HP regeneration in various combat situations.

Perk Description
Painkiller perk icon cyberpunk 2077Painkiller A very valuable perk that is recommended for any build. We also need it for the progression
Dorph-head perk icon cyberpunk 2077Dorph-head Blood Pump will be one of the main Cyberware that we use to drastically boost HP restoration

Level 9 Perks

I did skip on the blocking-related perks. They are great early in the game, but as you improve your cooldown times and can sustain Sandevistan longer they become not important.

Perk Description
Wrecking Ball perk icon cyberpunk 2077Wrecking Ball The ability allows now to knock out targets while sprinting. This is great for mobility as it gives better control of the battlefield.
Die! Die! Die! perk icon cyberpunk 2077Die! Die! Die! Improved weapon handling with low stamina, will be useful with shotguns.

Level 15 Perks

The next set of Perks will give a huge survivability boost and unlock new actions.

Perk Description
Adrenaline Rush perk icon cyberpunk 2077Adrenaline Rush Awesome perk gives a second layer of HP when using healing items. This will give so-needed survivability if you plan on using EdgerunnerEdgerunner and also play on Very Hard
Calm Mind perk icon cyberpunk 2077Calm Mind Delay before Adrenaline starts decaying, prolonging the second layer of HP.
Juggernaut perk icon cyberpunk 2077Juggernaut Encourages you to have Adrenaline activated most of the time, to get these sweet combat bonuses.
Quake perk icon cyberpunk 2077Quake A violent hit that knocks down everyone around the area. It can be initiated from the air. It gets even better with the next perks
Aftershock perk icon cyberpunk 2077Aftershock Bonus stamina after doing quakes and hitting enemies.
Ripple Effect perk icon cyberpunk 2077Ripple Effect Bonus health when using quake, which will be useful for survivability.
Spontaneous Obliteration perk icon cyberpunk 2077Spontaneous Obliteration
Unlocks obliterate mechanics that can instantly kill a foe.
Close-quarters Carnage perk icon cyberpunk 2077Close-quarters Carnage
Improves Obliteration chances.
Rush of Blood perk icon cyberpunk 2077Rush of Blood Greatly improves reload speed after you Obliterate an enemy.
Need help with level-by-level Perk progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer optimal progression at each level, to pick correct perks.

Level 20 Perks

I can say these perks are optional. So take them if you have perk points to spare. They do provide great bonuses but nothing that David Martinez builds would require.

Perk Description
Pain to Gain perk icon cyberpunk 2077Pain to Gain A big boost to health item recharge rate. Taking this saves some perks from the Technical Ability tree in my opinion.
Finisher: Savage Sling perk icon cyberpunk 2077Finisher: Savage Sling Very cool finisher that can either restore health or allow you to throw enemies at the next target. This deals decent damage but most importantly it is fun!

Reflexes Perks

The Reflexes perk tree serves two purposes. First, get improved mobility with Dash perk icon cyberpunk 2077Dash​ and its related perks. With more perk points you could also unlock Air Dash perk icon cyberpunk 2077Air Dash​ giving even bigger distance coverage as you move.

reflexes perks cyberpunk 2077

Level 4 Perks

Perk Description
Slippery perk icon cyberpunk 2077Slippery Base perk, that we will need to progress to other levels
Muscle Memory perk icon cyberpunk 2077Muscle Memory Improves combat prowess by allowing you to reload while sprinting, giving so-needed agility during short combat moments.
Multitasker perk icon cyberpunk 2077Multitasker Can shoot while sprinting, making you more agile with ranged weapons during combat.

Level 9 Perks

Finally, you will be able to get the first mobility perk. It is useful both for exploration and combat

Perk Description
Dash perk icon cyberpunk 2077Dash Another new perk that gives a short dash to avoid or get close to the enemies.
Can't Touch This perk icon cyberpunk 2077Can't Touch This A 100% mitigation chance while dodging is very valuable. This will give you a higher chance of reaching an enemy if you are under heavy fire.

