OP Insanity Assault Rifle Build

OP Insanity Assault Rifle Build - Mass Effect: Andromeda (MEA)

By zanuffas
Last updated:

This post covers the best Assault Rifle build in Mass Effect Andromeda. It is one of the main game weapon types, that provides a fast firing rate and is good at medium to long-range combat. The weapon allows the creation of some overpowered (OP) Insanity builds that just remove enemies

Overpowered Insanity Assault Rifle Build

The idea of this build is fairly simple. We concentrate on maximizing our effectiveness with Assault Rifles. Before that, we will need a few things - correct skills, armor, and weapons. Once everything is in place, you will be able to shred enemies on the Insanity difficulty easily.

assault rifle build combat showcase mass effect andromeda

The only concern that may arise, is that the build does not have any combo activation. However, this is definitely not a problem, as our main concentration is Assault Rifles. The difficult part may be to obtain good augmentations for crafting. However, as you progress through the game you will easily research or drop most of them.

When using the build, I felt something like a SWAT operative, that is cleaning each room with precise assault rifle shots. Hitting first, second, and third enemies and just clearing them out of existence. I truly felt overpowered as some of the enemies were just too easy, compared to other builds

The build has been tested on Insanity difficulty

Skills allocation

This section covers how skill points should be allocated for the end game on the Assault Rifle build

Check this post on how to reset Ryder skill points and start using this build

Combat Skills

combat skills assault rifle build mass effect andromeda

Power name Upgrades Choices Description
turbocharge mass effect andromedaTurbocharge
  1. Duration
  2. Damage & Force
  3. Supercharge
One of the pillars of this build. Should be used any time it is not under cooldown and Ryder is in combat. It greatly boosts weapon clip capacity, fire rate, and damage. Almost any weapon with this skill becomes overpowered.
combat fitness mass effect andromedaCombat Fitness
  1. Regeneration
  2. Heavy Lifting
  3. Hold the Line
Provides various stat boosts - max health, shields, weight capacity, weapon damage, etc. The level 6 upgrade, is especially good as it gives 200 damage resistance when HP is low.
combat tools mass effect andromedaCombat Tools
  1. Hover
  2. Any
  3. Aerial Combat
The skill is not exceptionally important early on. However, it improves aerial combat, allowing Ryder to hover for longer. This unlocks some better angles to take out enemies behind the cover.
assault rifles skill mass effect andromedaAssault Rifles
  1. Weight
  2. Clip Size
  3. Shatter Defenses
Pretty obvious choice why we pick this passive skill. It improves Assault Rifle handling, damage, and clip size.

Once the other skills are covered, dump all points into combat skills for a higher Soldier profile level.

Biotic Skills

These can be accessed if you choose Biotic Training when starting the game, otherwise, skip it.

combat skills assault rifle build mass effect andromeda

Power name Upgrades Choices Description
barrier mass effect 3Barrier
  1. Unyielding Barrier
  2. Biotic Alacrity
  3. Saving Barrier
Provides improvements to shields and gives instant shield restore when health is low

Tech Skills

tech skills assault rifle build mass effect andromeda

Power name Upgrades Choices Description
invasion mass effect andromedaInvasion
  1. Outbreak
  2. Weaker
  3. Virulence
The skill is very powerful, especially when fighting armored or stronger opponents. It allows you to shred through them with Assault Rifle. Moreover, thanks to Team Support, you will regain health every time it is used.
tactical cloak mass effect andromedaTactical Cloak
  1. Damage Bonus
  2. Duration
  3. Combat Cloak
An extremely important ability for this build. It is the only choice to avoid enemy fire (besides moving to cover). However, with Combat Cloak, Ryder can also deal a huge burst of damage in 2 seconds.
team suport mass effect andromedaTeam Support
  1. Support
  2. Team Recovery
  3. Life Support
Provides support-type bonuses. Our goal is the level 6 upgrade Life Support. It gives health regeneration that allows freely using Bio-Converter on weapons
offensive tech mass effect andromedaOffensive Tech
  1. Anti-Shield
  2. Detonators
  3. Technical Rounds
Improves various stats of tech skills. Moreover, after each tech skill use, we get bonus weapon damage.
auxiliary systems mass effect andromedaAuxiliary Systems
  1. Weapon Mass Reduction
  2. Enduring Tech
  3. Omni-Vents
Provides general bonuses for tech skills. Not as important for this build, so you can take it later in the game. The last upgrade gives a boost to skill recharge times.


You will need to spend 232 skill points in the combat skill tree to unlock the level 6 Soldier profile
Profile Description
soldier profile icon mass effect andromedaSoldier For this build our goal is to get the highest boost of weapon damage, accuracy, and clip size.

Ability Progression

This section covers detailed ability progression for the best Assault RIfle Build. This is just a suggested progression, feel free to adjust it based on your needs.

