Best Blades Build - Bladedancer

Best Blades Build - Bladedancer - Cyberpunk 2077

By zanuffas
Last updated:
This post covers the ultimate Blade Build for Cyberpunk 2077. With this setup, I intend to show how to create a pure offensive master that only uses Blade weapons - katanas, chain swords, and even knives. You can expect to jump in behind enemy lines and cut them to pieces before managing to do any damage to you!

Blade Build - Bladedancer

The Blade Build is a variation of an already powerful Samurai Katana build, I have covered. Perk and attribute perks are very similar. The main change is that I wanted to offer a build that uses not only Katanas but other bladed weapons - Chain Swords, Knives, Cleavers, etc.

Imagine running around with Chainsword, putting fear in everyone around you as the chain crackles, making the citizen wonder - is this my last second? Well, this is the feeling I want to have with this build.

We are also putting everything to make this build combat-ready. Sandevistan + Quantum Tuner will activate the time-slow for the whole encounter. Countershell and its relevant cyberware will give a very high mitigation chance, resulting in low enemy damage.

So if you are interested in the perfect Blade build, let's dive deep into how can it be created!

The build was created and tested on Very Hard difficulty.


First, let's go through attributes, they provide stat bonuses and unlock new perks. The more points you invest the better options you unlock that allow creating the Samurai build.

Starting Game

Here are the attributes you should take at the game's start. You can allocate a total of 7 points.

I recommend checking Cyberpunk 2077 beginner tips to avoid missing or misunderstanding important things early in the game.

Attribute Allocation Description
ico_refReflexes +3 It will unlock blade-related perks and give a bonus critical chance.
ico_bodyBody +3 Will give us bonus HP early in the game and first-tier perks.
ico_techTechnical Ability +1 Early in the game, we will not be able to exploit the useful perks of Tech, so we allocate only 1 point, to get first-tier perks.

End Game Attributes

Here is how the end-game setup would look with the build once you have all the attributes sorted out:

The build covers its main aspects at about level 40. After that I recommend dropping everything on Cool to get that sweet critical damage boost. So with everything, the build is min-maxed at level 57.
Attribute Allocation Description
ico_refReflexes 20 Maximum reflexes will ensure that we get all the relevant perks for mobility and blades.
ico_bodyBody 15 The Body attribute is important for survivability perk - Adrenaline Rush perk icon cyberpunk 2077Adrenaline Rush​ which will make you sturdier and give some damage bonuses.
ico_techTechnical Ability 20 This is an important attribute that gives armor and unlocks perks to improve Cyberware Capacity. We also want Extended WarrantyExtended Warranty to get a longer duration for our Sandevistan and EdgerunnerEdgerunner perk
ico_coolCool 20 This attribute has the lowest priority, only invest into it after you have everything else covered. It gives a critical damage boost and further increases your late-game damage numbers.
ico_intIntelligence 3 Skip this attribute as it is irrelevant to the build.
Need help with level-by-level attribute/perk progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer attribute picks on each level, for optimal progression.


Let's go through the perks of the Blade Build. You will need about 60~ perk points for the build, and the base game awards about 80 with skills progression and perk shards. So some should be left to adjust the build to your needs.

Reflexes Perks

These will be the main perks of the build as they give direct improvements to blade damage and related mechanics.

reflexes perk blade build cyberpunk 2077

Level 4 Perks

Perk Description
Slippery perk icon cyberpunk 2077Slippery Base perk, that we will need to progress to other levels
Parkour! perk icon cyberpunk 2077Parkour! Because we are melee focused build vaulting faster through obstacles can result in the enemy dead a second earlier. Moreover, it will be a lifesaver when you are running with low health.
Stuntjock perk icon cyberpunk 2077Stuntjock Jumping out of a car and doing takedown is awesome, jumping then air dashing and finishing off an enemy with your blade is even more cooler!

