Most Powerful Sandevistan Builds

Most Powerful Sandevistan Builds - Cyberpunk 2077

By zanuffas
Last updated:
This post covers the best Sandevistan build for Cyberpunk 2077. The Sandevistan operating system allows users to slow down time. This unlocks numerous possibilities on how to engage in combat. I will go through a few suggested builds. You can make any type of weapon, but I would like to give a few powerful ones that I prefer.

Sandevistan Blade Build

With the recent 2.1 update, Sandevistan builds are still very powerful. The major change was nerf to Militech "Apogge" and buff to Militech "Falcon" Sandevistans. Overall, they are both powerful options and you can use one or another

The first power fantasy that comes to mind when slowing down time and using your Blade to chip away at enemies one by one, while they are barely able to turn around. With Sandevistan that is possible. With the perk we take the build will be a deadly warrior that unleashes flurries of Katana hits.

sandevistan blade build combat showcase cyberpunk 2077

We will be dipping a lot into Cyberware-related perks. Your goal is to have the lowest cooldown for Sandevistan possible and the highest duration. Moreover, some of the cyberware that we use like Axolotl and Apogee Sandevistan uses tons of cyberware capacity. For this reason, we need to be smart with what we take.

The build is tested on Very Hard difficulty, which is my preferred playstyle and ensures that the build is effective


This section will go through the recommended attribute allocation for the Sandevistan build. They will decide what perks you can unlock at which level.

Starting Game

Here are what attributes we should be taking at the start of the game.

Attribute Allocation Description
ico_refReflexes +3 Will give a boost to critical chance. But more importantly, will allow getting 9th-level perks very soon
ico_bodyBody +3 Some HP bonus and the perks from this tree will be the second priority
ico_techTechnical Ability +1 We will be getting this attribute later on, for now enjoy the bonus to armor

End Game Attributes

Here is the goal of Sandevistan Blade Build that we should reach at level 50. This will leave 3 attribute points free, put them where you prefer.

Attribute Total Allocation Description
ico_refReflexes 20 For Sandevistan Build I recommend high Reflexes. They will give a bonus duration of 0.1s per 1 point.
ico_bodyBody 15 We get a decent amount of Body to increase our HP pool.
ico_techTechnical Ability 15 This is an important attribute that gives armor and unlocks perks to improve Cyberware Capacity. We also want Extended WarrantyExtended Warranty to get a longer duration for our Sandevistan
ico_coolCool 15 This will give us a huge boost to critical damage and unlock perks related to perks if you wish to dip into them
ico_intIntelligence 3 We skip this attribute as we do not use anything
Need help with level-by-level attribute progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer attribute picks on each level, for optimal progression.


Let's go through the perks of the Sandevistan Build. We will go through about 55~ perk points for the build, and the base game awards about 65. So some should be left to adjust the build to your needs.

Reflexes Perks

sandevistan stealth blade build reflexes perks cyberpunk 2077

Level 4 Perks

Perk Description
Slippery perk icon cyberpunk 2077Slippery Base perk, that we will need to progress to other levels
Parkour! perk icon cyberpunk 2077Parkour! Because we are melee focused build vaulting faster through obstacles can result in the enemy dead a second earlier. Moreover, it will be a lifesaver when you are running with low health.

Level 9 Perks

Perk Description
Lead and Steel perk icon cyberpunk 2077Lead and Steel This is an awesome mechanic that allows us to block incoming bullets. Be sure that enemies are attacking you only from one side, as it does not work if we are shot from the back
Bullet Deflect perk icon cyberpunk 2077Bullet Deflect You can now redirect bullets back to enemies. This is very useful as you both deal damage and stagger enemies, giving you an opportunity to jump on them.
Dash perk icon cyberpunk 2077Dash Another new perk that gives a short dash to avoid or get close to the enemies.
Mad Dash perk icon cyberpunk 2077Mad Dash Doubles the distance if dashing directly to an enemy
Seeing Double perk icon cyberpunk 2077Seeing Double Although the perk may not be useful, we want to take it to unlock Flash and ThunderclapFlash and Thunderclap.
Flash and Thunderclap perk icon cyberpunk 2077Flash and Thunderclap A strong attack will now do a jump that closes the distance.
Can't Touch This perk icon cyberpunk 2077Can't Touch This A 100% mitigation chance while dodging is very valuable. This will give you a higher chance of reaching an enemy if you are under heavy fire.
Need help with level-by-level Perk progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer optimal progression, so that you could take the correct perks at the best time.

Level 15 Perks

Perk Description
Air Dash perk icon cyberpunk 2077Air Dash Extremely cool and effective move that allows dashing in air.
Finisher: Bladerunner perk icon cyberpunk 2077Finisher: Bladerunner Finishers are mandatory, especially on higher difficulties. They give you a brief time of invulnerability, instantly destroy the enemy, and restore health. With a few more upgrades it will increase attack speed.
Opportunist perk icon cyberpunk 2077Opportunist You want to make Finishers as effective as possible
Flash of Steel perk icon cyberpunk 2077Flash of Steel Gives a huge boost to attack speed after a Finisher
Going the Distance perk icon cyberpunk 2077Going the Distance The biggest drawback of melee weapons is distance. Well with this perk it is somewhat alleviated.

