Best Jack Builds

Best Jack Builds - Mass Effect 2 (ME2)

By zanuffas
Last updated:

In this post, I will go through the complete guide on how to best build Jack for Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 2 legendary Edition. This will cover what abilities you should pick, how to use them, and what gear to equip.

Jack is called Subject Zero by Cerberus. She is an extremely strong Biotics user that was prisoned in a Cryogenic chamber. During a commotion in the prison, she escapes it and is offered to join Shepard's crew.

So let's start

Jack Build - Biotic Monster

As it sounds this build is all about using Biotic powers. Imagine using only biotic powers to stagger, lift and tear enemy groups. Not only that, you use Warp Ammo to increase Squad weapon damage. This is what this Jack build does.

Of course, it has some caveats which I will explain in the tactics section

Squad points allocation

This section will cover where you should allocate your squad points to maximize the build potential for Jack.

jack squad abilities

Power name Evolution Level (Squad Points)
Shockwave iconShockwave - 2 (3)
Pull Pull Field 4 (10)
Subject Zero - 3 (6)
Warp ammo iconWarp Ammo Squad Warp Ammo 4 (10)

Important! Please read carefully through the build. It takes certain conditions to pull it off. However, it should be really satisfying to use it

Level 1 - 10, early game

At this point in the game, we will want to make Jack effective as soon as possible. So here are my recommendations:

Level Ability Description
5 Shockwave iconShockwave Lv 2
Subject Zero Lv 2
Subject Zero reduces the cooldowns of biotic abilities allowing to cast them more often. The third level will make cooldowns 12% shorter. Shockwave ability is extremely good. It can stagger enemies with its defenses: shields, barriers, armors. Also, it can affect large groups of enemies as it activates multiple times in line. Moreover, the second level will unlock Pull.
6 Pull Lv 1 Pull will allow lifting enemies without any defenses. However, its most important role, for now, is to set up Biotic Explosions for Warp. At this point in the game, I suggest having a companion with Warp ability.
7 Subject Zero Lv 3 Get the third level of the ability to further reduce the cooldowns.
8 -  
9 -  
10 -  

With these investments, Jack should be able to deal with the earliest game situations. Remember to have a companion like Miranda or Garrus who can easily tear enemy barriers, shields, and armors

Important! Save Squad points until you unlock Warp Ammo

Level 11-20, mid-game

Use Pull to set up Biotic explosions or Lift enemies without defenses. However, the most important part is to get Warp Ammo to level 4 as soon as possible

Level Ability Description
11 Warp ammo iconWarp Ammo Lv 2 This ability will allow all group members to deal additional damage to armors, health, and barriers (the only ability that can do that). Moreover, once the enemies are under the effect of biotic abilities Jack will deal additional weapon damage
12 -  
13 Warp ammo iconWarp Ammo Lv 3 Further improves bonus weapon damage to 35%
14 -  
15 -  
16 -  
17 Warp ammo iconWarp Ammo Lv 4 Get the Squad Warp Ammo upgrade. This will increase the whole Squad's weapon damage against most of the enemies in the game
18 -  
19 Pull Lv 2 Increases the biotic ability duration
20 -  

Level 21-30, late game

Unfortunately, it takes a while to pull off this build. However, now everything pays off.

For this part, to work there are some caveats that you need to cover: companions that can tear defenses in AOE. Samara is the best with Area Reave (or Shepard with advanced training and Reave). 

Level Ability Description
21 -  
22 -  
23 Pull Lv 3 Increases the biotic ability duration
24 -  
25 -  
26 -  
27 -  
28 -  
29 Pull Lv 4 Get Pull Field upgrade. Use it after Samara or other companions tears enemy defenses to lift the whole group of enemies. The Warp Ammo will also increase damage against them
30 -  

With all of this, the build is complete.

Tactics and Squad

For the mentioned Jack build to work you will have to put some effort. However, here are my main tips:

  • Have a companion that can strip enemy defenses in AOE. Miranda or Garrus with Overload, Mordin for Flame Blast, or the best - Samara with Area Reave. Then you can use Pull Field on those enemies.
  • Warp Ammo is extremely strong that works on everything except Shields. Moreover, it deals additional damage to enemies under biotic effects.
  • Jack has low health and shields and should be protected or not left out in the open
  • Use Shockwave to stagger a group of enemies if they have their defenses. It works through the obstacles.