Level 9 Perks

Finally, you will be able to get the first mobility perk. It is useful both for exploration and combat

Perk Description
Dash perk icon cyberpunk 2077Dash Another new perk that gives a short dash to avoid or get close to the enemies.
Mad Dash perk icon cyberpunk 2077Mad Dash Doubles the distance if dashing directly to an enemy
Can't Touch This perk icon cyberpunk 2077Can't Touch This A 100% mitigation chance while dodging is very valuable. This will give you a higher chance of reaching an enemy if you are under heavy fire.
Lead and Steel perk icon cyberpunk 2077Lead and Steel This is an awesome mechanic that allows us to block incoming bullets. Be sure that enemies are attacking you only from one side, as it does not work if we are shot from the back
Bullet Deflect perk icon cyberpunk 2077Bullet Deflect You can now redirect bullets back to enemies. This is very useful as you both deal damage and stagger enemies, allowing you to jump on them.
Seeing Double perk icon cyberpunk 2077Seeing Double Although the perk may not be useful, you want to take it to unlock Flash and ThunderclapFlash and Thunderclap
Flash and Thunderclap perk icon cyberpunk 2077Flash and Thunderclap A strong attack will now do a jump that closes the distance. Some weapons have this effect, so check their description.
Need help with level-by-level Perk progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer optimal progression at each level, to pick correct perks.

Level 15 Perks

Perk Description
Air Dash perk icon cyberpunk 2077Air Dash Extremely cool and effective move that allows dashing in air.
Aerodynamic perk icon cyberpunk 2077Aerodynamic Gives bonus mitigation strength when jumping. I think it is useful in encounters where you are moving a lot, as then you will use Air Dash.
Aerial Acrobat perk icon cyberpunk 2077Aerial Acrobat This is an optional perk. I did not find it to provide any effect, maybe you did?
Finisher: Bladerunner perk icon cyberpunk 2077Finisher: Bladerunner Finishers are mandatory, especially on higher difficulties. They give you a brief time of invulnerability, instantly destroy the enemy, and restore health. With a few more upgrades it will increase attack speed.
Opportunist perk icon cyberpunk 2077Opportunist You want to make Finishers as effective as possible
Flash of Steel perk icon cyberpunk 2077Flash of Steel Gives a huge boost to attack speed after a Finisher
Going the Distance perk icon cyberpunk 2077Going the Distance The biggest drawback of melee weapons is distance. Well with this perk it is somewhat alleviated.

Level 20 Perks

Perk Description
Tailwind perk icon cyberpunk 2077Tailwind Okay, this one requires some practice to use in combat. The main idea is that when doing air dash you can restore stamina. This is important because when fighting with a blade, you will run out of it fast, especially when fighting skull enemies.
Slaughterhouse perk icon cyberpunk 2077Slaughterhouse 25 stamina from dismemberments and finishers have a bigger chance to activate.

Technical Ability Perks

Maximizing Technical Ability will give everything needed to fully exploit the Cyberware. I usually leave these for the later part of the game, as low-level V does not have high cyberware capacity.

technical ability perks blade build cyberpunk 2077

Level 4 Perks

Perk Description
Glutton for War perk icon cyberpunk 2077Glutton for War You will be taking out a lot of enemies, so why not faster healing item recharge?
First Aid perk icon cyberpunk 2077First Aid I think this needs no explanation.
Transfusion perk icon cyberpunk 2077Transfusion If you use the last charge, you are close to being overwhelmed or dead. So a 30% boost is awesome.

Level 9 Perks

Perk Description
Health Freak perk icon cyberpunk 2077Health Freak You now have 3 health recharge items, making combat a bit easier.
Borrowed Time perk icon cyberpunk 2077Borrowed Time Gives instant health item recharge when taking out an enemy when being close to death.
All Things Cyber perk icon cyberpunk 2077All Things Cyber Mandatory perk as we will need as much Cyberware as we can. Reduces its costs
Renaissance Punk perk icon cyberpunk 2077Renaissance Punk With this build, we will have 4 attributes above 9, so worth taking it.
Chrome Constitution perk icon cyberpunk 2077Chrome Constitution With Samurai build we are filling all the slots with chrome, so reduced damage is nice.
Driver Update perk icon cyberpunk 2077Driver Update Adds additional stat modifier to increase various base stats, you would be interested in melee damage.
Chipware Connoisseur perk icon cyberpunk 2077Chipware Connoisseur You can now pick different stat options when upgrading cyberware. This way you can sometimes get bonus melee damage, for even stronger attacks. I recommend this perk for late game when you are optimizing your build.
Need help with level-by-level Perk progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer optimal progression at each level, to pick correct perks.