Technical Ability Perks

So this is the main perk tree for David Martinez Build. I will be putting a lot of points here to reflect his heavy reliance on Cyberware.

technical ability perks david martinez build cyberpunk 2077

Level 4 Perks

Perk Description
Glutton for War perk icon cyberpunk 2077Glutton for War You will be taking out a lot of enemies, so why not faster healing item recharge?

Level 9 Perks

Perk Description
All Things Cyber perk icon cyberpunk 2077All Things Cyber Mandatory perk as we will need as much Cyberware as we can. Reduces its costs
Health Freak perk icon cyberpunk 2077Health Freak Additional health item charge.
Borrowed Time perk icon cyberpunk 2077Borrowed Time This is an amazing perk, that you can combo with Reflex Tuner cyberware to ensure you survive close to death experience.
Renaissance Punk perk icon cyberpunk 2077Renaissance Punk Improves Cyberware Capacity which will allow for a bit more cyberware options.
Chrome Constitution perk icon cyberpunk 2077Chrome Constitution Reduced damage is a great improvement to survivability. Although for late-game levels, I would say it is optional.

Level 15 Perks

Perk Description
License to Chrome perk icon cyberpunk 2077License to Chrome Improves Skeleton cyberware and unlocks a new slot for even more chrome
Extended Warranty perk icon cyberpunk 2077Extended Warranty Increasing the duration of cyberware effects will further improve the Sandevistan operating system.
Cyborg perk icon cyberpunk 2077Cyborg For this yo work you will need to have all cyberware slots filled. However, the reduced cooldown is such a great improvement that allows you to minimize the duration between Sandevistan activations.
Ambidextrous perk icon cyberpunk 2077Ambidextrous Mainly used to unlock the full potential of the Cyborg perk icon cyberpunk 2077Cyborg​ perk. There are not many handles that are useful for this build.
Pyromania perk icon cyberpunk 2077Pyromania This works together with Ticking Time Bomb perk icon cyberpunk 2077Ticking Time Bomb​ and Shock-N-Awe cyberware.
Heat Shield perk icon cyberpunk 2077Heat Shield Improves survivability once you stack up some Pyromania perk icon cyberpunk 2077Pyromania.
Friendlier Fire perk icon cyberpunk 2077Friendlier Fire Damage resistance from your caused explosions. I would only take this if you plan to use Projectile Launch System
Doomlauncher perk icon cyberpunk 2077Doomlauncher Improves Projectile Launch System, I would only take this if you plan on using this cyberware. Otherwise do not take the perk.
Need help with level-by-level Perk progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer optimal progression at each level, to pick correct perks.

Level 20 perks

Perk Description
Ticking Time Bomb perk icon cyberpunk 2077Ticking Time Bomb A powerful EMP charge that stuns and deals damage to enemies around after you activate the Operating System.
Edgerunner perk icon cyberpunk 2077Edgerunner The one mandatory perk for this build is that allows it to reflect the insanity that David has to go through. This gives increased cyberware capacity at the cost of your health.

Cool Perks

So David in the anime used pistols multiple times. So I think it would be relevant to reflect that with this build, and I would urge you to start investing in this tree from the early game.

cool perks david martinez build cyberpunk 2077

Level 9 perks

Perk Description
Focus perk icon cyberpunk 2077Focus Increases headshot damage and gives a 4-second duration without any stamina usage.
Head to Head perk icon cyberpunk 2077Head to Head Reset duration of Focus perk icon cyberpunk 2077Focus, but most importantly it gives access to the next perk.
Deep Breath perk icon cyberpunk 2077Deep Breath Slows down time, which allows for better targeting when activating Focus perk icon cyberpunk 2077Focus.
Rinse and Reload perk icon cyberpunk 2077Rinse and Reload Improves reload speed when you neutralize an enemy using aim.

Level 15 Perks

Perk Description
Deadeye perk icon cyberpunk 2077Deadeye Improved headshot damage and unlocks special shots that further enhance damage.
High Noon perk icon cyberpunk 2077High Noon Improved reload speed and slows down time during it. This is great as you can use that to better evaluate your combat situation.