Level 20 Perks

Perk Description
Slaughterhouse perk icon cyberpunk 2077Slaughterhouse Mandatory perk for any Blade-wielding build. Makes it easier to activate Finisher and regain stamina.
Tailwind perk icon cyberpunk 2077Tailwind I would leave this perk optional. Put a point after you have everything else covered related to Healing, Katanas, and Cyberware

Technical Ability Perks

sandevistan blade build technical ability perks cyberpunk 2077

Level 4 Perks

Perk Description
Glutton for War perk icon cyberpunk 2077Glutton for War Faster health item restoration after each kill
Transfusion perk icon cyberpunk 2077Transfusion If we used the last charge, it means we are close to death, getting a bit more HP is welcome
First Aid perk icon cyberpunk 2077First Aid Higher recharge speed is always welcome for health items

Level 9 Perks

Perk Description
Health Freak perk icon cyberpunk 2077Health Freak 3rd health item will give a huge survivability increase.
Borrowed Time perk icon cyberpunk 2077Borrowed Time In case close to death, gives a chance to instantly restore a health item
All Things Cyber perk icon cyberpunk 2077All Things Cyber Mandatory perk as we will need as much Cyberware as we can. Reduces its costs for Skeleton and Integumentary Systems
Renaissance Punk perk icon cyberpunk 2077Renaissance Punk With this build, we will have 4 attributes above 9, so definitely worth taking it.
Need help with level-by-level Perk progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer optimal progression, so that you could take the correct perks at the best time.

Level 15 Perks

Perk Description
License to Chrome perk icon cyberpunk 2077License to Chrome Additional cyberware slot and higher stat modifiers. We also want this for progression to get the next perks.
Extended Warranty perk icon cyberpunk 2077Extended Warranty The increased duration is useful for Sandevistan
Built Different perk icon cyberpunk 2077Built Different This is an optional perk. However, Cellular Adapter cyberware looks to be very strong and gives a huge boost to Armor

Body Perks

We are interested in Body for its access to health regeneration perks. They will be extremely useful during combat. Moreover, the early game of Cyberpunk 2077 can be difficult with limited healing options.

sandevistan blade build body perks cyberpunk 2077

Level 4 Perks

Perk Description
Painkiller perk icon cyberpunk 2077Painkiller With the recent 2.0 patch, I think this perk is mandatory for any build. Especially early game healing is sparse, so to be able to regenerate in combat is a good quality of life improvement
Comeback Kid perk icon cyberpunk 2077Comeback Kid Seems an obvious choice, who does not want higher health regen closer to death?
Army of One perk icon cyberpunk 2077Army of One Similar to other body perks, being in close combat will always result in enemies surrounding you, this just takes advantage of that to give higher health regen.
Dorph-head perk icon cyberpunk 2077Dorph-head Blood Pump is one of the mandatory cyberware for the build, and getting a 100% mitigation chance is great

Level 15 Perks

Perk Description
Adrenaline Rush perk icon cyberpunk 2077Adrenaline Rush Drastically increases your survivability, by giving a second layer of HP. This will activate any time we use a healing item. For this reason, I recommend having Blood Pump, especially in the late game.
Calm Mind perk icon cyberpunk 2077Calm Mind Totally optional perk. Because you will be under constant fire, the three seconds may never come. Pick this perk once you have everything else covered
Juggernaut perk icon cyberpunk 2077Juggernaut 20% movement speed and 10% damage while Adrenaline Rush is active? Let's go
Unstoppable Force perk icon cyberpunk 2077Unstoppable Force Optional perk, that improves resistances against knockdowns.

Cool Perks (Stealth option)

Investing in cool will give us some synergies for our build. First, it will give improvements to stealth that we can utilize to take down a few enemies. Moreover, we can use this together with Sandevistan to sneak on the enemy, kill them, and gain even higher duration, for more kills.

sandevistan stealth blade build combat throwing knives showcase cyberpunk 2077

Regarding Throwing Blades, I think it is optional. This is just a ranged option that I think fits the build thematically. Moreover, you can easily take down enemies in Sandevistan while Throwing Blades and greatly increase its duration effect.

sandevistan stealth blade build cool perks cyberpunk 2077

Level 4 Perks

Perk Description
Feline Footwork perk icon cyberpunk 2077Feline Footwork Improves crouching, allowing for better sneaking
Blind Spot perk icon cyberpunk 2077Blind Spot This will increase the time it takes enemies to detect you. I think it may be optional on easy but on Very Hard it is mandatory for any stealth build.
Killer Instinct perk icon cyberpunk 2077Killer Instinct Throwing Knives deal more damage from stealth? Sign me up
Quick Getaway perk icon cyberpunk 2077Quick Getaway This one is optional. Higher movement speed is great, but not really mandatory when hidden