Level 15 Perks

Perk Description
License to Chrome perk icon cyberpunk 2077License to Chrome Improves Skeleton cyberware and unlocks a new slot for even more chrome
Extended Warranty perk icon cyberpunk 2077Extended Warranty The increased duration is useful for Sandevistan
Cyborg perk icon cyberpunk 2077Cyborg Try to have all the cyberware slots filled. This way you will get reduced cooldowns, meaning you can reuse sandevistan faster. However, this requires filling all the slots, which requires tons of Cyberware capacity. So feel free to take this late
Ambidextrous perk icon cyberpunk 2077Ambidextrous Mainly used to unlock the full potential of the Cyborg perk icon cyberpunk 2077Cyborg​ perk. There are no useful hands cyberware for melee setup, so you will use anything with low capacity cost.
Pyromania perk icon cyberpunk 2077Pyromania With Shock-n-Awe cyberware, this will give a solid boost with a mitigation chance.
Heat Shield perk icon cyberpunk 2077Heat Shield Using together with Shock-n-Awe and Ticking Time Bomb perk icon cyberpunk 2077Ticking Time Bomb, it will activate Pyromania perk icon cyberpunk 2077Pyromania​ and give you a decent increase in mitigation chance.

Level 20 perks

Perk Description
Edgerunner perk icon cyberpunk 2077Edgerunner Reaching the Fury state will greatly boost damage output. Moreover, you get a huge boost in Cyberware Capacity.
Ticking Time Bomb perk icon cyberpunk 2077Ticking Time Bomb Great perk, that can stagger and damage enemies when there are a lot of them around. However, this takes some time to activate with Sandevistan. Still, you get a 50% damage reduction for 3 seconds, a big bonus without any downsides. This will kill any NPCs around, so if that is irritating I would not use the perk.

Body Perks

Now we reach the perks that make the build able to tank multiple enemy hits and shots. This is mandatory especially on Very Hard as few hits can end you.

body perks blade build cyberpunk 2077

Level 4 Perks

Perk Description
Painkiller perk icon cyberpunk 2077Painkiller A very valuable perk that is recommended for any build. We also need it for the progression
Dorph-head perk icon cyberpunk 2077Dorph-head Blood Pump will be one of the main Cyberware that we use to drastically boost HP restoration
Comeback Kid perk icon cyberpunk 2077Comeback Kid Higher health regen, the closer to death you are? Count me in
Army of One perk icon cyberpunk 2077Army of One With Gorilla Arms you will be close to enemies, so having bonus health recharge is good

Level 15 Perks

Perk Description
Adrenaline Rush perk icon cyberpunk 2077Adrenaline Rush This perk will make sure that we have an additional buffer of health. It will counteract the negative effects of EdgerunnerEdgerunner.
Calm Mind perk icon cyberpunk 2077Calm Mind Longer duration of adrenaline rush
Juggernaut perk icon cyberpunk 2077Juggernaut With more movement speed and damage, it gets better and better.
Unstoppable Force perk icon cyberpunk 2077Unstoppable Force Being immune to knockdowns makes close combat even easier.

Cool Perks

I do not recommend any perks, however, the attribute by itself is important as some of your cyberware will give additional stat bonuses like - critical damage, weakspot damage, etc.

Perks - Relic

These perks are available with Phantom Liberty DLC. They will give further improvements to some of the game mechanics.

Samurai Katana build relic perks cyberpunk 2077

Priority Perk Description
1 Vulnerability Analytics perk icon cyberpunk 2077Vulnerability Analytics Shows enemy weak spots, which when hit, create an electricity explosion. It is especially useful against robots and stronger enemies which are hard to chip away with just melee  attacks
2 Machine Learning perk icon cyberpunk 2077Machine Learning Improves Vulnerability AnalyticsVulnerability Analytics by making them appear faster and giving a higher critical damage boost

There are still multiple relic points that you can spend. One option is taking Emergency CloakingEmergency Cloaking​ if you plan on using Optical Cloak. Can be helpful to take better control of the encounters.

If you plan on using Arms Cyberware like Projectile Launch System, don't forget to take JailbreakJailbreak​ and Launch Capacity OverrideLaunch Capacity Override. Otherwise, I don't think other options are worth it.


This section will cover what gear I recommend using with the Blade build. Always try to obtain the highest tier equipment as it provides the best stats and most modification slots.

