Tech Weapons - Engineer Build (Patch 1.63)

Tech Weapons - Engineer Build (Patch 1.63) - Cyberpunk 2077

By zanuffas
Last updated:

This post will cover the Best Engineer builds in Cyberpunk 2077. The game provides many options on how to build this type of class. In my opinion, Engineer should concentrate on:

  • Expert Tech weapon handling
  • Master Crafters, able to craft the best weapons in the game
  • Controlling the battlefield with Grenades.

So with these in mind, this is what you can expect from Tech Engineer builds that I will show.

So let's start

Engineer build - Pistol and Rifles

This variation of Tech Engineer will concentrate on using Tech Rifles and Pistols. This gives the advantage of being able to take care of enemies from medium and long-range easily.


This section will cover what attributes you should take for the Rifle Engineer build

Starting the game

  • Reflexes +3
  • Cool +1
  • Technical Ability +3


You can get Tech to 20 at about level 40. This is when you can craft the best Legendary items in the game.

Level Reflex Body Tech Cool Int
10 9 5 7 5 5
30 16 8 14 7 6
50 20 12 20 9 10

Maximizing Tech and Reflexes will make the build very effective with Tech Rifles and Pistols. Moreover, it will allow to craft any type of iconic weapon and upgrade it to the highest level.


These are the perks that I recommend with Engineer build for Rifles and Handguns

Assault (if using Sniper or Precision Rifles)

Unfortunately, there are no Tech Assault Rifles in the game. Of course, one may still use them if one wishes.

tech engineer build assault tree cyberpunk 2077

Reflexes Level Skill Description
1 Bulletjock x3 Increases damage with Assault Rifles by 10%. 
1 Eagle Eye x3 Reduces time to aim down sight with Assault Rifles by 50%. 
5 Covering Killshot x2 Increases Crit Chance with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 8% when firing from behind cover. 
7 Bullseye Increases Assault Rifle damage while aiming by 10%. 
7 Executioner Deal 25% more damage with Rifles and Submachine Guns to enemies whose Health is above 50%. 
9 Shoot, Reload, Repeat x2 Defeating an enemy with a Rifle or Submachine Gun reduces reload time by 20/40% for 5 sec. 
11 Nerves of Steel x2 Increases headshot damage with Sniper Rifles and Precision Rifles by 10/15%. The Assault rifle build can still use precision rifles.
12 Hunter's Hands x2 Reduces recoil with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 5/10% when firing from behind cover. 
12 Trench Warfare x2 Tech Sniper Rifle damage increases by 10% when firing from behind cover. 
14 Named Bullets Increases Crit Damage with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 20%. 
14 Skull Skipper Each headshot reduces recoil with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 4% for 10 sec. Stacks up to 5 time(s). 
16 Bunker Increases Armor and Resistances by 15% while aiming with Rifles and Submachine Guns from behind cover. 
16 Recoil Wrangler Reduces recoil with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 5%. 
18 Long Shot Rifle and Submachine Gun damage increase the farther you are located from enemies. 
20 Savage Stoic Increases damage with Rifles and Submachine Guns by 35% when standing still. 
20+ Punisher After defeating an enemy with a Rifle or Submachine Gun, weapon sway is nullified and weapon spread does not increase for 10 sec. +0.2 sec. per Perk level. 

