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Uroktor - details, drops and locations

Uroktor - details, drops and locations

This page covers all the details of a small monster Uroktor in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR).

These monsters reside near volcanos. They swarm larger monsters' kill to feed. Uruktor attacks upwards from the ground to surprise their prey.


Important! Small monsters may rotate the areas but these are the ones where they mostly appear. So if you do not find them here, check other areas on the map.

Lava Caverns

The right side of the map. Uruktor can be found near places with Lava, usually in area 14 and 13:

Uruktor Lava Caverns locations

Uroktor rewards, carves, and drops

Low Rank

Material Carves Dropped Materials
Uroktor Scale 72% -
Dragonfell Berry 10% -
Sharp Claw 18% -

High Rank

Material Carves Dropped Materials
Uroktor Scale+ 72% -
Dragonfell Berry 10% -
Piercing Claw 18% -

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