Best Blades

Here is the list of what Blades I think you should be on the lookout for. There are few other options, but I do not think they bring

Item Description
cut o matic xmod2 cyberpunk 2077Cut-o-Matic x-MOD2 This blade is an interesting choice. It comes with very good stats - 50% armor penetration, additional bleed and burn chance to activate finishers. However, the one downside or plus is that it scares all civilians making them run away (perfect for RP of a serial killer). This will also attract unwanted attention from some NPCs...
gwynbleidd cyberpunk 2077Gwynbleidd
The weapon is truly powerful as it can guarantee critical hits for a huge damage boost after you eliminate a foe. I just recommend making attacks on a stronger enemy, once you kill a weak grunt to activate the iconic effect.
byakko cyberpunk 2077Byakko Very powerful katana, that now has a unique combo effect after killing an enemy. It releases a flurry of hits, easily chipping away at any enemy.
butchers cleaver cyberpunk 2077Butcher's Cleaver A cool-looking thematic weapon. It also comes with higher damage than other options here and gives decent attack speed. As it has a bonus chance to apply bleeding it's perfect for activating finishers.
errata katana cyberpunk 2077Errata A newly introduced fire katana. What makes it special is that hitting enemies on fire deals critical hits. The Katana has a 30% burn chance, but you can also apply it via Incendiary Grenade, Projectile Launch System, etc.
scalpel cyberpunk 2077Scalpel This is the best katana after Act 1 and early Act 2 that you can get, specifically if you are using Sandevistan. While under its effect you will get a bonus of 50% critical chance.

If you find a higher-tier blade you may be on the lookout for these modifications. However, I do not think it's worth switching them with Iconic ones.

Modification Description
severance modificaiton cyberpunk 2077Severance A strong mod that increases the likelihood of insta-kill once the enemy's HP is below 50%.
slice em up modification cyberpunk 2077Slice 'Em Up Increases finisher activation after taking out an enemy.
silencio modification cyberpunk 2077Silencio If you dabble in sneak attacks this mod can guarantee critical hits and increase damage by 50%.
cyclone cyberpunk 2077Cyclone Allows to do non-stop combos for a limited time. To activate it use sprinting, and hit either a target or a vehicle.
bleedout modification cyberpunk 2077Bleedout As blades apply bleeding, this will greatly improve the status effect damage.


Cyberware is a unique mechanic that allows us to fill the build with implants. Early games can be quite difficult as you will have limited capacity. However, as you progress and drop more Capacity Shards, you will be able to equip more.

I will be covering here what is your goal for the end game, to make the build as powerful as possible

First Priority Cyberware

This is what is essential to make the build work. I would even recommend dropping everything else to equip these if cyberware capacity doesn't allow it. These cyberware selections make the core of the build.

blade build first priority cyberware cyberpunk 2077

Slot Cyberware Description
Frontal Cortex 1 newton module cyberpunk 2077Axolotl This cyberware will take the build to the ultimate level. It has a very steep cyberware capacity cost. But it gives cooldown reductions for almost everything.
newton module cyberpunk 2077Newton Module Gives a cyberware cooldown reduction after taking out an enemy. It is not much, however, with multiple kills, the effect adds up.
Skeleton 2 spring joints cyberpunk 2077Spring Joints Improves mitigation strength, complementing other cyberware like Countershell and Neofiber.
Skeleton 1 dense marrow cyberpunk 2077Dense Marrow The bonus weapon damage is substantial. However, this impacts your stamina consumption which might be a problem during longer encounters.
Nervous System 1 neofiber cyberpunk 2077Neofiber Thanks to Defenzikov, the bonus mitigation strength will prove effective in ensuring you receive as little damage as possible.
Integumentary System 1 countershell cyberpunk 2077Countershell One of my favorite cyberware. With this, in case you are under heavy fire it will activate to give a huge boost to mitigation chance. Thanks to other cyberware you will have 70-90% damage reduction for 4 seconds.
Integumentary System 3 shock n awe cyberpunk 2077Shock-N-Awe A mandatory cyberware for any build that is fighting enemies in close range. You release shockwaves that stagger and damage foes. However, together with Pyromania perk icon cyberpunk 2077Pyromania​ and Heat Shield perk icon cyberpunk 2077Heat Shield,​ you will be able to increase your mitigation chance to 100% easily.
Operating System 1 militech apogee sandevistan cyberpunk 2077Militech "Apogee" Sandevistan This version of Sandevistan provides a bit higher damage bonuses but comes with a shorter duration and increased cyberware capacity cost.
militech falcon sandevistanMilitech "Falcon" Sandevistan A bit weaker version, but enough for the the end game. Has 10 10-second duration and adequate combat bonuses.
dynalar sandevistan cyberpunk 2077Dynalar Sandevistan This is the base version that I recommend using from early levels.
biodyne berserk cyberpunk 2077Biodyne Berserk
The only Berserk I recommend. Gives a huge damage boost and makes almost any encounter a cakewalk.
Face 1 kiroshi cockatrice optics cyberpunk 2077Kiroshi "Cockatrice" Optics The best eye cyberware for the Blade build. However, the cost is very steep, so I would leave this for the end game.
kiroshi doomsayer optics cyberpunk 2077Kiroshi "Doomsayer" Optics A lightly improved version that also gives a bonus critical chance based on the Reflexes attribute.
basic kiroshi optics cyberpunk 2077Basic Kiroshi Optics Simple eye cyberware, that I think does the job for this build as you get bonus headshot damage.
Circulatory System 1 biomonitor cyberpunk 2077Biomonitor Automatically heals, makes the combat somewhat easier, as you do not have to worry how long it takes to use a healing item.
Circulatory System 2 heal on kill cyberpunk 2077Heal-On-Kill I would say this is the safest option, it gives an additional layer of HP restoration.
blood pump cyberpunk 2077Blood Pump The most powerful healing item in the game, it will ensure that you don't die while using OverclockOverclock.
Legs reinforced tendons cyberpunk 2077Reinforced Tendons My personal favorite makes traversing much easier.
fortified ankles cyberpunk 2077Fortified Ankles Gives the highest jumps and high boost to armor compared to cyberware capacity cost. But you need to hold the jump button.

