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Anteka - details, drops and location

Anteka - details, drops and location


Anteka icon
Type Herbivore
Locations Frost Islands

Anteka is a small monster found in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR). These monsters can be aggressive but also provide materials and items that can be carved from their bodies.

Anteka - Details and Combat

These are docile small monsters. However, if threatened Antekas will attack and defend their territory

They drop high-quality pelts and antlers theses are highly valued by the Guild

Anteka - Locations and Where to Find

Important! Small monsters may rotate the areas but these are the ones where they mostly appear. So if you do not find them here, check other areas on the map.

Frost Islands

Anteka may reside in Area 1 of the Frost Islands. Check the lower part of the area covered with trees:

Anteka locations frost islands

Anteka - Rewards, Carves, and Drops

This table covers Anteka rewards for different rank variations, that can be used for quests, crafting items and equipment, upgrading gear.

Low Rank

This table covers percentage values for Low Rank items and materials that you can obtain from Anteka 

Material Carves Dropped Materials
Raw Meat 32% -
Warm Pelt 18% -
Anteka Antler 40% -
White Liver 10% -

High Rank

This table covers percentage values for High Rank items and materials that you can obtain from Anteka 

Material Carves Dropped Materials
Raw Meat 32% -
High-quality Pelt 18% -
Anteka Antler 40% -
White Liver 10% -

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