Perks - Relic

These perks are available with Phantom Liberty DLC. They will give further improvements to some of the game mechanics.

relic perks david martinez build cyberpunk 2077

Priority Perk Description
1 Vulnerability Analytics perk icon cyberpunk 2077Vulnerability Analytics Shows enemy weak spots, which when hit, create an electricity explosion. It is especially useful against robots and stronger enemies which are hard to chip away with just melee weapon attacks.
2 Machine Learning perk icon cyberpunk 2077Machine Learning Improves Vulnerability AnalyticsVulnerability Analytics by making them appear faster and giving a higher critical damage boost
3 Jailbreak perk icon cyberpunk 2077Jailbreak Improves both Gorilla Arms and Projectile Launch System with unique action.
4 Limiter Removal perk icon cyberpunk 2077Limiter Removal Additional knockdown after using charged Strong Attack with Gorilla Arms
5 Launch Capacity Override perk icon cyberpunk 2077Launch Capacity Override Provides additional charge with Projectile Launch System.


This section will cover what gear I recommend using with the David build. Always try to obtain the highest tier equipment as it provides the best stats and most modification slots.

For weapons I will recommend those that relate to David but also their iconic versions which can be more powerful.


Here are my recommendations for the best Katanas that you should be on the lookout for

Item Description
order cyberpunk 2077Order Very strong Tech shotgun that will most likely one-shot any enemy. The main downside is that it reloads after each shot.
db 2 satara cyberpunk 2077DB-2 Satara The most satisfying shotgun to use, thanks to its sound effects. It was also briefly held by David.
crusher cyberpunk 2077Crusher One of the shotguns that David used. Offers a good headshot multiplier and a decent fire rate.
l 69 zhuo shotgun cyberpunk 2077L-69 Zhuo A smart shotgun that releases multiple pellets

Here are some weapon mods that could be useful to improve weapons if you drop a good non-iconic one. There are two combos that I suggest with shotguns:

Modification Description
kneel cyberpunk 2077Kneel Use this together with Firecracker to create exploding puddles that dismember targets. This is ultimate destroyer that will make enemies die instantly.
firecracker cyberpunk 2077Firecracker

For Tech shotgun:

Modification Description
wallpuncher cyberpunk 2077Wallpuncher The perfect mode for DB-2 Satara for even more damage.


These are the pistols that David Martinez has used or had equipped in the anime. I also include iconic versions of some of them as they are just too good to pass up.

Item Description
lizzie cyberpunk 2077Lizzie
One of the best pistols in the game, due to powerful charge shots.
dying night cyberpunk 2077Dying Night Early game pistol, that has a fast firing rate and is excellent while you are learning the ropes of the game.
lexington cyberpunk 2077Lexington Great pistol with plenty of mods. However, it's iconic versions are stronger.
yukimura pistol cyberpunk 2077Yukimura Smart pistol if you feel too lazy to target your enemies precisely. However, without smart weapon perks, this is inferior to other options I suggest.
omaha cyberpunk 2077Omaha Tech pistol, with okay damage, you will obtain its iconic version Lizzie which is much more powerful.
overture cyberpunk 2077Overture A revolver weapon that has a very high headshot damage multiplier.

Here are some weapon mods that could be useful to improve weapons if you drop a good non-iconic one.

Modification Description
wallpuncher cyberpunk 2077Wallpuncher Improves tech weapon charge damage.
pinpoint cyberpunk 2077Pinpoint Reduces bullet spread after you land a headshot
zenith cyberpunk 2077Zenith Improve weapon handling and crit chance, but require you to draw a weapon for this effect to initiate.
better half cyberpunk 2077Better Half Improves crit chance with the second half of the magazine.
equalizer cyberpunk 2077Equalizer Improved damage against elite enemies


Cyberware is a unique mechanic that allows us to fill the build with implants. Early games can be quite difficult as you will have limited capacity. However, as you progress and drop more Capacity Shards, you will be able to equip more.

