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Delex - details and where to find it

Delex - details and where to find it

This page covers all the details of a small monster Delex in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR). It includes Delex combat information, carves, rewards, dropped materials, and locations.

Delex Details and combat

These small monsters are vulnerable to loud sounds when they are under the sand. Use Sonic Bomb to make them jump out

  • Quests: Deliver the Liver
  • Weak to: Sonic Bomb

Delex Locations

Important! Small monsters may rotate the areas but these are the ones where they mostly appear

Sandy Plains

Usually, you will encounter Delex fish moving through sands in area 9 and 10:

Delex sandy plains locations

Delex Rewards, Carves, and Drops

These tables cover Delex rewards for different rank variations, that can be used for quests, crafting items and equipment, upgrading gear.

Low Rank

This table covers percentage values for Low Rank items and materials that you can obtain from Delex

Material Carves Dropped Materials
Monster Guts 45% -
Sharp Fang 15% -
Big Fin 40% -

High Rank

This table covers percentage values for High Rank items and materials that you can obtain from Delex

Material Carves Dropped Materials
Monster Guts 40% -
Acute Fang 15% -
Quality Fin 40% -

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