Best Mantis Blades build (Patch 1.63) - Cyberpunk 2077
This post will cover ideas on how to make a build specifically for the Mantis Blade weapon. This is a unique weapon introduced in the Cyberpunk universe. A sharp claws spread from the forearms, that you can use to pierce or cut enemies.
Mantis Blades allow you to rapidly attack, lunge long distances, and instantly kill with a strong attack ( if the enemy is weak enough). The weapon provides some thrilling combat moments
So let's start
Mantis Blade Stealth build
Just my personal preference, but for me, Mantis Blades plays extremely well with a stealth approach. Due to how Cyberpunk is balanced, melee builds are at an extreme disadvantage on how much damage they can soak on the highest difficulties
With this in mind, my preferred recommendation is to use stealth and use it to remove enemies one by one, until you are detected. Once that happens, engage in fast hand-to-hand combat, to jump around the battlefield. To make it easier, we will use Sandevistan, which slows time and makes it much more difficult for enemies to attack you.
In this section, I will go through recommended attributes and how you should progress with them. Picking the correct ones will ensure that you have sufficient stats to kill enemies. Moreover, it will allow getting very important perks for the Mantis blade build
Starting the game
Here are the starting attributes that I recommend:
- Reflexes +3 - main damage attribute for blade-type weapons (you will not have Mantis Blades early in the game)
- Body +2 - increases survivability
- Cool +2 - increases offensive and stealth-related stats.
Here is how I recommend allocating attribute points as you progress through the game:
Level | Reflex | Body | Tech | Cool | Int |
10 | 12 | 6 | 3 | 7 | 3 |
30 | 18 | 11 | 3* | 16 | 3 |
50 | 20 | 20 | 3* | 20 | 8 |
- Reflexes - You want to get this maximize very soon. It will ensure that you can mitigate damage, and have higher damage and critical chance.
- Cool - this attribute will ensure that you are able to perform well during stealth and increase critical damage and overall resistance.
- Body - this one is used to maximize the Mantis blade build survivability. There will be many cases where you will be in open combat and you need to be able to soak up some amount of damage.
*If you plan or want to add Blade - Thermal modification on Mantis Blades, this requires you to craft it. You can do that with the True Craftsman perk. However, it requires 5 Technical Ability. You can take out points from Intelligence and put them toward Technical Ability.
In this section let's go through how to allocate your perk points as you progress through the game. They are very important as they give improvements to current actions and give new gameplay options.
Blade tree
This is the main tree for Mantis Blade build. More or less, you should prioritize it
Level | Skill | Description |
1 | Sting Like a Bee x3 | Increases attack speed by 10%. It will ensure that you have very fast attacks to take out enemies as fast as possible. |
1 | Roaring Waters x3 | Gives a 30% increase to Strong attacks. You will use these often with Mantis Blade when jumping from one enemy to another |
4 | Slow and Steady x2 | As the build is prone to enemy shots, having increased armor by 30% while moving is essential not to die instantly |
4 | Crimson Dance x2 | Gives a 30% chance to apply Bleed. Although it does not deal massive damage it will provide other benefits later on |
6 | Flight of the Sparrow x2 | Reduces the Stamina cost of all attacks with Mantis Blades by 50%. Especially early you don't want to drain your stamina bar and get fatigued. |
8 | Shifting Sands | Another great ability that you can use to recover stamina when dodging is being used. |
10 | Blessed Blade | Gives a flat 10% critical chance if wearing Mantis Blade |
12 | Bloodlust x2 | This ability complements Crimson Dance and gives health regeneration when the enemy is Bleeding. Thanks to this perk, the build survivability increases greatly. |
12 | Float Like A Butterfly x2 | Dodging will give 50% more damage for 5 seconds. Very high increase for something that you will constantly be doing to avoid bullets or enemy attacks. |
15 | Judge, Jury and Executioner x3 | Huge damage boost on the first hit to the enemy |
18 | Deathbolt | This is an ability that you need for encounters with many enemies. Each enemy that you kill will restore your health by 20% and increase the movement speed by 30% for 5 seconds. |
15 | Fiery Blast x3 | Very strong perk. It gives a bonus of 3% damage for every 1% health the enemy is missing. |
20 | Dragon Strike | The last ability in the blade perk tree. It provides a 40% critical damage boost |
Athletics Tree
The athletics tree will ensure that the Mantis Blade build can survive long enough during the encounters.