Handguns - if you use Tech Pistol or Revolver

Engineer build Handguns cyberpunk 2077

Reflexes Level Skill Description
1 Gunslinger x3 Reduces reload time for Pistols and Revolvers by 25%. 
1 High Noon x3 Increases Crit Chance with Pistols and Revolvers by 6%. 
5 Desperado x3 Increases damage with Pistols and Revolvers by 10%. 
5 Rio Bravo x3 Increases headshot damage multiplier with Pistols and Revolvers by 15%. 
7 Long Shot Drop Pop x2 Increases damage with Pistols and Revolvers to enemies 5+ meters away by 25%. 
9 Steady Hand  Reduces Pistol and Revolver recoil by 20%. 
9 O.K. Corral  Deal 50% more damage with Pistols and Revolvers to enemies whose Health is below 25%. 
9 Vanishing Point  Increases Mitigation Chance by 20% for 5 sec. after performing a dodge with a Pistol or Revolver equipped.
11 A Fistful of Eurodollars x2 Increases Crit Damage with Pistols and Revolvers by 30%.
11 From Head to Toe x2 Increases damage done to limbs with Pistols and Revolvers by 7/15%. 
12 Acrobat  You can now perform dodges while aiming a Pistol or Revolver. 
12 Grand Finale  The last round in a Pistol or Revolver clip deals double damage. 
14 Attritional Fire  Firing consecutive shots with a Pistol or Revolver at the same target increases damage by 10%. 
14 Wild West  Removes the damage penalty from Pistols and Revolvers when shooting from a distance. 
16 Snowball Effect  After defeating an enemy, the fire rate for Revolvers increases by 5% for 6 sec. Stacks up to 5 time(s). 
16 Westworld Increases Crit Chance for Pistols and Revolvers by 5% if fully modded. 
18 Lead Sponge  Enables you to shoot with Pistols and Revolvers while dodging. 
20 Brainpower  After a successful headshot with a Pistol or Revolver, Crit Chance increases by 7% for 5 sec. 
20+ The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly  After a successful Crit Hit with a Pistol or Revolver, damage and Armor increase by 30% for 5 seconds. +1% per Perk level. 


Engineer builds need at least 10 Body attributes to fully utilize weapons like Comrade's Hammer or RT-46 Burya.

However, Tech Engineer build also need the ability to quickly change location if needed. Due to this we also get additional Body points to unlock Divided Attention and Multitasker

tech engineer build athletics tree cyberpunk 2077

Body Level Skill Description
1 Regeneration Health slowly regenerates during combat. 
7 Epimorphosis Increases Health regen threshold from 60% to 65% in combat and to 100% out of combat. 
11 Multitasker Allows you to shoot while sprinting, sliding, and vaulting. 
11 Divided Attention Allows you to reload weapons while sprinting, sliding, and vaulting. 
12 Invincible Increases max Health by 15%. 


Engineer build Crafting cyberpunk 2077

Tech Level Skill Description
1 Mechanic Gain more components when disassembling. 
5 True Craftsman Junk items are automatically disassembled. 
5 Scrapper Allows you to craft Rare items. 
9 Sapper x2 Grenades deal 20% more damage.
11 Field Technician x2 Crafted weapons deal 5/10% more damage. 
12 Grease Monkey Allows you to craft Epic items. 
16 Tune-Up Allows you to upgrade lower-quality components into higher-quality ones. 
18 Edgerunner Artisan Allows you to craft Legendary items. 
20 Cutting Edge Improves damage and all damage-related stats of crafted weapons by 5%. 


Engineer build engineering cyberpunk 2077

Tech Level Skill Description
7 Sharpnel All grenade types deal 20 damage in addition to their normal effects. 
9 Up to 11 x2 Allows you to charge Tech weapons up to 75/100% capacity. 
11 Bigger Booms x5 Grenades deal 25% more damage. 
12 Tesla Increases the charge multiplier for Tech weapons by 55%. 
14 Übercharge  Fully charged Tech weapons deal 30% more damage. 
14 Gun Whisperer  Fully charged Tech weapons do not shoot automatically. Does not apply to revolvers. Try out this perk, it is not for everyone. However, it can be a nice quality of life upgrade.
14 Insulation Grants immunity to Shock. I think it is appropriate for an Engineer build to be resilient to Shock
16 Fuck All Walls  Reduces the charge amount needed for Tech weapons to penetrate walls by 30%. 
16 Can't Touch This  Grants immunity to all effects from your own grenades. 
18 Lickety Split x2 Tech weapon charge time is reduced by 20%. 
20 Jackpot  Enables grenades to deal Crit hits. 
20 Superconductor  Tech weapons ignore Armor
20 Revamp  Increases damage from Tech weapons by 25%. Increases charge damage from Tech weapons by 10%. +1% charge damage per Perk level. 

