Necromancer Best builds - any difficulty

Necromancer Best builds - any difficulty - Dragon Age: Inquisition (DAI)

By zanuffas
Last updated:

In this post, I will go through the Dragon Age Inquisition Necromancer builds

Do you see yourself as a mage creating explosions on the field? Use the dead to fuel your next spells so that you could maintain control of the battlefield. This is what you could expect of these builds

Unfortunately, there are some caveats with Necromancer that could hinder the new player. For example, the large cost of spells or a long time till mana regeneration kicks in. However, in this post, I will cover how you can maximize your Necromancer build.

Pre Specialization, Level 1 -10

The starting abilities to level 10 may not be optimal but they should help you to learn how to play this type of build.

Order Skill Description
1 Barrier iconBarrier + Energetic Defense Mandatory ability to have for a mage, at the beginning of the game
2 Energy barrage iconEnergy Barrage + Energy Bombardment An excellent ability that does elemental damage based on your staff
3 flashfire iconFlashfire Main fire element skill that you will have early in the game
4 Flashpoint iconFlashpoint If your spell does a critical hit, the next spell has no cooldown. Can work well in the early game with Energy Barrage
5 Clean burn iconClean Burn Will decrease your spell cooldowns by one second each time a spell is cast
6 Fade step iconFade Step + Energizing Step Use this ability to restore mana at any time. Moreover, you can use it to reposition yourself
7 chain lightning iconChain Lightning + Arcing Surge Your main lightning element ability. Can stagger multiple enemies.

With these abilities, you will have multiple elementals available at any time.

Necromancer Builds

Important! To make a necromancer an effective build, when enemies are under the effect of Fear, use the attack button ("Y" on PC). This will force your companions to attack the enemy. By default, AI stops attacking them once they are under effects of Fear

inquisition necromancer specialization

At levels 10-12, you will be able to get a specialization quest and unlock the Necromancer.

Now respec your ability points and take these skills:

Order Skill Description
1 horror iconHorror Your main crowd control ability. Try to use it on archers as they can shred you in a few seconds, so you need to have them under control
2 death siphon iconDeath Siphon This is one of the main abilities that will allow you to faster regenerate mana. However, it may take a while for it to activate. So it is best to have a large mana pool with Sigil of the Great Bear equipped.
3 blinding terror iconBlinding Terror More damage (+15%) to panicked enemies. And especially if you pick Fire spells this will be active often.
4 simulacrum iconSimulacrum Last resort ability. Probably you will die more often than needed until you get a hang of this build. Use those 10 seconds to dish out some non-stop spells.
5 walking bomb iconWalking Bomb + Virulent An extremely good ability, although quite costly for 65 mana points. Try to use it every time it resets. With the Virulent upgrade, the explosions will spread to other enemies.
6 Barrier iconBarrier + Energetic Defense Essential spell for every mage, use it at the start of the combat or if you are getting attacked
7 Energy barrage iconEnergy Barrage + Energy Bombardment An excellent ability that does elemental damage based on your staff, good to mix up your elemental damage
8 flashfire iconFlashfire A strong single-target ability to put Fear into an enemy. I recommend using it on enemies who start attacking you to make them run away
9 Flashpoint iconFlashpoint If your spell does a critical hit, the next spell has no cooldown. Can work well in the early game with Energy Barrage 
10 Clean burn iconClean Burn Will decrease your spell cooldowns by one second each time a spell is cast
11 Fade step iconFade Step + Energizing Step I would even suggest getting this before Barrier if you feel safe enough. This ability has two purposes:
- Reposition yourself at will, to run away or get closer
- Run through enemies to restore mana, before Death Siphon will activate

These are core abilities that should be used throughout any of the Necromancer variations listed below

Winter Necromancer

This is a Winter tree spell variation that mainly freezes and chills enemies around the battlefield

winter ability tree icon

You will concentrate on being a more defensive mage. You will still do damage, however, not as much. However, you will be able to slow any enemy in its tracks, put fear in them and create some shattering combos