I will be covering here what is your goal for the end game, to make the build as powerful as possible

First Priority Cyberware

This is what is essential to make the build work. I would even recommend dropping everything else to equip these if cyberware capacity doesn't allow it. These cyberware selections make the core of the build.

david martinez build first priority yberware cyberpunk 2077

You can only choose one of the Arms cyberware. So pick the one that you prefer, or use them based on your perks. I would use Gorilla Arms early in the game and for late game reserver Projectile Launch System.
Slot Cyberware Description
Frontal Cortex 1 newton module cyberpunk 2077Axolotl This cyberware will take the build to the ultimate level. It has a very steep cyberware capacity cost. But it gives cooldown reductions for almost everything.
newton module cyberpunk 2077Newton Module Gives a cyberware cooldown reduction after taking out an enemy. It is not much, however, with multiple kills, the effect adds up.
Arms 1 gorilla arms cyberpunk 2077Gorilla Arms This is one of the cyberware I recommend and somewhat related to David. It is especially good early on as a melee weapon if you decide to use Blunt weapons.
projectile launch system cyberpunk 2077Projectile Launch System This is the cyberware that David used in the Maelstrom encounter. I recommend this for the latter part of the game as for maximum effectiveness it will require some relic perks.
Skeleton 1 spring joints cyberpunk 2077Spring Joints Improves mitigation strength, complementing other cyberware like Countershell and Neofiber.
Nervous System 1 neofiber cyberpunk 2077Neofiber Improves mitigation chance and strength. This synergizes well with Countershell + Spring Joints.
Integumentary System 1 countershell cyberpunk 2077Countershell One of my favorite cyberware. With this, in case you are under heavy fire it will activate to give a huge boost to mitigation chance. Thanks to other cyberware you will have 70-90% damage reduction for 4 seconds. Together with Axolotl, you can have almost instant cooldowns.
Integumentary System 2 shock n awe cyberpunk 2077Shock-N-Awe A very powerful cyberware that I recommend if you plan on using melee weapons or shotguns. The proximity will trigger shock explosions staggering nearby foes.
Operating System 1 militech apogee sandevistan cyberpunk 2077Militech "Apogee" Sandevistan The iconic cyberware that David used to overcome any challenges. It is good for bigger damage boosts and instant kills. However, the time-slow effect is very strong, which can be problematic for automatic ranged weapons.
militech falcon sandevistanMilitech "Falcon" Sandevistan Another alternative that has lower cyberware cost to Militech "Apogee" Sandevistan. It is better suited for faster-firing weapons.
dynalar sandevistan cyberpunk 2077Dynalar Sandevistan This is the base version that I recommend using from early levels.
Circulatory System 1 biomonitor cyberpunk 2077Biomonitor Automatically heals, makes the combat somewhat easier, as you do not have to worry how long it takes to use a healing item.
Circulatory System 2 second heart cyberpunk 2077Second Heart This is an alternative if you are okay with less healing amount, but want to revive if you die. This is very powerful as Axolotl will constantly reduce its cooldown time
blood pump cyberpunk 2077Blood Pump The most powerful healing item in the game, if calculating the total healing amount.
Legs fortified ankles cyberpunk 2077Fortified Ankles Gives the highest jumps and high boost to armor compared to cyberware capacity cost. But you need to hold the jump button. This is what David used in the Maelstrom fight.

Second Priority Cyberware

This is what you should be getting once you have the core cyberware, or you have free capacity.