Cold Blood

tech engineer build cold blood tree cyberpunk 2077

Cool Level Skill Description
1 Cold Blood x3 After defeating an enemy, gain Cold Blood for 7 sec. and increase movement speed by 2%. Stacks up to 3 times. The duration of each additional stack is 1 sec. shorter. 
7 Easy Out x2 While Cold Blood is active, increases ranged weapon damage by 20% to enemies within an area of 5m. 
9 Defensive Clotting x2 Increases Armor by 8% per stack of Cold Blood. 


tech engineer build ninjutsu tree cyberpunk 2077

Cool Level Skill Description
7 Assassin Deal 15% more damage to human enemies. 

Breach Protocol

tech engineer build breach protocol tree cyberpunk 2077

Int Level Skill Description
1 Mass Vulnerability x2 Unlocks the Mass Vulnerability daemon, which reduces the Physical Resistance for all enemies in the network by 30% for 6 min. 
7 Mass Vulnerability: Resistances Upgrades the Mass Vulnerability daemon, reducing all Resistances for enemies in the network by 30%. 


tech engineer build quickhacking tree cyberpunk 2077

Intelligence Level Skill Description
1 Biosynergy x3 Allows RAM to recover during combat. Recover 12 RAM unit(s) every 60 sec. 
7 Weak Link Reduces the required cyberdeck RAM for quickhacks used on devices by 1 unit. 
9 Signal Support Increases quickhack duration by 50%. 

Build tactics

The build is very versatile and has many options on how to engage in combat.

  • I suggest not wasting time with stealth.
  • Always have some grenades crafted. This build can easily wreak havoc on a group of enemies. Grenades are easy to craft and they knock out enemies.
  • Once you get higher levels, pistols become effective at long range.
  • I cannot describe how powerful Lizzie pistol is, with the multiple shots that it does on a full charge.
  • You can always craft better gear, ammo, grenades, bouncebacks, etc. Always remember that.
  • If you are using a Sniper or Precision Rifle prioritize standing still and shooting from behind a cover. This way you maximize the damage
  • For pistols it is the opposite, they become very effective when you dodge and shoot at the same time.

Engineer Build - Tech Shotguns

Sadly, I was not able to fit everything that I wanted into this build. However, it became a crazy monster that I did not expect an Engineer build can be. So what is so fancy about it?

Engineer build cover 2 cyberpunk 2077

We mainly concentrate on shotgun damage, grenades, and slowing time. We throw out the window any quickhacks.


This section will cover what attributes you should take for the Rifle Engineer build

Starting the game

  • Body +3
  • Cool +1
  • Technical Ability +3


Getting Reflex to 14 early will allow using an Epic Sandevistan that will be a very powerful Operating System for this build.

Level Reflex Body Tech Cool Int
10 5 9 8 6 3
30 14 14 12 8 3
50 14 20 20 14 3

Important! The build can also be changed a bit. Remove 6 points from Cool and add them to Reflexes. This way you can get Legendary tier Sandevistan that provides a large boost to damage and Crit Chance.


These are the perks that I recommend with Engineer build for Shotguns

Annihilator - Shotgun effectiveness

This perk tree directly improves the effectiveness of Shotguns.

Shotgun build annihilation perks cyberpunk 2077

Body Level Skill Description
1 Hail of Bullets x3 Shotguns deal 10% more damage. Mandatory perk for Shotgun build
5 Pump It, Louder! Reduces recoil of Shotguns by 20%. 
5 In Your Face Reduces the reload time of Shotguns by 30%. 
7 Dead Center x2 Increases damage to torsos from Shotguns by 20% 
7 Bloodrush x2 Increases movement speed in combat by 10% while carrying a Shotgun
9 Bulldozer Increases Crit Chance with Shotguns by 5%. 
9 Mongoose Increases Mitigation Chance by 25% while reloading Shotguns
11 Momentum Shift x3 Defeating an enemy using a Shotgun or Light Machine Gun increases movement speed by 20% for 10 sec. 
11 Massacre x3 Increases Crit Damage with Shotguns or by 30%. 
12 Heavy Lead Shotguns and knockback enemies with more force. 
12 Skeet Shooter Deal 15% more damage to moving targets using Shotguns
14 Manic When entering combat using a Shotgun or Light Machine Gun, your movement speed increases by 20% for 10 sec. 
14 Unstoppable Dismembering an enemy using a Shotgun or Light Machine Gun increases the fire rate by 10% for 8 sec. Stacks up to 3 times
16 Speed Demon You deal more damage the faster you're moving. 
18 Poppin' Off x2 Shotguns have a 50% higher chance of dismembering enemies. 
18 Hit the Deck x2 Increases damage to staggered and knocked-down enemies from Shotguns by 20%. 
20 Biathlete Weapon spread from Shotguns and does not increase while moving. 
20 Bloodbath Dismembering enemies with a Shotgun or Light Machine Gun reduces weapon recoil by 30% for 6 sec. +1% per Perk level. 