Order Skill Description
12 winter stillness iconWinter Stillness It will increase the mana regeneration rate if you stand still. Have in mind, Energy Barrage  moves the character a bit, negating the effect
13 ice mine iconIce Mine + Chilling Array With the Chilling Array upgrade, the mine will activate instantly. The spell can be used both offensively or defensively
14 ice armor iconIce Armor We mainly take this for progression
15 blizzard iconBlizzard + Winter Winds Quite a cheap ability that can be cast in a large AOE range. It will deal damage over time for 10 seconds
16 Conductive Current iconConductive Current Will boost damage if you have less MP. This will always be the case, especially if you have Sigil of the Great Bear.
17 power of the dead iconPower of the Dead Will increase the Inquisitor damage after an enemy dies for a short period of time

Some other good abilities to get:

  • Peaceful Aura - decrease the likelihood that enemies will target you
  • Terror an upgrade for Horror - to boost the effectiveness of the Horror skill
  • Winter Grasp + Winter's Ruin for a combo with Ice Mine

Tactics tips Winter Necromancer

  • Use Fade Step to get close to enemies and use Ice Mine. This way you can use it offensively
  • Walking Bomb should be cast any time it is available.
  • Have Sigil of the Great Bear equipped to increase your mana pool

Storm Necromancer

This variation of Necromancer concentrates on obtaining Lightning skills to further boost it offensive capabilities

storm tree icon

Although you will mainly obtain one additional skill: Chaing Lightning, you will gain many passive abilities. They will greatly boost your cooldown rates and allows casting spells more often

Order Skill Description
12 chain lightning iconChain Lightning + Arcing Surge With the upgrade, you will be able to hit 6 times for 250% weapon damage. Moreover, the enemies will be shocked and may get shortly staggered interrupting their attacks.
13 Conductive Current iconConductive Current Will boost your attack when you have mana missing. The less mana you have the bigger the damage boost
14 stormbringer iconStormbringer You will randomly hit the enemy around the battlefield every 15 seconds
15 gathering storm iconGathering Storm Each attack shortens spell cooldowns
16 power of the dead iconPower of the Dead Killing an enemy will increase your damage by 20% for 10 seconds
17 peaceful aura iconPeaceful Aura Decreases the likelihood that enemies will target the Inquisitor

Some other skills to get if you have additional skill points:

  • Terror an upgrade for Horror - to boost the effectiveness of the Horror skill
  • Lightning Bolt + Exploding Bolt - quite an expensive spell, but can deal large amounts of damage if targeting a strong enemy surrounded by many minions.
  • Dispel - to make enemy mages weaker and despawn Rift enemies

Tactics tips

  • Chain Lightning should be used on at least a group of two enemies.
  • Walking Bomb should be cast any time it is available.
  • Have Sigil of the Great Bear equipped to increase your mana pool

Inferno Necromancer

I think this variation is the best Necromancer build Dragon Age Inquisition.

inferno ability tree icon

Inferno provides one of the strongest spells in the game: Fire Mine. Moreover, you will also unlock the Wall of Fire that can put fear into enemies in the AOE range.

Generally, you should constantly be putting enemies in fear around the battlefield.

Order Skill Description
12 Pyromancer iconPyromancer Although we take it to unlock the next ability it will boost the fear and burning duration of your spells.
13 Fire mine iconFire Mine + Flaming Array One of the strongest spells in the game. Will activate instantly but mines will appear before the character. So to best use it, you will need to be close to the enemies.
14 wall of fire iconWall of Fire + Lasting Flames Use this ability to put fear in the enemy group and make them run away
15 peaceful aura iconPeaceful Aura Decreases the likelihood that enemies will target the Inquisitor
16 power of the dead iconPower of the Dead Killing an enemy will increase your damage by 20% for 10 seconds

Some other skills to get if you have additional skill points:

  • Conductive Current - will increase your damage if your mana is low
  • Terror an upgrade for Horror - to boost the effectiveness of the Horror skill
  • Dispel - to make enemy mages weaker and despawn Rift enemies

Inferno Necromancer tactics and tips

  • Use Fade Step to get close to the enemies and then cast Fire Mine for large damage against a group of enemies.
  • Cast Wall of Fire to block pathways and make enemies run away while you attack them
  • Walking Bomb should be cast any time it is available.
  • When an enemy is under the effect of Fear use the "Attack" command for companions. This way they will start attacking enemies again.


These should be prioritized from level 14+

  • Critical rate – the higher the better, more increased damage

  • Critical Damage – prioritize after the critical rate

  • Cunning – increases critical rate, some armors provide huge bonuses

For lower levels:

  • Magic

  • Willpower

  • Armor rating

Best Equipment and items

To make this build shine you will need Masterwork materials that have a Walking Bomb effect:

Masterwork skill Description Materials
Walking Bomb Will generate Walking bombs more often Fade-Touched Imperial Vestment Cotton
Fade-Touched Lustrous Cotton
Fade-Touched Cotton

fade touched cotton walking bomb

How does this work? Due to you having the Walking Bomb ability you can manually trigger it + activate the Virulent effect resulting in 500% damage. This will also not expand your own mana allowing you to cast your normal Walking Bomb at any time.

Use two different tiers of masterwork materials with the Walking Bomb effect (if you have them) one for 50% weapon damage and another for 75% weapon damage. To proc the effect more often

General Items

  • Sigil of the Great Bear - this is mandatory for a mage. It will double the total mana pool and not weaken mana regeneration due to it being percentage-based.

Weapons - obtainable

Generally, the ones with a boost to critical damage should be equipped when the Necromancer has a 50%+ critical chance

Priority Item Description
1 dai hakkons wisdom iconHakkon's Wisdom This staff gives +100% critical damage. It is a good alternative to Isana's Song if you have at least a 50% Critical chance
2 Isana's Song iconIsana's Song This staff can be obtained in The Descent DLC. Provides +41 to magic. In terms of pure damage, it has no equals. It also has a 10% chance to cast Chain Lightning.
3 Earnest reprisal iconEarnest Reprisal I recommend this staff, only if you have a high critical chance of 50% or more.
4 staff of the void iconStaff of the Void The staff is obtained from high dragon Hivernal. Moreover, it provides adequate stats

Weapons - craftable

Generally, I prefer craftable staves if you have good masterwork and other materials

Priority Item Description
1 Encore iconStaff of Corruption Schematic Although this is Tier 4, I would still go for Wrath of Lovias Schematic which provides better slots for the end game.
2 Encore iconEncore Schematic One of the best staves in the game as it gives offensive buffs for all party members
3 Encore iconWrath of Lovias Schematic The stave gives leather slots for increased critical chance or critical damage

Armors - obtainable

Here is a recommended list of obtainable armor that you can wear.

Priority Item Description
1 the skin that stalks iconThe Skin That Stalks Obtainable only in the Trespasser DLC. Boosts Critical Damage, Critical Chance, and Attack.
2 Vestments of the pure iconVestments of the Pure Similar to the craftable version. So choose the one that you prefer. Gives 45 points to willpower
3 Unique robe icon.pngMasterwork Battlemage Armor Reduces the cost of the abilities and spells. Moreover, gives +6 to the magic attribute
4 robes of high keeper iconRobes of the High Keeper The Robe provides decent stats, especially if you use Focus abilities often. Only available for an elf

Armors - craftable

I think all of the armors listed below are extremely good, choose the one to your liking