Level 9 Perks

Perk Description
Scorpion Sting perk icon cyberpunk 2077Scorpion Sting Faster recovery and applied poison are good bonuses. Moreover, with the next upgrades it will become even more powerful
Accelerated Toxin Absorption perk icon cyberpunk 2077Accelerated Toxin Absorption Now if you carry two throwing knives, using them one after another (with headshots) will deal substantial damage from Poison.
Neurotoxin perk icon cyberpunk 2077Neurotoxin Bleeding will help with Katana finishers and Blinding is a good effect by itself against enemies with guns.
Corrosion perk icon cyberpunk 2077Corrosion Easier to combat mechs with Throwing Knives

Level 15 Perks

Perk Description
Ninjutsu perk icon cyberpunk 2077Ninjutsu Gives a huge mobility boost when stealthing. You can easily run through enemies and they will not even notice you.
Creeping Death perk icon cyberpunk 2077Creeping Death Improvements to Optical Camo cyberware
Serpentine perk icon cyberpunk 2077Serpentine Higher mitigation chance will also decrease the likelihood of detection from Blind SpotBlind Spot
Juggler perk icon cyberpunk 2077Juggler Gives bonus damage and most importantly you can now chain-throwing knives if you successfully neutralize targets
Sleight of Hand perk icon cyberpunk 2077Sleight of Hand This allows for making amazing combos with Katana. use Throwing Knife on a weak enemy that will die and follow up with Katana and 20% increased critical damage.
Finisher: Act of Mercy perk icon cyberpunk 2077Finisher: Act of Mercy Finishers are always welcome
Pounce perk icon cyberpunk 2077Pounce What makes this good is that now if an enemy is Elite, you can just throw two knives and finish them off with a finisher.

Sandevistan Deadeye Build

Who does not imagine themselves activating Sandevistan, equipping a pistol + suppressor, and slowly, one by one removing enemies? The time returns to normal and all the bodies fall to the floor. Your heavy cyberware body is ready for another Sandevistan now with two Elites coming your way. You equip a Sniper Rifle, activate Sandy and in two seconds, both of them lie on the ground.

sandevistan deadeye combat showcase build cyberpuk 2077

This is how it feels running a Deadeye build. The build relies on precision and landing headshots so that once the time returns to normal enemies are gone. For this, we will go deep into Cool Tree, which gives stealth-related perks and improves weapons like Sniper Rifles, Precision Rifles, and pistols.

Of course, for this build to shine, you will need to put the effort into landing headshots and weak spots, unfortunately without this, the damage falls off heavily and you will not be able to sustain Sandevistan for a long time. You need to neutralize the enemies so that the cooldown of Sandevistan falls down.

So let's jump into it!


This section will go through the recommended attribute allocation for the Sandevistan build. They will decide what perks you can unlock at which level.

Starting Game

Here are what attributes we should be taking at the start of the game.

Attribute Allocation Description
ico_coolCool +3 Gives a higher critical damage bonus and faster access to level 9 Cool perks for weapons
ico_bodyBody +1 We need one point to access the first perk
ico_techTechnical Ability +3 We will be relying heavily on Cyberware for this build. Moreover, this provides bonus armor

End Game

Here is the goal of Sandevistan Blade Build that we should reach at level 50. This will leave 3 attribute points free, put them where you prefer.

Attribute Total Allocation Description
ico_refReflexes 15 For Sandevistan Build I recommend high Reflexes. They will give a bonus duration of 0.1s per 1 point.
ico_bodyBody 13 We get a decent amount of Body to increase our HP pool. However, as this is more of a stealth build and we want to avoid direct combat, we forgo Adrenaline RushAdrenaline Rush
ico_techTechnical Ability 15 This is an important attribute that gives armor and unlocks perks to improve Cyberware Capacity. We also want Extended WarrantyExtended Warranty to get a longer duration for our Sandevistan
ico_coolCool 20 The main attribute of Sandevistan Deadeye build. Improves all Cool-related weapon's effectiveness and critical damage.
ico_intIntelligence 3 We skip this attribute as we do not use anything
Need help with level-by-level attribute progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer attribute picks on each level, for optimal progression.


Let's go through the perks of the Sandevistan Deadeye Build. We will go through about 55~ perk points for the build, and the base game awards about 65. So some should be left to adjust the build to your needs.