Second Priority Cyberware

This is what you should be getting once you have the core cyberware, or you have free capacity.

second priority cyberware blade build cyberpunk 2077

Slot Cyberware Description
Skeleton 3 epimorphic skeleton cyberpunk 2077Epimorphic Skeleton The huge boost to health and armor is a good improvement to survivability. On Very Hard in the late game, some enemies may one-shot you with too low HP.
Nervous System 2 deep field visual interface cyberpunk 2077Deep-Field Visual Interface If you want to maximize damage at the cost of survivability using this cyberware will give 20% critical damage with 20 cool.
revulsor cyberpunk 2077Revulsor Improved version of Reflex Turner, which works similarly to Sandevistan and does not slow you down.
reflex tuner cyberpunk 2077Reflex Tuner Excellent cyberware that kicks in when your health drops below 25%. This has a good synergy with Borrowed Time perk icon cyberpunk 2077Borrowed Time, which gives a chance to gain a health item when on Low HP.
Nervous System 3 stabber cyberpunk 2077Stabber Improves the critical chance for blade weapons.
Integumentary System 2 painducer cyberpunk 2077Painducer
This is recommended if you can afford the cyberware cost. This is a huge lifesaver that greatly reduces big damage and spreads it over a while.
carapace cyberpunk 2077Carapace Gives bonus armor effectiveness when being attacked from flanks.
subdermal armor cyberpunk 2077Subdermal Armor A simple cyberware that has a high armor-to-cyberware capacity cost ratio.
Circulatory System 3 microrotors cyberpunk 2077Microrotors Take this if you want to increase attack speed further and do not care as much about survivability and health regeneration.
threatevac cyberware cyberpunk 2077Threatevac Low-cost alternative to fill the slot

Final Cyberware setup

The last tier of cyberware options. Here is how the build should look in the end. Overall, you should try to fill all the slots if you are using the Cyborg perk icon cyberpunk 2077Cyborg​ Perk. After that as capacity increases, obtain improved options.

final cyberware setup blade build cyberpunk 2077

Slot Cyberware Description
Frontal Cortex 2 quantum tuner cyberpunk 2077Quantum Tuner If you can obtain this one, it is one of the best cyberware to have for cooldown heavy build. Just remember that it will be used up fast due to multiple cyberware utilizing it - Sandevistan/Berserk, Reflex Tuner, Countershell, etc. I would remove Reflex Tuner if you started using this one as this would greatly extend the duration of the operating system.
mechatronic core cyberpunk 2077Mechatronic Core Just an alternative cyberware to fill the slot. It is also okay, for some bonus damage against mechs.
Frontal Cortex 3 kerenzikov boost system cyberpunk 2077Kerenzikov Boost System Although the build is not using Kerenzikov, this still gives a bonus to critical chance based on the Reflex attribute.
Arms projectile launch system cyberpunk 2077Projectile Launch System To be honest, any cyberware works here, so pick the one that you prefer. The Projectile Launch System is great as it allows activating Pyromania perk icon cyberpunk 2077Pyromania​ for additional mitigation chances.
Hands 1 Any cheap Cyberware Fill with anything that has low cyberware capacity, like Tattoos or Ballistic Coprocessor.
Hands 2 Any cheap Cyberware

How to Use the Build

Here I would like to share some general tips that I would like to recommend for the best approach with this build.

Core Mechanics

Let's go through what I think are the core mechanics of the build to maximize its effectiveness.