Priority Item Description
1 Superior Robe schematic iconSuperior Battlemage Armor Schematic Best craftable Armor. This version has one Cloth and a leather utility slot. Quite powerful and can be bought in Hissing Wastes. Moreover, you can add Arms and Legs upgrades to have an even larger boost to damage
2 suberp antaam saar iconSuperb Antaam-saar Schematic
For this armor, you will need the Spoils of the Qunari DLC pack. The schematic gives 3 Utility slots to increase offensive stats. I think it trades blows with Superior Battlemage Armor Schematic, due to the leather slots that it provides
3 Vestments of the Pure schematics iconVestments of the Pure Schematic Top-tier armor schematic. However, it does not have leather utility/offensive slots

Helmets - obtainable

Priority Item Description
1 cowl of the pure iconCowl of the Pure Can be an alternative to the Mask of the Grand Duchess. However, it will only increase attack and not critical stats
2 helm of drasca iconHelm of the Drasca
A mid-tier helmet, I would recommend equipping this if you do not have the Winter Palace masks or Cowl of the Pure
3 unique Mask iconAmbassador's Mask I would still recommend Mask of the Grand Duchess. However, if you have a high critical rate (50%+), this helmet is much better.
4 unique Mask iconMask of the Grand Duchess The best helmet in terms of the boost to critical chance.

Helmets - Craftable

Priority Item Description
1 Superior helm schematic iconSuperior Skirmisher Hat Schematic Great slots for increasing critical stats. best craft
2 battlemage cowl schematic tier 3Battlemage Cowl Schematic Upgraded version of Tier 2 schematic. Provides better utility slots. Similar to other Tier 3 schematics
3 superior seer cowl schematic iconSuperior Seer Cowl Similar to the other options in Tier 3.


Priority Item Description
1 Superb Amulet iconAndraste’s Sacrifice This amulet provides both mana regeneration and a reduced cooldown modifier. However, it can be risky as occasionally enemies will get taunted as a side effect.
2 kitty's collar icon daiKitty's Collar Recommended by one of the players, this amulet is a strong combo with Simulacrum ability after the Inquisitor dies and resurrects instantly. This way you can have infinite mana in many encounters. I suggest to try it out and see if you like this type of gameplay
2 amulet of renewal icon daiAmulet of Renewal This amulet will increase the mana regeneration rate. A good option for the Necromancer as Death Syphon may take a while to activate
3 Superb Amulet of Cunning Use this amulet to increase the critical chance by 5%
4 Superb Amulet of dexterity iconSuperb Amulet of Dexterity Equip this amulet once you reach a high critical chance of about 50% or more


Priority Item Description
1 Superb Belt iconThe Bind That Guides This belt boosts the critical chance. Only obtainable in the Trespasser DLC.
2 enhanced belt of the winter pact iconEnhanced Belt of Winter Pact
enhanced belt of the winter pact iconEnhanced Belt of Inferno Pact
enhanced belt of the winter pact iconEnhanced Belt of Storm Pact
These belts increase elemental damage by 125% of the respective element. However, the necromancer will have its HP reduced by 50%
3 Superb Belt of health iconSuperb Belt of Health The belt can be obtained in Emerald Greaves. It gives +200 health.
4 belt of life iconBelt of Life Similar to the above belt provides a large increase in HP.


Priority Item Description
1 ring of doubt iconRing of Doubt The ring is extremely powerful as it enables the mage to become invisible. This results in guaranteed critical hits on the most powerful spells
2 enhanced walking bomb ring iconEnhanced Walking Bomb Ring Makes Necromancer's main ability Walking Bomb even more powerful
3 Superb Ring of Critical Damage Gives +20% critical damage, equip it once you have a high enough critical Chance
4 Ring of Slicing The rings boost critical damage by 10% and critical chance by 5%. It is one of the best rings for this build
5 Superb Ring of Critical Chance Gives a +10% critical chance. Great to boost it, if you have less than 50%


This build requires much effort to be used, so I do not recommend it on your first playthrough. However, if you wish for some challenge and role-play as a necromancer it is perfect for you. I try to cover most of the main build ideas so I hope it helps

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