Cool Perks

This tree will help us with stealth approaches and improve weapon damage.

sandevistan deadeye build cool perks cyberpunk 2077

Level 4 Perks

Perk Description
Feline Footwork perk icon cyberpunk 2077Feline Footwork Improves crouching, allowing for better sneaking
Blind Spot perk icon cyberpunk 2077Blind Spot This will increase the time it takes enemies to detect you. I think it may be optional on Easy difficulty but on Very Hard it is mandatory for any stealth build.
Killer Instinct perk icon cyberpunk 2077Killer Instinct Throwing Knives deal more damage from stealth? Sign me up
Gag Order perk icon cyberpunk 2077Gag Order Delay detection is useful when you are playing stealth build

Level 9 Perks

Perk Description
Focus perk icon cyberpunk 2077Focus Ensures that you can shoot without expending stamina. The duration is short. However, using it together with Sandevistan will activate Focus for longer.
Head to Head perk icon cyberpunk 2077Head to Head Now you can chain Focus, by neutralizing enemies one after another.
Pull! perk icon cyberpunk 2077Pull! Totally optional perk, but it looks cool when you do that.
Rinse and Reload perk icon cyberpunk 2077Rinse and Reload Faster reload speed? Take it
No Sweat perk icon cyberpunk 2077No Sweat Less stamina cost for using Focus, if taking out enemies.
Deep Breath perk icon cyberpunk 2077Deep Breath This is the cream of the crop perk, that makes encounters much easier as you can land precise shots easier.

Level 15 Perks

The next set of Perks. Unfortunately, I do not take anything from the stealth side, like NinjutsuNinjutsu. The cost of stamina really deters, if the situation arises and you want to activate FocusFocus, you won't be able to.

sandevistan deadeye stealth kills showcase build cyberpuk 2077

Perk Description
Deadeye perk icon cyberpunk 2077Deadeye The coolest perk for the Sandevistan Blade build. Gives bonus weak spot and headshot damage. Moreover, no bullet spread!
California Reaper perk icon cyberpunk 2077California Reaper Restore some stamina, to activate Focus or sustain shots for longer.
High Noon perk icon cyberpunk 2077High Noon This is an amazing perk. When reloading you will slow down time. It is good as you can use that time to evaluate the situation and decide on the next steps that you take.
Long Shot perk icon cyberpunk 2077Long Shot Disregard distance in damage calculation
Quick Draw perk icon cyberpunk 2077Quick Draw You will be swapping weapons often - pistols for weaker enemies, and sniper rifles for strong ones. Having a faster swapping speed will increase the build's combat capacity.
Need help with level-by-level Perk progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer optimal progression, so that you could take the correct perks at the best time.

Level 20 Perks

Perk Description
Nerves of Tungsten-Steel perk icon cyberpunk 2077Nerves of Tungsten-Steel This is an amazing perk. We get bonus damage to headshots and now on top get guaranteed critical hits. Moreover, shooting from long range also adds bonus damage.
Run 'N' Gun perk icon cyberpunk 2077Run 'N' Gun This is a totally optional perk. I personally did not use it as I do not shoot from the hip even with pistols. But you gain higher movement speed during Focus.

Reflexes Perks

sandevistan deadeye build reflexes perks cyberpunk 2077

Level 4 Perks

Perk Description
Stuntjock perk icon cyberpunk 2077Stuntjock Cool move that can greatly open up combat options
Slippery perk icon cyberpunk 2077Slippery Base perk, that we will need to progress to other levels
Parkour! perk icon cyberpunk 2077Parkour! Vaulting faster through obstacles can result in the enemy dead a second earlier. Moreover, it will be a lifesaver when you are running with low health.
Muscle Memory perk icon cyberpunk 2077Muscle Memory In the heat of battle when you are sprinting or running, reloading will save you precious time
Multitasker perk icon cyberpunk 2077Multitasker Want to do cool kills? Well, this is for you

Level 9 Perks

After this, a lot of new perks open up. Be aware, that Dashes consume stamina, so using them too much will not activate FocusFocus

Perk Description
Dash perk icon cyberpunk 2077Dash Another new perk that gives a short dash to avoid or get close to the enemies.
Mad Dash perk icon cyberpunk 2077Mad Dash Doubles the distance if dashing directly to an enemy
Can't Touch This perk icon cyberpunk 2077Can't Touch This A 100% mitigation chance while dodging is very valuable. This will give you a higher chance of reaching an enemy if you are under heavy fire.
Steady Grip perk icon cyberpunk 2077Steady Grip Shooting while Dashing? What can be cooler
Need help with level-by-level Perk progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer optimal progression, so that you could take the correct perks at the best time.

Level 15 Perks

Perk Description
Air Dash perk icon cyberpunk 2077Air Dash Extremely cool and effective move that allows dashing in air. Makes traversing faster

Technical Ability Perks

This tree is responsible for higher cyberware capacity, better healing, and improvements to Sandevistan.

sandevistan deadeye build technical ability perks cyberpunk 2077

Level 4 Perks

Perk Description
Glutton for War perk icon cyberpunk 2077Glutton for War Faster health item restoration after each kill

Level 9 Perks

Perk Description
Health Freak perk icon cyberpunk 2077Health Freak 3rd health item will give a huge survivability increase.
All Things Cyber perk icon cyberpunk 2077All Things Cyber Mandatory perk as we will need as much Cyberware as we can. Reduces its costs for Skeleton and Integumentary Systems
Renaissance Punk perk icon cyberpunk 2077Renaissance Punk With this build, we will have 4 attributes above 9, so definitely worth taking it.