Engineer build shotgun athletics cyberpunk 2077

Body Level Skill Description
1 Regeneration Health slowly regenerates during combat. 
7 Epimorphosis Increases Health regen threshold from 60% to 65% in combat and to 100% out of combat. 
11 Divided Attention Allows you to reload weapons while sprinting, sliding, and vaulting. 
11 Like a Butterfly Dodging does not drain Stamina. 
11 Multitasker Allows you to shoot while sprinting, sliding, and vaulting. 
12 Tenacious V Getting hit does not interrupt Health regeneration. 
12 Invincible Increases max Health by 15%. 
16 Dog of War x2 Increases Health regen in combat by 30/60% 
18 Steel Shell Increases Armor by 10%. 
20 The Rock Enemies cannot knock you down. 
20 Indestructible Reduces all incoming damage by 10%. 
20 Hard Mother****** When entering combat, Armor and Resistances increase by 10% for 10 sec. +1% per Perk level. 


Engineer build Crafting cyberpunk 2077

Tech Level Skill Description
1 Mechanic Gain more components when disassembling. 
5 True Craftsman Junk items are automatically disassembled. 
5 Scrapper Allows you to craft Rare items. 
9 Sapper x2 Grenades deal 20% more damage.
11 Field Technician x2 Crafted weapons deal 5/10% more damage. 
12 Grease Monkey Allows you to craft Epic items. 
16 Tune-Up Allows you to upgrade lower-quality components into higher-quality ones. 
18 Edgerunner Artisan Allows you to craft Legendary items. 
20 Cutting Edge Improves damage and all damage-related stats of crafted weapons by 5%. 


Engineer build engineering cyberpunk 2077

Tech Level Skill Description
7 Sharpnel All grenade types deal 20 damage in addition to their normal effects. 
9 Up to 11 x2 Allows you to charge Tech weapons up to 75/100% capacity. 
11 Bigger Booms x5 Grenades deal 25% more damage. 
12 Tesla Increases the charge multiplier for Tech weapons by 55%. 
14 Übercharge  Fully charged Tech weapons deal 30% more damage. 
14 Gun Whisperer  Fully charged Tech weapons do not shoot automatically. Does not apply to revolvers. Try out this perk, it is not for everyone. However, it can be a nice quality of life upgrade.
14 Insulation Grants immunity to Shock. I think it is appropriate for an Engineer build to be resilient to Shock
16 Fuck All Walls  Reduces the charge amount needed for Tech weapons to penetrate walls by 30%. 
16 Can't Touch This  Grants immunity to all effects from your own grenades. 
18 Lickety Split x2 Tech weapon charge time is reduced by 20%. 
20 Jackpot  Enables grenades to deal Crit hits. 
20 Superconductor  Tech weapons ignore Armor
20 Revamp  Increases damage from Tech weapons by 25%. Increases charge damage from Tech weapons by 10%. +1% charge damage per Perk level. 


Engineer build shotgun ninjutsu cyberpunk 2077

Cool Level Skill Description
7 Assassin Deals 15% more damage to humans. Necessary perk for Engineer build.

Cold Blood

Engineer build shotgun cold blood cyberpunk 2077

I would say this is the least important tree for the build. Allocate points to it if you have left any of them.