Jack Build - Biotic Support

This build is quite similar to the previous one. However, now you would use Jack only as a character to set up Biotic explosions. So leveling priorities change.

Squad points allocation

Jack build biotic explosion skills

Power name Evolution Level (Squad Points)
Shockwave iconShockwave - 2 (3)
Pull Heavy Pull 4 (10)
Subject Zero Primal Adept 4 (10)
Warp ammo iconWarp Ammo - 3 (6)

Level 1 - 10, early game

At this point in the game, we will want to make Jack effective as soon as possible. So here are my recommendations:

Level Ability Description
5 Shockwave iconShockwave Lv 2
Pull Lv 2
Shockwave is a good ability at the beginning of the game, but we mainly take it to unlock Pull. This is the main skill that you will use with Jack to create Biotic Explosions.
6 Subject Zero Lv 2 Increases Jack's Health and Weapon Damage, while also reducing her Power Recharge Time.
7 -  
8 -  
9 Subject Zero Lv 3 Further improves Jack's build stats

Level 11-20, mid-game

Here are squad points allocation in the mid-game of Mass Effect 2

Level Ability Description
11 -  
12 -  
13 Subject Zero Lv 4 After you get the 4th level pick Primal Adept upgrade. With it, Jack will have 25% shorter cooldowns
15 Pull Lv 3 Increases the biotic ability duration
16 -  
17 -  
18 -  
19 Pull Lv 4 Get the last level of Pull and pick Area Pull. It will be very effective at lifting multiple enemies when they are stripped of their defenses.
20 -  

Generally, at this point, your build is finished. You can still do some things to maximize the damage output of Jack, but it will be eligible. I will cover it in the next section

Level 21-30, late game

As I mentioned this is optional, but you can get this ability to maximize Jack's damage.

Level Ability Description
21 Warp ammo iconWarp Ammo Lv 1 With this skill, Jack will deal additional damage to Barriers and armor. Moreover, she will do more damage to enemies affected by biotics.
22 -  
23 -  
24 -  
25 Warp ammo iconWarp Ammo Lv 2 Further improves weapon damage bonus
26 -  
27 -  
28 -  
29 Warp ammo iconWarp Ammo Lv 3 Further improves weapon damage bonus
30 -  


To make this build work it is quite simple. Here are the things that you should have in mind:

  • Have a companion that can strip enemy defenses in AOE. Miranda or Garrus with Overload, Mordin for Flame Blast, or the best - Samara with Area Reave. Then you can use Pull Field on those enemies.
  • Try to spam Pull with Jack whenever the skill is not under cooldown. Then follow up with a Warp to create a Biotic explosion.
  • The best companions for this to work are Sentinel and Adept Shepard, Miranda, and Thane. They all have Warp ability to detonate explosions.
  • You can also get another companion with Pull. This way if Shepard has short cooldowns with Warp you can constantly spam explosions.
  • This build is much simpler than the first one that I shared. However, it can get boring quite fast.

Recommended Jack Equipment

In this section, I will cover the best equipment that you can use for Jack.


Jack is not built for using a Shotgun. She has low health, which makes her an easy target. Moreover, she will not survive in close range. But there is one weapon that is effective:

Weapon Name Effective against Description
geth plasma shotgun mass effect 2Geth Plasma Shotgun Shields
It is fairly effective at longer ranges, and has a faster firing rate. This makes it perfect to be used by AI

Heavy Pistols

Heavy pistols can deal large amounts of damage and are very effective against armors. So it is good to have one.

Weapon Name Effective against Description
M-5 phalanx mass effect 2M-5 Phalanx Armors The most powerful heavy Pistol. As AI is very accurate with weapons, I recommend equipping this one.

Of course you can also go for other options, but generally this weapon should be used against armored targets.


I hope this post helped you to better understand how to build Jack in Mass Effect 2. I offered two builds, which may look similar but play different roles in the group.

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