Level 15 Perks

Perk Description
License to Chrome perk icon cyberpunk 2077License to Chrome Additional cyberware slot and higher stat modifiers. We also want this for progression to get the next perks.
Extended Warranty perk icon cyberpunk 2077Extended Warranty The increased duration is useful for Sandevistan
Cyborg perk icon cyberpunk 2077Cyborg I would leave this perk for later. It will take a lot of farming to have high Cyberware Capacity to fill all the slots, so do not prioritize this perk.
Built Different perk icon cyberpunk 2077Built Different This is an optional perk. However, Cellular Adapter cyberware looks to be very strong and gives a huge boost to Armor
Ambidextrous perk icon cyberpunk 2077Ambidextrous Equipping second-hand cyberware opens up a few options like electrocution or better targeting.

Level 20 Perks

Perk Description
Edgerunner perk icon cyberpunk 2077Edgerunner In a sense, this is an optional perk. However, getting the best Sandevistan and Axolotl cyberware already puts the build at 10 cyberware capacity. Unless you have a lot of Capacity Shards, get this one. Moreover, bonus damage from the perk is very useful if you are playing on Very Hard.

Technical Ability - Tech Weapons

I include this separately. If you want to use weapons like Widow Maker, Lizzie, or Rasetsu, (Tech weapons), I recommend getting these perks, as they will unlock additional effects. Just be aware, that they may not work perfectly with the slow effect of Sandevistan.

Level 15 Perks

Perk Description
Bolt perk icon cyberpunk 2077Bolt Better charging speed for Tech weapons and higher damage if you activate Bolt correctly
Internal Clock perk icon cyberpunk 2077Internal Clock Quality of life improvement for BoltBolt
Lightning Storm perk icon cyberpunk 2077Lightning Storm Another upgrade for the main perk
Shock Value perk icon cyberpunk 2077Shock Value Allows the healing of huge damage by penetrating armor.
In Charge perk icon cyberpunk 2077In Charge Definitely an optional perk, but good while you are learning to control these weapons.

Level 20 Perks

Perk Description
Chain Lightning perk icon cyberpunk 2077Chain Lightning Wanna feel like a lightning mage? Well here is a perk for you!

Body Perks

We are interested in Body for its access to health regeneration perks. They will be extremely useful during combat. Moreover, the early game of Cyberpunk 2077 can be difficult with limited healing options.

sandevistan deadeye build body perks cyberpunk 2077

Level 4 Perks

Perk Description
Painkiller perk icon cyberpunk 2077Painkiller With the recent 2.0 patch, I think this perk is mandatory for any build. Especially early game healing is sparse, so to be able to regenerate in combat is a good quality of life improvement
Comeback Kid perk icon cyberpunk 2077Comeback Kid Seems an obvious choice, who does not want higher health regen closer to death?
Dorph-head perk icon cyberpunk 2077Dorph-head Blood Pump is one of the mandatory cyberware for the build, and getting a 100% mitigation chance is great

Equipment recommendations

This section will cover what gear I recommend using with the Sandevistan build. Always try to obtain the highest tier equipment as it provides the best stats and most modification slots.


Item Description
byakko cyberpunk 2077Byakko Very powerful katana, that now has a unique combo effect after killing an enemy. It releases a flurry of hits, easily chipping away at any enemy.
scalpel katana cyberpunk 2077Scalpel
Boy oh boy. This is a mandatory weapon to get in Act 1. It perfectly fits Sandevistan cyberware and gets huge bonuses while using it. Moreover, it deals electrical damage by itself.
satori cyberpunk 2077Satori If you get this before Scalpel use it. Otherwise, skip it. Unfortunately, it was weakened after the 2.0 update.

Cyberware - Frontal Cortex

Slot Item Description
1 axolotl cyberpunk 2077Axolotl This is crazy powerful cyberware for Sandevistan. Each kill reduces cooldown by at least 10%. However, it takes a lot of cyberware capacity, so you can switch it with Newton Module as a cheaper alternative.
1 newton module cyberpunk 2077Newton Module
Gives a cyberware cooldown reduction after taking out an enemy. It is not much, however, with multiple kills, the effect adds up.
2 mechatronic core cyberpunk 2077Mechatronic Core Increases damage against drones, mechs, and robots. It is an optional cyberware


Slot Item Description
1 projectile launch system cyberpunk 2077Projectile Launch System
If not going for Arms the Launcher is the perfect option to have on hand, it's an alternative to grenades, but more precise

Cyberware - Skeleton

Slot Item Description
1 dense marrow image cyberpunk 2077Dense Marrow Increases the stamina cost of melee attacks and greatly improves base damage. Only works on melee weapons
2 Synaptic signal optimizer imageEpimorphic Skeleton This cyberware greatly boosts overall health. This will be very useful to provide some bonus survivability.
3 bionic joints cyberpunk 2077Bionic Joints Gives bonus armor

Cyberware - Nervous System

Slot Item Description
1 synaptic accelerator cyberpunk 2077Synaptic Accelerator Gives a time slow before you enter combat
2 stabber cyberpunk 2077Stabber Mandatory for Blades build as it gives a huge boost to critical chance for blades.
3 adrenaline converter cyberpunk 2077Adrenaline Converter
Gives a movement speed boost at the start of combat. Pair this with sandevistan and you run like a wind
3 neofiber cyberpunk 2077Neofiber
Gives higher mitigation chance and strength and scales with Reflexes for bonus critical chance.