Cool Level Skill Description
1 Cold Blood x3 This perk allows gaining a stack of Cold Blood for each enemy killed.
7 Easy Out x2 Ranged weapon damage is increased by 20% if hitting enemies within a 5-meter radius.
9 Rapid Bloodflow x2 Health regeneration is increased by 10% for each stack of Cold Blood
9 Defensive Clotting x2 Armor is increased by 10% for each stack of Cold Blood
11 Frozen Precision Headshot damage is increased by 5% per stack of Cold Blood
11 Collagulant Cold Blood stacks are removed one by one.
12 Icy Veins x2 Weapon recoil is reduced by 6% for each stack of Cold Blood you have active.
14 Cold and Calculating Crit Hits now provide a chance to gain Cold Blood. Due to many bullets with Shotgun, you will be able to generate the stacks very fast
14 Pain is an Illusion Reduces damage taken by 5% when Cold Blood is active

Build Tactics

Here are my assault steps for Shotgun Engineer Build:

  1. Initiate the fight with a fully charged shotgun shot. This should guarantee a kill if you also manage to hit the head.
  2. After this activate Sandevistan and run around shooting as many enemies as possible. Each should either kill or knock down an enemy.
  3. After the Sandevistan expires quickly find a cover. What do you do next?
  4. Throw grenades around. They should either finish enemies off or knock them out again.
  5. If enemies are revealed power up the shotgun to shoot enemies through cover or walls.

Overall normal enemy encounters are very easy, especially when you have a powerful Tech shotgun.

Some general tips:

  • Shooting while standing still with a shotgun deals lower damage compared to when moving or running.
  • You can always craft more ammo or grenades, remember that.
  • To be honest you can sometimes kill a group of enemies just by throwing a few grenades.
  • What makes this build very efficient is that you can much better control the speed of the character while using Sandevistan. This also maximizes Shotgun damage.

Equipment recommendations

In this section, I will cover recommended gear for Engineer build in Cyberpunk 2077

Pistols and Revolvers

Item Description
lizzie cyberpunk 2077Lizzie Amazing Tech pistol. Obtained after Act 1. It releases multiple bullets from the single shot
comrades hammer cyberpunk 2077Comrade's Hammer A very powerful revolver that has only 1 bullet per clip. However, this bullet explodes, dealing large damage.
rt 46 burya cyberpunk 2077RT-46 Burya Comrade's Hammer base version. Has 4 round clips. It is a strong revolver, that is readily available throughout the game.
dr12 quasar cyberpunk 2077DR12 Quasar A semi-automatic revolver that can pierce through walls. Takes some practice to use it correctly.
apparition cyberpunk 2077Apparition A very risky option. weapon reveals full potential when V reaches low HP. Then Crit chance, fire rate, etc. is increased. Also, you need to have a Corpo background.

Sniper and Precision Rifles

Item Description
breakthrough cyberpunk 2077Breakthrough A bit better version of Nekomata. Bullets can additionally ricochet after passing through walls.
nekomata cyberpunk 2077Nekomata A powerful Tech Sniper, that is readily available throughout the game
widow maker cyberpunk 2077Widow Maker A stronger version M-179E Achilles. It shoots multiple projectiles and deals chemical damage. One of the most powerful weapons in the game.
achilles cyberpunk 2077M-179E Achilles A decent precision rifle that can be used from long range to take out enemies through walls.


Unfortunately, there is only one Tech shotgun that the Engineer build should use

Item Description
Db-2-satara-cyberpunk-2077DB-2 Satara A double-barrel shotgun that deals pure physical damage.

Weapon Mods

Item Description
countermass cyberpunk 2077Countermass Eliminates horizontal recoil while aiming. This will make shooting with Sniper very easy.
crunch cyberpunk 2077Crunch Increases damage. This is a base mod that I recommend for Engineer build.
neon arrow cyberpunk 2077Neon Arrow Reduces weapon reload time by 5%.
vendetta cyberpunk 2077Vendetta Increases headshot damage by 10%.
penetrator cyberpunk 2077Penetrator Increases Crit Chance
pacifier cyberpunk 2077Pacifier Increases Crit Damage

Armor Mods

Mod name Description
dead eye cyberpunk 2077Deadeye +6% Crit Damage
+15% Headshot Damage Multiplier
Fortuna cyberpunk 2077Fortuna Increases Crit Chance by 4%
bully cyberpunk 2077Bully It gives an 8% Crit Damage bonus
armadillo cyberpunk 2077Armadillo Provides bonus armor. Good for increased survival

Cyberware - Frontal Cortex

Slot Item Description
1 Heal-on-kill cyberpunk 2077Heal-On-Kill This item provides a certain percentage of health after each enemy that you kill. The effectiveness increases with the cyberware rarity
1 limbic system enhancement cyberpunk 2077Limbic System Enhancement Increases Crit Chance
2 visual cortex support cyberpunk 2077Visual Cortex Support Increases Crit Damage
3 mechatronic core cyberpunk 2077Mechatronic Core I recommend this one because it will greatly boost damage against mechs. On higher difficulties, this helps a lot in certain encounters.

