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Slagtoth - details, drops and location

Slagtoth - details, drops and location

This page covers all the details of a small monster Slagtoth in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR). It includes Slagtoth combat information, carves, rewards, dropped materials, and locations.

Slagtoth Details and combat

These herbivores are very territorial. Their hides are valued for heat and water resistance.

  • Will attack hunter if he stays for too long in the area.

Slagtoth Locations

Important! Small monsters may rotate the areas but these are the ones where they mostly appear. So if you do not find them here, check other areas on the map.

Flooded Forest

They can be usually found in area 2 and 5, close to the pool of waters:

Slagtoth locations Flooded Forest

Lava Caverns

Area 1 is where Slagtoth resides the most often, check it before other areas:

Slagtoth lava Caverns locations

Slagtoth Rewards, Carves, and Drops

Low Rank

This table covers percentage values for Low Rank items and materials that you can obtain from Slagtoth.

Material Carves Dropped Materials
Slagtoth Oil 40% -
Slagtoth Hide 40% -
Monster Bone M 5% -
Raw Meat 15% -

High Rank

This table covers percentage values for High Rank items and materials that you can obtain from Slagtoth.

Material Carves Dropped Materials
Slagtoth Oil 35% -
Slagtoth Hide+ 45% -
Monster Bone M 5% -
Raw Meat 15% -

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Slagtoth attacked me while I was fishing