Cyberware - Integumentary System

Slot Item Description
1 subdermal armor cyberpunk 2077Subdermal Armor
Provides flat armor increase. Has a low cyberware capacity cost.
2 optical camo cyberpunk 2077Optical Camo It makes it harder to be detected outside of combat. During combat reduces the chances of being hit
3 celullar adapter cyberpunk 2077Cellular Adapter Gives a good boost to armor and provides various bonuses based on technical ability.

Cyberware - Operating System

For the endgame, my recommendations would be these two operating systems. Unfortunately, other ones fall off in comparison

Item Description
militech apogee sandevistan cyberpunk 2077Militech "Apogee" Sandevistan This Sandevistan is perfect for ranged builds as it gives a decent headshot damage bonus. With it, stealth headshots should one-shot most of the enemies. However, its duration has been reduced in the recent 2.1 patch.
militech falcon sandevistan cyberpunk 2077Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan This Sandevistan version is perfect for Melee builds as it gives overall damage increase. With the 2.1 update its duration got increased, making it an excellent choice.
dynalar sandevistan cyberpunk 2077Dynalar Sandevistan
The cheapest option. Generally, it has lower cyberware capacity and gives good critical damage and chance bonuses. If you pair it with Axolotl, this can be a solution for limited-capacity

Cyberware - Ocular System

Slot Item Description
1 kiroshi doomsayer optics cyberpunk 2077Kiroshi "Doomsayer" Optics We are mainly interested in critical chance boost based on the Reflexes attributes

Cyberware - Hands

Slot Item Description
1 handle wrap cyberpunk 2077Handle Wrap A perfect match for throwable knives. Gives a huge boost to critical chance when using them.

Cyberware - Circulatory System

Slot Item Description
1 biomonitor cyberpunk 2077Biomonitor Automatically restores health by using healing items. I started loving this one, as you do not need to waste time and concentrate just on the combat.
1 adrenaline booster cyberpunk 2077Adrenaline Booster
Another option, that restores stamina after each kill
2 blood pump cyberpunk 2077Blood Pump The highest-tier healing option in the game. Also, some of the perks we take improve its effect
3 microrotors cyberpunk 2077Microrotors Gives a huge boost to melee weapon attack speed and bonus critical chance based on reflexes

Cyberware - Legs

Slot Item Description
1 reinforced tendons image cyberpunk 2077Reinforced Tendons My personal favorite makes traversing much easier.


Thank you for reading this post on the Best Sandevistan build in Cyberpunk 2077. With the recent Edgerunners anime inspiration, this will allow you to immerse yourself in the Night City life.

Feel free to leave a comment below!



Heya zan! For a while, I've kept up with your cyberpunk builds long before 2.0 and they have helped me massively. I was wondering if you had any build idea for something like a john wick style of play. Mr. Wick isn't exactly stealthy but he can be. He's very tactical and simple. I was wondering of a build idea you could give that I could try. I'm also level 60, so cyberware capacity isn't an issue.

Hmm, I would go with this build -

And then put additional perks into Assault Rifles. I watched his movies recently so his favourite and main weapon is a pistol. However, for big encounters he would get an Assault rifle (or shotgun).

I would also try going without any operating system and taking Chrome compressor. This would really be a perfect roleplay as John WIck relies on his combat prowess and not hacks. This is just an idea for roleplay :D

Would be glad to hear what you decide and how it goes. Cheers!


I thought about using the build you had gave but then I thought about how john wick wouldn't rely on cyberdeck's or sandy's.


Heya zan! Here's what I went for.

Frontal cortex: Mechatronic core, self-ice

Operating system: Chrome compressor

Arms: Nothing

Face: Kiroshi "The oracle" optics

Skeleton: Epimorphic Skeleton, Rara avis, universal booster

Hands: Microgenerator, immovable force

Nervous system: Neofiber, visual cortex support, kerenzikov

Circulatory system: Biomonitor, blood pump, clutch padding

Integumentary system: Cellular adapter, subdermal armor, pain editor

Legs: Reinforced tendons

If any recommendations, you'd like to give, please do! :D

  • Kerenzikov Boost system for Frontal Cortex.