Cyberware - Ocular System

Slot Item Description
1 kiroshi optics mk3 image cyberpunk 2077Kiroshi Optics Mk.3 Enables to have additional upgrades for the ocular system. Try to get the highest rarity which is Epic. It provides 3 upgrade slots.


Mod name Description
trajectory analysis cyberpunk 2077Trajectory Analysis Increases headshot bonus damage by 25%. use this mod to increase damage with Throwing Knives
weakspot detection cyberpunk 2077Weakspot Detection Increases Crit Chance by 2%.

Cyberware - Circulatory System

Slot Item Description
1 biomonitor image cyberpunk 2077Biomonitor Instantly restores a large portion of health when it drops below a certain threshold.
2 cyberpunk 2077 feedback circuitFeedback Circuit We take this because the Engineer build uses Tech weapons. It will allow restoring health after a 100% charged shot.
3 bioconductor image cyberpunk 2077Bioconductor You should be able to equip at least the lowest rarity cyberware. It decreases the cooldowns of all other cyberware, including operating systems.
3 second heart cyberpunk 2077Second Heart Take this with the Tech Engineer Shotgun build as it will allow you to resurrect in case you die. Once you feel comfortable you can go for Bioconductor

Cyberware - Immune System

Slot Item Description
1 shock n awe cyberpunk 2077Shock-n-Awe Release electroshock when being hit. Has a certain activation chance.
2 detoxifier cyberpunk 2077Detoxifier Grants immunity to Poison
2 metabolic editor cyberpunk 2077Metabolic Editor
Take this if you will have 14 or more Cool

Cyberware - Nervous System

You can wear 2 pieces of cyberwar for the Nervous System. Try to get the highest Rarity of the mentioned item

Slot Item Description
1 kerenzikov image cyberpunk 2077Kerenzikov You can now slow time when dodging or sliding.
2 synaptic accelerator image cyberpunk 2077Synaptic Accelerator When you are detected slows time. Do not use this with Sandevistan
2 nanorelays cyberpunk 2077Nanorelays Increases Sandevistan and Kerenzikov duration
2 reflex tuner imageReflex Tuner
Slows time when your Health drops to 25%

Cyberware - Integumentary System

Slot Item Description
1 subdermal armor image cyberpunk 2077Subdermal Armor
Provides flat armor increase. Try to obtain the highest rarity for the highest value.
2 optical camo image cyberpunk 2077Optical Camo This is a bad boy. You will become invisible for a few seconds which you can use to take out enemies. Really neat cyberware for a stealth build
3 heat converter image cyberpunk 2077Heat Converter Increases damage if you are burning. Equip this if you have 14 Cool
3 grounding plating cyberpunk 2077Grounding Plating Grant immunity to Shock

Cyberware - Operating System

Tech Engineer builds can use almost any of the operating systems based on the attributes you pick. Here are my recommendations

High reflexes:

Priority Item Description
1 Militech Falcon Sandevistan Mk.5 cyberpunk 2077Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan Mk.5 Provides 20 Crit Chance and 35% Crit Damage while Sandevistan is active. The effect lasts 18 seconds. Enough for most of the encounters.
2 QianT Sandevistan Mk.4 cyberpunk 2077QianT Sandevistan Mk.4  Gives a 15% critical chance and a 15% damage dealt increase while Sandevistan is active.
3 dynalar sandevistan mk 4 cyberpunk 2077Dynalar Sandevistan Mk.4  Increases damage and Crit Chance by 15%. Has a 30-second cooldown.
4 dynalar sandevistan mk 3 cyberpunk 2077Dynalar Sandevistan Mk.3  I recommend getting the Epic version early as possible as it will greatly improve your gameplay.