Order Skill Description
1 assault rifles skill mass effect andromedaAssault Rifles Lv 4 Unlock the main skills of the build. We need 9 skill points to unlock Turbocharge and Tactical Cloak to be invested in respective skill trees.
2 turbocharge mass effect andromedaTurbocharge Lv 3
3 invasion mass effect andromedaInvasion Lv 4
4 tactical cloak mass effect andromedaTactical Cloak Lv 4
5 turbocharge mass effect andromedaTurbocharge Lv 6 By maximizing these skills we boost Ryder's combat potential and unlock the level 3 Soldier profile
6 assault rifles skill mass effect andromedaAssault Rifles Lv 6
7 combat fitness mass effect andromedaCombat Fitness Lv 6
8 team suport mass effect andromedaTeam Support Lv 6 Unlock the Life Support upgrade for a health regeneration boost.
9 invasion mass effect andromedaInvasion Lv 6 Maximize the active skills and get relevant upgrades
10 tactical cloak mass effect andromedaTactical Cloak Lv 6
11 offensive tech mass effect andromedaOffensive Tech Lv 6 Maximize the passive abilities, this will improve your combat capabilities, defenses, and tech skills
12 auxiliary systems mass effect andromedaAuxiliary Systems Lv 6
13 barrier mass effect 3Barrier Lv 6 (if you have Biotic Training)
14 combat tools mass effect andromedaCombat Tools Lv 6 We take it late because leveling it will not unlock the next level of the Soldier profile, and the bonuses are not crucial.

Now, we are done with the base of the build. However, you still need to pump the combat skills to get the Soldier profile to the maximum of level 6 for huge bonuses to weapon damage.


This section will cover playing the OP Assault Rifle build in Mass Effect Andromeda. Follow the recommendations and it will be easy to breeze through the Insanity difficulty

Fighting strong or armored enemies

This build is extremely powerful when fighting strong enemies like Hydras, Fiends or Einrochs. The only limitation is how accurate you can be.

assault rifle build combat hydra mass effect andromeda

Generally, you would start the combat by activating Invasion. After that, use Turbocharge, target the enemy, and activate Tactical Cloak. Now you are ready to release the volley of shots. The damage is greatly boosted by all of these skills.

Main combat rotation

For general combat, it is fairly easy. Just target an enemy's head, and release a volley of shots. So it mostly depends on how accurate you are. Of course, if you see the shielded or armored enemy, I would first use Invasion, to weaken them.

After this, activated Turbocharge and start shooting. Have a Tactical Cloak ready. In case everyone starts shooting at Ryder, you can easily die. Using a Tactical Cloak will allow it to divert attention and fire again with increased damage.

I would also use Hovering (shooting when jumping) as you may have Aerial Performance optimizer augmentation on your weapon. This greatly boosts damage and gives you a better angle to take out enemies behind the cover.


The build is powerful on its own especially once you get augmentations on your Assault Rifles. Genreally, any companions work. Check the squad builds recommendations. However, one companion shines the most.

cora skills mass effect andromeda

Core has a Shield Boost skill that restores shields and HP. This is especially useful once you get Bio-Converter and don't want to die fast. Moreover, she also has freezing bullets once you maximize Asari Commando, they make the combat much easier.


This section will cover what equipment you should be using with Insanity Assault Rifle Build.


Name Mods Augmentations
N7 Valkyrie mass effect andromedaN7 Valkyrie
  • AR Barrel
  • AR Heavy Magazine
  • AR Light Stock
  • AR Receiver
sweeper mass effect andromedaSweeper
  • AR Barrel
  • AR Heavy Magazine
  • AR Light Stock
  • AR Receiver

Melee Weapons

Name Augmentations Description
asari sword mass effect andromedaAsari Sword Even though you may not use melee weapons, their bonuses from augmentations always apply. Due to this, we want to maximize weapon damage with 5 slots.


Armor piece Stats Augmentation options
kett helmet mass effect andromedaKett Helmet +3%-12% Combat Power Damage
+1%-10% Weapon Damage
maverick armor mass effect andromedaMaverick Chest +3%-12% Weapon Headshot/Weak Point Bonus
+3%-15% Weapon Spare Ammo
+5%-20% Weapon Damage 
kett legs mass effect andromedaKett Legs +3%-12% Combat Power Damage
+1%-10% Weapon Damage 
kett arms mass effect andromedaKett Arms +3%-12% Combat Power Damage
+1%-10% Weapon Damage 

Fusion Mods

Name Description
fusion mod of adrenaline mass effect andromedaFusion Mod of Adrenaline You can try out this fusion mod, which provides instant skill recharge after killing an enemy. The thing is that Assault Rifle build mostly relies on the weapon and not skills. So waiting a few seconds longer will not be a game changer. However, you can always skip it if you do not prefer this mechanic.


Thank you for reading this post on the overpowered Insanity Assault Rifle build in Mass Effect Andromeda. I covered recommended abilities and their progression, best equipment, and tactics.

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Post author zanuffas avatar zanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!