  • Kiroshi "Cockatrice" Optics, Kiroshi "Clairvoyant" Optics or "Doomsayer" optics. These provide either headshot damage or higher crit chance

  • Take a look at Chitin for Integumentary system

I think that would be all :D


How do you think at this Build:

Frontal Cortex:

-Axolotl (55 Capacity) *Iconic

-Mechatronic Core (5 Capacity)

-Self-Ice (5 Capacity)


-Thermal Projectile Launch System (8 Capacity)


-Bionic Joint (8 Capacity)

-Dense Marrow (16 Capacity)

-Epimorphic Skeleton (40 Capacity)

Nervous System:

-Adreno-Trigger (20 Capacity) *Iconic

-Stabber (12 Capacity)

-Synaptic Accelerator (5 Capacity)

Integrumentary System:

-Chitin (42 Capacity) *Iconic

-Peripheral Inverse (32 Capacity) *Iconic

-Cellular Adapter (30 Capacity)


-Militech Apogee Sandevistan (42 Capacity) *Iconic


-Kiroshi "Oracles" Optic (10 Capacity)

-Behavior Imprint-Synced Faceplate (0 Capacity) *Iconic


-Smart-Link (5 Capacity)

-Microgenerator (10 Capacity)

Circulatory System:

-Isometric Stabilizer (40 Capacity) *Iconic

-Heal on Kill (10 Capacity) / Replace this with the Microgenerators (12 Capacity) for faster melee

-Biomonitor (14 Capacity)


-Reinforced Tendons (8 Capacity)

Total: 417 (419) Capacity of 432 max (Yeah this need to grind for those Drop off Cargo in Dogtown for this absurdly high Cyberware Capacity)


-Errata (Iconic Thermal Katana) * Act 2 at the Disasterpiece it on the forge / Scalpel (Iconic Katana) *Early

-Order (Iconic Tech Double-Barrel Shotgun) in Black Market at Dogtown / Sovereign (Iconic Double-Barrel Shotgun) *Crafting Spec on NCPD hustle at Westbrook

-Erebus (Iconic Blackwall SMG)/ Rasetsu (Iconic Tech Sniper) *Follow the Dogtown story and Help Reed to trigger Somewhat Damage for the Crafting Spec of Erebus)

I would like to hear what playstyle you are aiming for here. Running with a shotgun and Sniper for a long-range? Smart Weapons?

I am partially against two big weapons. What makes it problematic is that you will have to split your perks and attributes. It looks good on paper at level 60, but think of your journey until that time, and you will either have cool perks for one or mediocre perks for both, most of the game.

Overall really detailed comment, thank you! I plan on adding a shotgun sandevistan build sometime in the future


Well I was thinking for melee but switch to other occasionly as I was want to play is Close range combat with Errata and Shotgun for Devastating enemy and sometime from afar to chip them out a little and run'in Sandy to kill them all

Maybe question why I don't want to use the Cockatrice for 30% crit chance? I think it not necessary cuz I planned for close combat with the Errata + Shogun/ Errabus and with the Jailbreak OC Thermal Projectile System as I think it will really fun and I heard the shotgun proc the Pyro perk too. If anyone can do a montage with this it absolute f-ing nutting cool too, beside that the Errata had a unique 100% crit chance on burn so alway go with pyro

Nice, you have everything covered regarding progression. Will not really try to change your opinion as you know what you are aiming for :)



Yeah forgot about some information about the Erebus this SMG will shoot the quickhack on enemy but this quickhack similar to cyberware malfunction (and it scramble the radiocoms too or I'm bug) really good SMG as Close range combat as I wont be able to use it all the time cuz I got this at superlate ingame


Well I will running with the Katana first and next go for the shotgun and I wont put any point to the sniper tree before get to level 50 as the Sniper gun I want is in the DLC


Ohh yeah as I see the last perk of Shotgun tree not really good as I rarely do weapon quick attack so I won't use it and beside what do you do a quick attack when you can blow there head in 1 shot this maybe wrong with the Boss but I will slashing them to the ground anyway


Do you still have the pre-patch builds you posted before? I'm playing on the Ps4 so I'm stuck on v1.6, can't follow these new guides.

Yes, join me on Discord - and I can share it :)


You may want to take a look at the image used for the tech tree in the blade build, body is used twice.

Thanks, fixed it! And added a few previously missing perks


So edgerunner perk not neccessary for the katana build? Just asking since I don't have enough cyberware capacity yet.

If you have no problems with suvivability, then I would take it. With Phantom Liberty you can get both Body and Technical Ability to 20.

Also Cyberware Capacity can be increased with Capacity Shards, that usually can be got from taking out enemies or drops in Phantom Liberty


Is there a chance we can get the attributes by level progression? I'm a casual player and just got level 39 before the 2.0 update. I was in the middle of gathering schematics. I've quit the game until I can find some help on rebuilding my character back to the way it was. Full gorilla arms brawler mode. Hahaha

Hey! For Gorilla Arms, I recommend checking out David Martinez build -


Thank you so much! I meant to comment on your other article.


What would you swap out to get to level 15 cool?

Hello, you mean getting cool level 15 early? I added progression, so I would go for Cool 15 after getting Technical Ability to 9


Please add the level-by-level Progression attributes guide as it helps out a lot!!


The Sandevistan mods are deleted with maj 2.0...

yeah, the builds will have to be reworked, this will take a few weeks...


This isn't a fun build in the beginning so what weapon you choose really matters. I'm level 14 now and went pistols but I find that I'm using many weapons, mostly ranged with shotguns when at close range. The issue with this build is it's a late game build and you might want to sit around a few hours and level up crafting. The cyberware needed to be really good requires you to be high level. You need to finish Act 1 to even start feeling like the build works. Word of advice, really get crafting to 18 by the end of Act 1.