Level | Skill | Description |
1 | Pack Mule | This is a quality of life ability that gives 60 points more carrying weight. I think it helps very early in the game when you need money fast. |
1 | Regeneration | Allows regenerating health during combat. It is very useful for this build as you wait behind the cover for the enemy to come to you |
5 | True Grit | Increases stamina by 10% allowing to do more hits with Mantis Blade |
7 | Epimorphosis | Increases the threshold to which HP regenerates during combat. Moreover, HP now regenerates to 100% outside of it. |
7 | Wolverine | Health regeneration will now activate 20% faster. This will make long encounters easier to survive |
9 | Steel and Chrome x2 | Increases melee damage by 10% |
11 | Like a Butterfly | Dodging will now not drain stamina. This will allow to better fight during long encounters |
12 | Invincible | As powerful as it sounds this ability only provides 15% health. However, that is still a good boost for overall survivability |
12 | Tenacious V | Health regeneration now continues even after being hit |
16 | Cardio Cure x2 | Because you are moving this ability is essential. It will give 30% faster health regeneration. |
Ninjutsu Tree
Level | Skill | Description |
1 | Crouching Tiger | Gives 20 %faster movement speed while sneaking |
7 | Assassin | Deals 15% more damage to humans. Almost all the enemies that you will fight will be humans, so the choice is obvious |
7 | Strike from the Shadows | Increases Critical Chance by 7% while sneaking. You will have a higher chance to deal a critical hit on the first hit before the enemy spots you. |
12 | From the Shadows x2 | Provides a 20% bonus critical chance for the first 7 seconds of the combat. |
12 | Ghost | Increases the detection time before the enemy spots you. |
16 | Hasty Retreat | Gives a 50% boost after being detected for 5 seconds. Thanks to this ability you can run around very fast and take out a few enemies before your take damage |
18 | Cheat Death | Reduces damage by 50% when health drops below 50% for 10 seconds. The ultimate survivability perk. |
Cool Blood
Level | Skill | Description |
1 | Cold Blood x3 | This is a very important buff for almost any stat in the game. Although at first, it provides only faster movement speed, as you progress it will provide other benefits. I suggest upgrading this ability every 5 levels and not but all 3 points at the start o the game |
5 | Will to Survive | Increases Resistances by 3%. Good for an early Game. However, later on can be swapped for Immunity |
5 | Blood Brawl | Melee damage is increased by 5% while Cold Blood is active |
12 | Predator x2 | Each stack of Cold Blood increases attack speed by 10% |
14 | Pain is an Illusion | Reduces damage taken by 5% while Cold Blood is active |
16 | Coldest Blood | Increases Cold Blood stack by 1 |
16 | Critical Condition x2 | Cold Blood will have its duration increased by 50%. Ensures that you can still maintain the buffs even after hiding from the enemy. |
18 | Immunity | Makes you immune to Bleeding, Poison, Burn, and Shock. Makes Will to Survive obsolete |
Build tactics
This Mantis Blade build is quite fragile, due to this I would like to share some tips:
- Take out as many enemies as you can using stealth. This will make combat much easier when you are detected as enemy numbers dwindle.
- Optical Camo is another good option to use. Thanks to it you can move around hardly seen and take out enemies.
- Mantis blades have a mechanic to jump on the enemy that you are targeting when you attack it from a distance. Use this to close the gaps. Have in mind you need a clear path to the enemy for this to work
- Once I am detected and if there are many enemies I usually activate Sandevistan. This way, enemies take some time to target you and start shooting. You want to avoid it because on Very Hard few shots will kill you.
- Grenades - always have a few of them. They are a good option to knockback a group of enemies. Use these to confuse them and create openings for attacks with Mantis Blade. The good thing is that they are effective even without any related perks.
- It is okay to retreat and hide. Enemy guns can be brutal, due to this have no shame in hiding. Once you have perks to regenerate health during combat this is a good way to get a breather before jumping into the fray again.
Equipment - what items should you use?
Although the build uses Mantis Blade they are only available when you have 20 Street Cred. Before that, I recommend using blade-type weapons like Katanas or Knives. It will allow you to learn the ins and outs of melee combat.
Mantis Blade is equipped as cyberware on arms, be sure to visit Ripper doc for that
Priority | Item | Description |
1 | The Legendary version provides the largest bonuses and has the highest damage. | |
2 | Early in the game, you will not be able to obtain the Mantis blades. For this reason, I recommend using this Katana and farming some Street Creds. |
As our main weapon will be Mantis Blade, here are what upgrades you can get for each of the slots
Slot | Item | Description |
1 | Pick this against single human enemies. The only sure way to obtain it is to craft it. This requires a True Craftsman perk that you can get by having 5 Technical Ability. I suggest subtracting 2 points from Intelligence | |
1 | Perfect for mech and drone enemies as it applies Electrical damage. | |
2 | This is a very powerful upgrade, that gives Mantis Blades a 45% attack speed increase | |
2 | Provides 35% attack speed increase for Mantis Blades | |
3 | Increases Crit Chance by 2%. Very good, when you have a low Crit Chance. | |
3 | Increases Crit Damage by 20%. Once you have a high Crit Chance, these stats will provide a larger DPS increase |
Armor Mods
Nothing much here, try to always have armors with the highest rating. If you get a chance try to obtain mods that increase your critical rate and damage.