second priority cyberware david martinez build cyberpunk 2077

Slot Cyberware Description
Skeleton 2 epimorphic skeleton cyberpunk 2077Epimorphic Skeleton The huge boost to health and armor is a good improvement to survivability. On Very Hard in the late game, some enemies may one-shot you with too low HP.
Nervous System 2 revulsor cyberpunk 2077Revulsor Improved version of Reflex Tuner, which works similarly to Sandevistan and does not slow you down.
reflex tuner cyberpunk 2077Reflex Tuner Excellent cyberware that kicks in when your health drops below 25%. This has a good synergy with Borrowed Time perk icon cyberpunk 2077Borrowed Time, which gives a chance to gain a health item when on Low HP.
Integumentary System 3 painducer cyberpunk 2077Painducer
This is recommended if you can afford the cyberware cost. This is a huge lifesaver that greatly reduces big damage and spreads it over a while.
carapace cyberpunk 2077Carapace Gives bonus armor effectiveness when being attacked from flanks.
subdermal armor cyberpunk 2077Subdermal Armor A simple cyberware that has a high armor-to-cyberware capacity cost ratio.
Face 1 kiroshi cockatrice optics cyberpunk 2077Kiroshi "Cockatrice" Optics The best eye cyberware for any build that uses ranged or melee weapons. However, the cost is very steep, so I would leave this for the end game.
kiroshi doomsayer optics cyberpunk 2077Kiroshi "Doomsayer" Optics A lightly improved version that also gives a bonus critical chance based on the Reflexes attribute.
basic kiroshi optics cyberpunk 2077Basic Kiroshi Optics Simple eye cyberware, that I think does the job for this build as you get bonus headshot damage.
Hands 1 shock absorber cyberpunk 2077Shock Absorber Gives better handling for ranged weapons.

Final Cyberware setup

The last tier of cyberware options. Here is how the build should look in the end. Overall, you should try to fill all the slots if you are using the Cyborg perk icon cyberpunk 2077Cyborg​ Perk. After that as capacity increases, obtain improved options.

final cyberware setup david martinez build cyberpunk 2077

Slot Cyberware Description
Frontal Cortex 2 quantum tuner cyberpunk 2077Quantum Tuner If you can obtain this one, it is one of the best cyberware to have for cooldown heavy build. Just remember that it will be used up fast due to multiple cyberware utilizing it - Sandevistan, Reflex Tuner, Countershell, etc. I would think of limiting these and just utilizing Militech "Apogee" Sandevistan in that case.
mechatronic core cyberpunk 2077Mechatronic Core Just an alternative cyberware to fill the slot. It is also okay, for some bonus damage against mechs.
Frontal Cortex 3 kerenzikov boost system cyberpunk 2077Kerenzikov Boost System Although the build is not using Kerenzikov, this still gives a bonus to critical chance based on the Reflex attribute.
Skeleton 3 dense marrow cyberpunk 2077Dense Marrow Improves melee damage, and although it comes with an increased stamina consumption.
Nervous System 3 adreno trigger cyberpunk 2077Adreno-Trigger
If you can afford the capacity this is a great alternative that allows moving faster.
adrenaline converter cyberpunk 2077Adrenaline Converter Improves initial combat speed, perfect for any melee build
Hands 2 immovable force cyberpunk 2077Immovable Force Better weapon handling.
microgenerator cyberpunk 2077Microgenerator This cyberware works very well with shotguns which reload often and can trigger the additional shock release
Any cheap Cyberware You can use tattoos or anything else at a low cost to fill it.
Circulatory System 3 isometric stabilizer cyberpunk 2077Isometric Stabilizer If you can afford the cyberware cost this is great cyberware to extend the number of attacks you do without any penalties.
microrotors cyberpunk 2077Microrotors Take this if you want to increase attack speed further and do not care as much about survivability and health regeneration.
heal on kill cyberpunk 2077Heal-On-Kill I would say this is the safest option, it gives an additional layer of HP restoration.
threatevac cyberware cyberpunk 2077Threatevac Low-cost alternative to fill the slot

How to Use the Build

Here I would like to share some general tips that I would like to recommend for the best approach with this build.

Core Mechanics

Let's go through what I think are the core mechanics of the build to maximize its effectiveness.

Sandevistan usage

This operating system is the core of David Martinez's build. It allows slowing down time while you move at full speed. The only downside is that the weapon fire rate also slows down. So there is a fine line between absolute time slow and enough to be able to have full control of the fight.

One thing is that when you obtain Militech "Apogee" Sandevistan or Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan the time slow effect can be enabled/disabled at will. This gives some tactical options on how to better manage the cooldown, instead of using up everything.