Operating system mods

Mod name Description
Sandevistan heatsink cyberpunk 2077Heatsink Reduces Sandevistan cooldown
Sandevistan prototype chip cyberpunk 2077Prototype Chip While Sandevistan is active, increases Crit Chance by 5%.
Sandevistan neurotransmitters cyberpunk 2077Neurotransmitters While Sandevistan is active, increases Crit Damage by 15%.
Sandevistan overclocked processor cyberpunk 2077Overclocked Processor Increases duration of Sandevistan

For Tech Engineer build with Shotgun and high Body you can also go for Berserk operating system

Priority Item Description
1 BioDyne Berserk Mk.4 cyberpunk 2077BioDyne Berserk Mk.4 Provides 25% weapon handling improvement and 5% armor bonus. Unfortunately has 60 seconds cooldown. Also provides 20% more ranged damage.
2 BioDyne Berserk Mk.3 cyberpunk 2077BioDyne Berserk Mk.3 Improves weapon handling by 25% and gives 15% more damage bonus.
3 Zetatech Berserk MK.5 cyberpunk 2077Zetatech Berserk Mk.5 This Berserker operating system improves weapon handling by 20% and armor by 10%. The good thing about it is that it only has a 30 seconds cooldown.
4 BioDyne Berserk Mk.2 cyberpunk 2077BioDyne Berserk Mk.2 Rare version, that improves weapon handling by 25% and gives a 10% damage boost. Comes with 60 seconds cooldown

Here are the berserk mods that I recommend:

Mod name Description
devastating berserk cyberpunk 2077Devastating Berserk While Berserk is active, increases Crit Chance
chained berserk cyberpunk 2077Chained Berserk Reduces Berserk cooldown 
sharpened berserk cyberpunk 2077Sharpened Berserk While Berserk is active, increases Crit Damage
focused berserk cyberpunk 2077Focused Berserk While Berserk is active, reduces weapon sway

And if you want to use quickhacks with Rifle Engineer build here are some cyberdecks:

Priority Item Description
1 NetWatch Netdriver Mk.5 cyberpunk 2077NetWatch Netdriver Mk.5 Allows offensive quickhacks to jump to other enemies. I think this is the most powerful cyberdeck for Engineer build. (the main effect of quickhack spread may be bugged)
2 stephenson tech mk4 cyberpunk 2077Stephenson Tech Mk.4 Decreases cooldowns of quickhacks by 45%. Moreover, combat quickhacks have a longer duration of 50%. Very good for Contagion, Overheat, and Short Circuit.
3 fuyutsuki tinkerer mk 3 cyberpunk 2077Fuyutsuki Tinkerer Mk.3 This is a good option if you will use spreading quickhacks like Contagion.
3 Stephenson Tech Mk 3 cyberpunk 2077Stephenson Tech Mk.3 Increases the duration of quickhacks by 40% and decreases their cooldown by 45%.
4 biotech mk 3 cyberpunk 2077Biotech Σ Mk.3 Boosts damage dealt by quickhacks 20%

Here are some quickhack recommendations

Item Description
contagion cyberpunk 2077Contagion Powerful combat quickhack that deals chemical damage over time. Moreover, it spreads to nearby targets making it very deadly against a group of enemies.
ping cyberpunk 2077Ping It is a mandatory quickhack that reveals all enemies that are connected to the network. This will allow you to see all enemies through the walls and plan your encounter.
short circuit cyberpunk 2077Short Circuit A very powerful quickhack that deals electrical damage. It is very effective against robots, drones, mechs, etc.

Cyberware - Skeleton

Slot Item Description
1 bionic joints cyberpunk 2077Bionic Joints Reduces recoil of Ranged Weapons.
2 Synaptic signal optimizer imageSynaptic Signal Optimizer Increases Health. Greatly improves the survivability of Assault Rifle Build in the late game.

Cyberware - Hands

Slot Item Description
1 cyberpunk 2077 smart linkSmart Link
Even though you will not use Smart weapons, this still gives a large boost to damage with the legendary version.

Cyberware - Legs

Slot Item Description
1 reinforced tendons image cyberpunk 2077Reinforced Tendons My personal favorite makes traversing much easier.


Thank you for reading this post on the best Tech Engineer build in Cyberpunk 2077.


Post author zanuffas avatarzanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!