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Baggi - details, drops and where to find

Baggi - details, drops and where to find


Baggi icon
Type Bird Wyvern
Locations Frost Islands

This page covers all the details of a small monster Baggi in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR).

Baggies are intelligent creatures hunting in packs. They have blue scales and sharp glare. They release tranquilizing fluids on their preys.


Important! Small monsters may rotate the areas but these are the ones where they mostly appear. So if you do not find them here, check other areas on the map.

Frost Islands

Baggies should be found roaming at area 9:

Baggi location Frost Islands

Baggi rewards, carves, and drops

Low Rank

Material Carves Dropped Materials
Baggi Scale 48% -
Baggi Hide 37% -
Sharp Fang 15% -

High Rank

Material Carves Dropped Materials
Baggi Scale+ 60% -
Baggi Hide 25% -
Acute Fang 15% -

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