My recommendation is to have Sandevistan activate while engaging in combat and not in between. This way you get a damage boost and also minimize damage from being stationary.

Projectile Launch System usage

This is one of the main cyberware that David Martinez uses together with Sandevistan. However, in Cyberpunk 2077 it is not as powerful. You can do some damage, but most of the time single rocket will inflict half of enemies HP.

But, with Jailbreak perk icon cyberpunk 2077Jailbreak​ multiple rockets, can wreak some havoc as they can eliminate even Elite enemies then. However, I would use this cyberware more as a Grenade rather than a bazooka. It is perfect for staggering or knocking down foes.

Stamina Management

The biggest problem with Katanas is prolonged combat where you have to do multiple hits sequentially. This uses up your stamina and greatly slows down your attack speed. To circumvent this there are various options:

  • Waiting, which is simplest but breaks the combat and slows it down.
  • Using Finishers - this is best done without Sandevistan being active. While the Finisher animation is running a few seconds will pass which will restore fully or at least partially your Stamina pool.
  • Perks like Tailwind perk icon cyberpunk 2077Tailwind, Lead and Steel perk icon cyberpunk 2077Lead and Steel, Slaughterhouse perk icon cyberpunk 2077Slaughterhouse, etc. These are great as usually you can incorporate them in combat rotation and ensure that you have stamina

Overall, this is only a problem when you are fighting in longer combat sequences. However, there is one cyberware that overcomes this limitation.

Gorilla Arms finishers

Another thing with Gorilla Arms and Finisher: Savage Sling perk icon cyberpunk 2077Finisher: Savage Sling​ is that they have the most interesting finisher out of all weapons. It can do two actions:

  • Finish off or damage the enemy
  • Throw the enemy

The latter option is where it gets interesting. So not only do you finish off the current foe, but you can sling it into another target and either deal great damage or kill them. This is what makes Blunt weapon finishers so powerful.

However, the simple finisher is also good as it gives a huge 20% health restoration and with its long animation restores part of your stamina.

Use Quake to crowd-control enemies

From the Body perk tree, you will get the Quake perk icon cyberpunk 2077Quake​ perk which works with Blunt weapons. It is the only action that allows hitting multiple enemies at the same time. Moreover, with subsequent upgrades, it will restore health and stamina.

The good part is that all of the enemies that are hit with it will be at least staggered, giving you time to pummel on the next foe.

Early Game Combat

Okay, let's go through some early-game combat approaches. I recommend checking Cyberpunk 2077 beginner tips for additional information on the early game combat.

At level 10 get the improved operating system

From level 10 be sure to visit ripperdocs and get access to the Tier 2 Sandevistan system. This will remove the starter cyberdeck and give you access to the first true operating system that you can use for the rest of the game.

Switch between Ranged and Melee weapons

So as you can guess the early game can be brutal, especially on very hard. For this reason, I recommend always having some ranged weapon. The David build will be effective with pistols early on, so I suggest using them at least for early games.

Use Grenades

Consumables like grenades are another great choice to give some crowd control for free. Just throw them on the enemy that you want to stagger. This is perfect when there is a group of foes, that could easily overwhelm you.

Late Game Combat

The late game offers multiple combat approaches as the build is proficient with a variety of weapons. I think by this time you will have found your preferred approach. For me - Tech Shotguns and Projectile Launch System are my favorite.

  1. You can enable/disable Sandevistan and use it when you want to get behind enemy backs, reach a group of them faster, or need help with landing a headshot.
  2. Use Quake perk icon cyberpunk 2077Quake​ often as it will help maintain your HP pool and stagger enemies.
  3. Finishers should be used when Sandevistan is not active. Otherwise, you will waste time.
  4. Killing enemies fast ensures that your Sandevistan doesn't end and you can have it ready at any time.


Thank you for reading this post on the David Martinez build in Cyberpunk 2077. I tried to recreate the build as precisely as possible. This of course makes you spend perks very thinly. However, I think that is a correct representation of David as his true power came from Cyberware rather than gun proficiency.

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