Keeping High Mitigation Chance

Generally, you would think that having high Armor will increase survivability. However, it is tricky, and to get high damage reduction you will have to put on tons of cyberware. This is problematic especially if you are not min-maxing everything.

However, there are a few combos that I mentioned in the build but will go through again.

  1. Countershell + Neofiber + Spring Joints - gives a good boost mitigation strength and ensures a 60% mitigation chance when losing much HP.
  2. Shock-N-Awe + Pyromania perk icon cyberpunk 2077Pyromania​ + Heat Shield perk icon cyberpunk 2077Heat Shield​ + Ticking Time Bomb perk icon cyberpunk 2077Ticking Time Bomb​ allows easily to stack Pyromania and get a 50% mitigation chance that has a much longer duration.

With the above combos, you can easily sustain a 100% mitigation chance and with high mitigation strength you will be reducing incoming damage by 80%+.

Sandevistan Management

In my opinion for this build, Sandevistan is the lifesaver. It allows you to concentrate and land the perfect shot, which is essential for a fast-moving build like this. Moreover, in the early game, you may need to wait for Sandevistan cooldowns a lot, but this becomes better once you reach level 30 and get access to Militech ones.

From then, you can activate/deactivate it on a whim

Finishers with Sandevistan

This is the main problem that Sandevistan creates when using it together with FInishers. If the finisher is activated while Sandy is active, this will waste precious time and not stop its usage.

An alternative is to deactivate Sandevistan (if you are using Militech ones) and only then do a finisher. However, in the late game, stopping might just take too long and the enemy might just be killed with the next attack.

Overall, this needs some practice to be used together. However, Finishers play an important role in Stamina management so let's get into that.

Stamina Management

The biggest problem with Blades and melee weapons is prolonged combat where you have to do multiple hits sequentially. This uses up your stamina and greatly slows down your attack speed. To circumvent this there are various options:

  • Waiting, which is simplest but breaks the combat and slows it down.
  • Using Finishers - this is best done without Sandevistan being active. While the Finisher animation is running a few seconds will pass which will restore fully or at least partially your Stamina pool.
  • Perks like Tailwind perk icon cyberpunk 2077Tailwind, Lead and Steel perk icon cyberpunk 2077Lead and Steel, Slaughterhouse perk icon cyberpunk 2077Slaughterhouse, etc. These are great as usually you can incorporate them in combat rotation and ensure that you have stamina

As you can see, when I initiated combat and wanted to do finisher I disabled Sandevistan. After that, as combat went on, I drained my stamina. This is when my Katana hits become weaker and slower.

Overall, this is only a problem when you are fighting in longer combat sequences. However, there is one cyberware that overcomes this limitation.

Berserk Operating System

In the cyberware section, I already covered Biodyne Berserk. This is ridiculously powerful cyberware that you may be overlooking. Sandevistan is cooler, but when you want huge damage spikes Berserk is for you.

As you can see Berserk makes one of the most difficult encounters in the game a cakewalk. You become invincible, with no stamina limit and a huge damage boost. The only downside is that the screen becomes red, which I think can be fixed with mods.

Early Game Combat

Okay, let's go through some early-game combat approaches. I recommend checking Cyberpunk 2077 beginner tips for additional information on the early game combat.

Use anything on hand

The early game for melee builds is very punishing, especially on harder difficulties. So just use anything you have on hand - pistols, assault rifles, etc. Slowly start introducing melee weapons once you get Sandevistan/Berserk as this will be your lifeline.

With some practice and more knowledge of the game encounters it will become fairly easy to survive difficult encounters with only melee.

Use Grenades

Consumables like grenades are another great choice to give some crowd control for free. Just throw them on the enemy that you want to stagger. This is perfect when you are waiting for the throwing item to return.

Late Game Combat

The late game revolves around these aspects:

  • Have good stamina management to maximize your damage and attack speed. Be sure to utilize finishers and various perks for this.
  • Learn dashing and air dashing, as this will help avoid enemy bullets and reach your foes instantly.
  • Sandevistan with correct cyberware and constant kills can be sustained for a very long time. Moreover, be sure to deactivate it once there are no enemies to save the duration.


Thank you for reading this post on the Blade build in Cyberpunk 2077. The build offers extremely fun combat with any type of blade category weapon - katana, chain sword, or even butcher's knife! Moreover, with recommended cyberware you will be able to instantly shred enemies to pieces, and perk picks will allow you to glide on the battlefield.

Feel free to leave a comment below!


Post author zanuffas avatarzanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!