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Kelbi - details, drops and where to find

Kelbi - details, drops and where to find

Kelbi is a small monster found in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR). These monsters can be aggressive but also provide materials and items that can be carved from their bodies.

Kelbi - Details and Combat

They are small herbivores friendly and not aggressive. When hitting their head they will drop their horn which is known for its healing properties.

When taken down and carved after some time Kelbis will stand up and run away from the area

Kelbi - Locations and Where to Find

Important! Small monsters may rotate the areas but these are the ones where they mostly appear. So if you do not find them here, check other areas on the map.

Shrine Ruins
Kelbi location shrine ruins
Sandy Plains
Kelbi locations sandy plains
Upper level
Flooded Forest
kelbi flooded forest location
Upper level


Kelbi - Rewards, Carves, and Drops

This table covers Kelbi rewards for different rank variations, that can be used for quests, crafting items and equipment, upgrading gear.

Low Rank

This table covers percentage values for Low Rank items and materials that you can obtain from Kelbi 

Material Carves Dropped Materials
Kelbi Horn 30% 100%
Warm Pelt 45% -
Raw Meat 10% -
White Liver 15% -

High Rank

This table covers percentage values for High Rank items and materials that you can obtain from Kelbi 

Material Carves Dropped Materials
Kelbi Horn 30% 100%
High-Quality Pelt 45% -
Raw Meat 10% -
White Liver 15% -

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