Hey, thanks for feedback. Dynalar Sandevistan Mk.3 is available just after you finish Act 1, and it already has "good" cooldown rates. I would cosider Act 1 as "intro" to the game, even though it could take more than 10 hours. So having this type of build early in the game would make it too easy

Let's see how everything changes once Phantom Liberty is released :)


I'm kind of new to this game, so correct me if this is a stupid question, but shouldn't you have something in the arms slot? like why is it just empty when the mantis blades exist? sorry if theres something I'm missing, I'm just trying to understand the article and the game better.

Hey, so I recommend filling Arms slot if you plan on using Gorilla Fists or Mantis Blades. Otherwise, if you concentrate on rifles or shotguns, you won't be needing them

Updated the build with this information :)


Play your cards correct you can as low to a 12.6 to 8.8 second cooldown so punch the sh#t out of fingers


If you punch fingers use the dynalar sandevistan mk4 they mk3 but 4 is better for a little slower cool down but longer time in the ability


You really should have the iconic katana "scalpel" in your equipment recommendations. While Sandevistan is active, gain 50% crit chance and 100% chance to cause bleed. Perfect for any Sandevistan build, especially any that max out blades skills. Also has a 10% chance to stun. Deals primarily electrical damage, so is also good against mechanical threats. It's like it was literally made for a Sandevistan build.

Good catch! Included the katana in the build :)


Did the heatsink move? Not finding it in Arroyo


It's there. wait 24hours.

Yes, sometimes they dont appear the first time

How are you using a legendary Bioconducter if the requirements are 20 strength same with Microgenerator and legendary Biomonitor which you can get from the ripper doc in the badlands?

Hey, I use Epic Bioconductor as it requires 15 Body. Same for the other two. Trying to get the highest grade possible with the attributes the build has.

Thanks I was just confused because the picture had legendary ones

My bad, so the build can be made by getting to Level 36. After that you still have plenty of attribute points to invest. To showcase this build I went for 20 Body, that allowed me to use legendary Bioconductor


It took me long to realize you also need to level crafting progress to make legendary rarity of mods. Stuck with rare quality right now. Anyone with tips for quick leveling or is pretty much dismantle/craft/repeat ?


Just keep mass crafting/dismantling grenades or craft epic (purple) weapons which don't require legendary (orange) components (and then dismantle it)

Yeah, I now bolded this part in the build: To craft the Legendary tier you will need to have Crafting progression rewards at level 18.

Regarding crafting leveling, unfortunately I personally went craft -> dismantle path the first time I played :D But maybe there are some tricks how to do it faster


Pro Tip: Do NOT install Synaptic Accelerator if using this build. Its slow time effect makes Sandevistan effect stop earlier. This is mentioned in Cyberpunk 2077 Fandom Notes section and i can confirm it happens all the time.

Nice! Thanks for this tip.



I am doing katana build for many points should i have in my attributes at 50?

Reflexes 20, Cool 15, Body 15, Technical Ability 18, Int 3


thanks and is their any recommend perks i should get for Cool?

Hey! Yeah, updated the post with recommended perks from Ninjutsu and Cold Blood trees



Is this build viable on 1.6 patch?

Assuming yes, does it work with mantis blades?

Again, assuming yes, how many levels (attributes/street cred) to actually start shining?

This build was created after the 1.6 patch was released. It works with most weapons. For Mantis Blades, you should concentrate on the Blades tree.

I think this build starts to shine not based on attributes, but when you obtain Dynalar Sandevistan Mk.3

This can be obtained once you finish Act 1 and have Reflexes at 12


Hope they don't nerf this build too (like preventing using more than one heatsink)

Thanks for your guide Zanuffas

haha :D I used this build before Sandevistan was popular and with 1 heatsink. It was still fairly easy, as single use allows to take out most of the enemy groups.

Hey! I came up with a 10 Body, 20 Reflex, 18 Tech, 3 Int, and 20 Cool build. It's a Katana+Knife+Infinite time slow by using Sandevistan with full heatsink and Kerenzikov. 15-second CD with 12-second CD reduction makes it only a 3-second CD, and by using the Kerenzikov to wait it out. I feel like this could be an alternative build for the best Sandevistan build! What do you say?

Hey, this is what this build achieves. 3 second CD with legendary heatsinks and mentioned perks


Do I need 18 tech to get the legendary heat sink? Can I find it anywhere in the game?

You need to get the crafting recipe from Ripperdoc in Arroyo

Once you have it you will need to level Crafting progression bonuses to level 18 (Technical Ability attribute included), to unlock it.


Hi! Can you make a guide of all the best build in the game, alone with all the funnest build to mess round? Much appreciated!

Hey! Most of the builds that you will make with my guides will be overpowered... It mostly depends on items and perks you pick.

Regarding funny builds I will see. Do not have plans yet for that. Thanks for the request :D

Post author zanuffas avatar zanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!