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Felyne - details, drops and where to find

Felyne - details, drops and where to find


Felyne icon
Type Lynian
Locations Shrine Ruins
Frost Islands
Sandy Plains
Flooded Forest
Lava Caverns

This page covers all the details of a small monster Felyne in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR). It includes Felyne combat information, carves, rewards, dropped materials, and locations.

Felyne - Details and Combat

Bipedal creatures that look like cats. Has light hair. They only attack if being provoked. Felynes are hired by Guild to cook or assist hunters in their hunts.

After you beat them in combat they will dig underground dropping shinies

Felyne - Locations

Important! Small monsters may rotate the areas but these are the ones where they mostly appear. So if you do not find them here, check other areas on the map.

They can mostly be found in Melynx's Gatherings locations that you can filter on the map.

Shrine Ruins

You should be able to find Felyne up the cliff, after you climb the tendrils from area 3:

Felyne shrine ruins location

Frost Islands

You will find them close to the area 5

Felyne location frost islands

Sandy Plains

For the upper level of the map check them for area 3, you can often find Felyne there:

Sandy Plains felyne location

If you do not find them there, check the lower level with Melynx's Gathering location:

Sandy Plains Felyne location

Flooded Forest

Check close to the area 7. Climb the cliff where you will get to the location

Felyne location flooded forest

Lava Caverns

Check the top part of Lava Caverns, up on the cliff:

Felyne location lava Caverns

Felyne - Rewards, Carves, and Drops

These tables cover Felyne rewards for different rank variations, that can be used for quests, crafting items and equipment, upgrading gear.

Low Rank

This table covers percentage values for Low Rank items and materials that you can obtain from Felyne

Material Carves Dropped Materials
Pawprint Stamp - 14%
Round Acorn - 32%
First-aid Med - 54%

High Rank

This table covers percentage values for High Rank items and materials that you can obtain from Felyne

Material Carves Dropped Materials
Pawprint Stamp - 14%
Round Acorn - 32%
First-aid Med - 54%

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