Here are the mods that I recommend using on the armor
Mod name | Description |
Gives +8% Crit Damage. Great for maximizing damage late in the game | |
I recommend this mod for maximum survivability It gives bonus armor. Try to get the Legendary or Epic variant | |
Gives +4% Crit Chance. | |
Increases movement speed. It can make the gameplay a bit more difficult as you may run through the enemies. But overall makes the experience even more enjoyable and the enemy kills much faster | |
Provides higher Mitigation Strength. This means that when Mitigation activates the effect is stronger. |
This section will cover all the Cyberware that Mantis Blade build should use.
Frontal Cortex
With 8 Intelligence you can get some cyberware that provides bonuses to crit chance and damage
Slot | Item | Description |
1 | This item provides a certain percentage of health after each enemy that you kill. The effectiveness increases with the cyberware rarity | |
2 | Increases Crit Damage | |
3 | Increases Crit Chance |
Ocular System
Slot | Item | Description |
1 | Enables to have additional upgrades for the ocular system. Try to get the highest rarity which is Epic. It provides 3 upgrade slots. |
Mod name | Description |
Increases Crit Chance by 2%. | |
If you plan on using Grenades, this is a great quality of life improvement |
Circulatory System
Slot | Item | Description |
1 | Instantly restores a large portion of health when it drops below a certain threshold. Very valuable for this Mantis Blade build | |
2 | Reduces all cyberware cooldowns | |
3 | Another great option, especially early in the game when you may die often. It provides a second chance before you die. |
You can replace Second Heart with Microgenerator once you have high survivability
Immune System
Slot | Item | Description |
1 | Release electroshock when being hit. Has a certain activation chance. | |
2 | Reduces all the damage that you receive by 10%. |
Nervous System
You can wear 2 pieces of cyberwar for the Nervous System. Try to get the highest Rarity of the mentioned item
Slot | Item | Description |
1 | You can now slow time when dodging or sliding. Very effective for the Mantis Blade build. | |
2 | Increases Sandevistan and Kerenzikov duration | |
2 | Slows time when your Health drops to 25% |
Integumentary System
Slot | Item | Description |
1 | Provides flat armor increase. Try to obtain the highest rarity for the highest value. | |
2 | This is a bad boy. You will become invisible for a few seconds which you can use to take out enemies. Really neat cyberware for a stealth build | |
3 | Increases damage if you are burning |
Operating System - Sandevistan
I recommend Sandevistan. You lose the ability to use quickhacks, however, you can now slow time and this greatly helps in melee. During the fights, you can get to enemies using the shortest path, while avoiding the bullets
Priority | Item | Description |
1 | Provides 20 Crit Chance and 35% Crit Damage while Sandevistan is active. The effect lasts 18 seconds. Enough for most of the encounters. | |
2 | Gives a 15% critical chance and a 15% damage dealt increase while Sandevistan is active. | |
3 | Increases damage and Crit Chance by 15%. Has a 30-second cooldown. | |
4 | I recommend getting the Epic version early as possible as it will greatly improve your gameplay. |
Operating system mods. They will greatly improve your offensive
Mod name | Description |
Reduces Sandevistan cooldown. This is a must, as it allows using the ability more often | |
While Sandevistan is active, increases Crit Chance by 5%. | |
While Sandevistan is active, increases Crit Damage by 15%. | |
Increases duration |
Operating System - Berserk
Priority | Item | Description |
1 | A great operating system that provides a 20% boost to melee damage, 10% armor, and resistances. Most importantly it has a fairly short cooldown of 30 seconds | |
2 | The bonuses are a bit lower but have a whooping 60 seconds duration. | |
3 | Although this is an epic version it provides very good bonuses. Try to get it as early as possible. |
Berserk Mods
Mod name | Description |
While Berserk is active, increases Armor, Resistance, and Health regeneration by 15%. Melee attacks deal 100% more damage when Berserk is active. |
Increases Berserk melee damage bonus | |
While Berserk is active, increases Crit Chance | |
Reduces Berserk cooldown |
Slot | Item | Description |
1 | Increases the damage of melee attacks. However, they also drain more stamina. In the mid-game this stops becoming a problem | |
2 | Increases melee damage |
Another option that you can use is Microvibration Generator which provides bonus melee damage. However, the bonus is lower than Dense Marrow
Slot | Item | Description |
1 | The only Cyberware that you need. Already described the different options in the weapons section |
Slot | Item | Description |
1 | A perfect option for a stealth build. Running now generates less sound. | |
2 | My personal favorite makes traversing much easier. |
The build is really exciting. Even though it may take some time to learn to use Mantis Blades. However, once I got a hang of it, it was much more fun than using katana.
Another important part is that you need to play strategically. Unfortunately, you cannot just tank some enemies and you will have to look for moments where you can retreat or jump on the enemy without being detected. All of this and the Mantis blade weapon bring an exciting build to life.
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